20 Signs That The United States Is Rapidly Becoming a Police State


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2008
20 Signs That The United States Is Rapidly Becoming A Totalitarian Big Brother Police State

Posted by Admin | Comments : (3)
Category : Big Brother, Featured
Tags: Freedom, Martial Law, Police State

Once upon a time, the United States was a land of unparalleled freedom. The rest of the world envied the freedom that ordinary Americans had to think, say and do what they wanted. But all of that has changed. Now Americans have to fear that they will be tackled by a squad of security goons and dragged off to a detention facility somewhere if they spill a Pepsi on a flight attendant or take a few too many pictures of a public building.

The United States used to be the polar opposite of totalitarian regimes like Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, but now America is rapidly becoming very much like them. Due to the fear of a boogeyman living in a cave somewhere or some guy with explosive powder in his underwear we are all being forced to give up our freedoms and learn to live in a Big Brother police state. But have things really changed so much that we have to give up all of the cherished freedoms that our fathers and grandfathers fought and died for? Haven't there always been fanatics and crazies and criminals out there? Why do we suddenly have to become so afraid of them?

In the past, Americans would not let anyone make them live in fear. If some unbalanced individual did something bad, it wasn't the end of the world, was it? No, in the past Americans dusted themselves off and continued to live as free men and women. You see, when we live in fear and radically alter our way of life just to feel a little more secure, we lose. We have let someone else steal our freedom and our dignity.

But now in the name of "security" all kinds of bizarre proposals have been implemented on the local, state and national levels. Somehow we think that if everything that we do is watched, monitored and analyzed we will all be safer somehow.

Maybe we are safer and maybe we aren't, but we are certainly a whole lot less free.

The following are 20 signs that the United States is rapidly becoming a totalitarian "Big Brother" police state....

#1) A new bill being pushed by Senators John McCain and Joe Lieberman would allow the U.S. military to round up large numbers of Americans and detain them indefinitely without a trial if they "pose a threat" or if they have "potential intelligence value" or for any other reason the President of the United States "considers appropriate".

#2) Lawmakers in Washington D.C. working to create a new immigration bill have decided on a way to prevent employers from hiring illegal immigrants: a national biometric identification card all American workers would be required to obtain.

#3) Barack Obama is backing a plan to create a national database to store the DNA of people who have been arrested but not necessarily convicted of a crime.

#4) Just to get on an airplane, Americans will now have to go through new full-body scanners that reveal every detail of our exposed bodies to airport security officials.

#5) If that wasn't bad enough, the Transportation Security Administration has announced that airport screeners will begin roving through airports randomly taking chemical swabs from passengers and their bags to check for explosives.

#6) Starting this upcoming December, some passengers on Canadian airlines flying to, from or even over the United States without ever landing there, will only be allowed to board their flights once the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has determined they are not terrorists.

#7) Organic milk is such a threat that the FDA has been conducting military style raids on Amish farmers in Pennsylvania.

#8) An NYPD officer has broken his silence and has confessed that innocent citizens are being set up and falsely arrested and ticketed in order to meet quotas.

#9) A growing number of police departments across the U.S. are turning to mobile camera systems in order to fight motor vehicle theft and identify unregistered cars.

#10) For decades, Arizona has been known as "the sunset state", but lately many frustrated residents have started calling it "the surveillance state".

#11) Judges and police in Florida have been caught using "secret codes" on tickets in the state of Florida.

#12) An extensive investigation has revealed that between 2003 and 2007, that state of Texas quietly gave hundreds of newborn baby blood samples to a U.S. Armed Forces laboratory for use in a forensics database.

#13) A 6-year-old girl was recently handcuffed and sent to a mental facility after throwing temper tantrums at her elementary school.

#14) One 12-year-old girl in New York was recently arrested and marched out of her school in handcuffs just because she doodled on her desk.

#15) In Florida, students have been arrested by police for things as simple as bringing a plastic butter knife to school, throwing an eraser, and drawing a picture of a gun.

#16) When a mother on a flight to Denver spanked both of her children and cussed out a flight attendant who tried to intervene, she suddenly found herself handcuffed and headed for prison. Why? She was charged with being a domestic terrorist under the Patriot Act.

#17) A new global treaty may force U.S. Internet service providers to spy on what you do online.

#18) A leaked Obama administration memo has revealed plans for the federal government to seize more than 10 million acres of land from Montana to New Mexico.

#19) 56 percent of Americans questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll said that the U.S. government has become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens.

#20) But one other recent poll found that 51 percent of Americans agree with this statement: "It is necessary to give up some civil liberties in order to make the country safe from terrorism."

Once upon a time, the United States was a land of unparalleled freedom.

Fairy tales do usually start with those words. But I'm afraid that you look back to the past with rose-colored glasses, my friend. At what time was the U.S. a land of unparalleled freedom?

It couldn't be when slavery was legal, or when we forced the natives off their land. It couldn't be when women couldn't vote; unparalleled freedom certainly requires that more than 50% of the population be free. So that would narrow the gap of unparalleled freedom to somewhere between 1920 and today.

Perhaps you could pinpoint that era a little more closely for me.
Fairy tales do usually start with those words. But I'm afraid that you look back to the past with rose-colored glasses, my friend. At what time was the U.S. a land of unparalleled freedom?

It couldn't be when slavery was legal, or when we forced the natives off their land. It couldn't be when women couldn't vote; unparalleled freedom certainly requires that more than 50% of the population be free. So that would narrow the gap of unparalleled freedom to somewhere between 1920 and today.

Perhaps you could pinpoint that era a little more closely for me.

Are you saying that even in those early times you speak of some other country had more freedom then we did in the US?

Would you mind naming one.
Fairy tales do usually start with those words. But I'm afraid that you look back to the past with rose-colored glasses, my friend. At what time was the U.S. a land of unparalleled freedom?

It couldn't be when slavery was legal, or when we forced the natives off their land. It couldn't be when women couldn't vote; unparalleled freedom certainly requires that more than 50% of the population be free. So that would narrow the gap of unparalleled freedom to somewhere between 1920 and today.

Perhaps you could pinpoint that era a little more closely for me.

You make an excellent point here. It reminds me of the quote "Freedom of the press belongs to those who own the press".

However, the original post makes some good points also. I think airline security has gotten out of hand. I think our intelligence agencies should do a more specific job of profiling the type of people that need to be screened at airports and let the little old ladies from Pasadena go right on through.

When you screen too many people, the process become rushed and sloppy as has been seen by the number of people who have made it past the screeners only to be caught later.
Are you saying that even in those early times you speak of some other country had more freedom then we did in the US?

Where do you come up with these assumptions? They are usually (always) wildly off-base.

I'm saying that unparalleled freedom implies more freedom than we or any other country has ever had up till today.

So what era was that?
Where do you come up with these assumptions? They are usually (always) wildly off-base.

I'm saying that unparalleled freedom implies more freedom than we or any other country has ever had up till today.

So what era was that?

I guess it was too complicated for you to comprehend. I should have explained it better.

Unparalleled - Definition from Merriam-Webster : having no parallel; especially : having no equal or match : unique in kind or quality.

Now, since the founding of the country in 1776, or even earlier, can you name any country that has had more freedom of speech, freedom to own property, freedom of religion, etc.?

I will grant you that the country has had to adjust as time has gone on, however, at any point in the history of the US has any other country had more freedom?

Let us say in 1776. While we still had slavery, the womens lack of voting rights, and right to own property, etc., can you name a country that allowed for those rights, and more?

Can you name a country today that allows for more rights then the US even though people like you are attempting to end many of those rights, and place the US on an equal footing with the rest of the world?
I guess it was too complicated for you to comprehend. I should have explained it better.

Unparalleled - Definition from Merriam-Webster : having no parallel; especially : having no equal or match : unique in kind or quality.

Now, since the founding of the country in 1776, or even earlier, can you name any country that has had more freedom of speech, freedom to own property, freedom of religion, etc.?

I will grant you that the country has had to adjust as time has gone on, however, at any point in the history of the US has any other country had more freedom?

Let us say in 1776. While we still had slavery, the womens lack of voting rights, and right to own property, etc., can you name a country that allowed for those rights, and more?

Can you name a country today that allows for more rights then the US even though people like you are attempting to end many of those rights, and place the US on an equal footing with the rest of the world?

Freedom is a very broad word. One could argue that prisoners are free because they are given everything they need to survive. Few people would say prisoners have freedom. It is difficult to find a tool that measures freedom. I am guessing Bill Gates feels a higher degree of freedom than the average American. He has they money to pay lawyers and assistants to handle every problem that arises.

Freedom to me is the freedom from everyday hassles. When I was a young man, I could buy and keep a gun anywhere, in any condition. My first car cost $25 and it was legal because it had a license. No seal belts, no airbags, no mandatory insurance, no crash tests, no smog tests. I could cross into Mexico and come back drunk without waiting, without a shakedown, and without a soldier dressed in his camo uniform with a loaded M-16 standing in the corner.

I think freedom relates to to what you used to have and do - compared to now. Oh, yea, firecrackers too were legal.

Slavery, special regulations for women and minorities, etc. were bad things that we inherited from the distant past. American never took away the rights of these people... America gave these people rights (and freedoms) than they ever had in the past.

Osama bin Ladin did more to take away the rights of Americans than any foreign army could ever hope to accomplish. I think he knew that the Americans would over-react and the legacy of 9-11 is not the loss of 4000 lives, it is about the controls, spying, and restriction of freedoms on the American people.

Because of our paranoia, we are loosing those unalienable rights endowed by the Creator.
Can you name a country today that allows for more rights then the US even though people like you are attempting to end many of those rights, and place the US on an equal footing with the rest of the world?

Worldaudit.org ranks countries accoring to the following criteria...

  • Are there free and independent media, literature and other cultural expressions?
  • Are there free religious institutions and is there free private and public religious expression?
  • Is there freedom of assembly and demonstration?
  • Is there freedom of political or quasi-political organization?
  • Are there free trade unions and peasant organizations or equivalents, and is there effective collective bargaining? Are there free professional and other private organizations? (Note: This includes political parties, civic organizations, ad hoc issue groups, etc.)
  • Is there an independent judiciary?
  • Does the rule of law prevail in civil and criminal matters? Is the population treated equally under the law? Are police under direct civilian control?
  • Is there protection from political terror, and from unjustified imprisonment, exile or torture, whether by groups that support or oppose the system, and freedom from war and insurgency situations? (Note: Freedom from war and insurgencies enhances the liberties in a free society, but the absence of war and insurgencies does not in and of itself make a not free society free.)
  • Is there freedom from extreme government indifference and corruption?
  • Is there open public discussion and free private discussion?
  • Is there personal autonomy? Does the state control travel, choice of residence, or choice of employment? Is there freedom from indoctrination and excessive dependency on the state?
  • Are property rights secure? Do citizens have the right to establish private businesses? Is private activity unduly influenced by government officials, the security forces, or organized crime?
  • Are there free religious institutions and free private and public religious expressions?
  • Are there personal social freedoms, including gender equality, choice of marriage partners, and size of family?
  • Is there equality of opportunity, including freedom from exploitation by or dependency on landlords, employers, union leaders, bureaucrats or any other types of obstacles to a share of legitimate economic gains?

And according to them, the 2009 rankings are as follows...

1. Denmark
2. Sweden
3. New Zealand
4. Finland
5. Switzerland
6. Netherlands
6. Norway
8. Canada
9. Austrailia
9. Ireland
11. Germany
12. Belgium
13. Austria
13. United Kingdom
15. United States
16. Estonia
17. France

Hey! I thought all those socialist countries were supposed to be oppressive! But at least we beat France, or that would have been really embarrassing.
Or theres Democracy Ranking 2009

1. Sweden
2. Norway
3. Denmark
4. Finland
5. Netherlands
6. Switzerland
7. New Zealand
8. Germany
9. Austria
10. Belgium
11. Australia
12. Canada
13. United Kingdom
14. Ireland
15. Spain
16. United States :eek:
17. France
The Statue of World Liberty project

1. Estonia
2. Ireland
3. Canada
4. Switzerland
5. Iceland
6. Bahamas
7. United Kingdom
8. United States :eek:
9. Cyprus
10. New Zealand

Basic premise of the index:
No comprehensive global index combines economic freedom and personal freedom. Our goal was to rectify this, and to factor in government size and taxation as a third category so one can get a gauge of a country's libertarian-ness. As it would be a gigantic undertaking without a formalized research organization to create such an index from scratch, considering all the criteria and research required, the second best solution is to compile already existing freedom indices into one comprehensive average by weighting the averages on the same scale.

Breakdown of categories and weights:
Since the indices had differing scales (for example, Freedom House uses 1 to indicate most free and 7 to indicate least free), the results from each index were sequenced on a scale of 100 to zero, from most to least free. Countries included in all four freedom indices were weighted as follows:

Economic Freedom
Heritage/WSJ overall economic freedom Avg. 50%
Fraser/Cato overall economic freedom Avg. 50%

Individual Freedom
Freedom House civil liberties average 45%
Freedom House political rights average 45%
Reporters without Borders freedom of the press average 10%

Government Size and Tax
Income tax burden (Heritage) 16.6%
Corporate tax burden (Heritage) 16.6%
Fiscal burden (Heritage) 33.3%
Government size (Fraser) 33.3%​
2010 Quality of Life Index: 194 Countries Ranked and Rated to Reveal the Best Places to Live

1. France :eek:
2. Austrailia
3. Switzerland
4. Germany
5. New Zealand
6. Luxembourg
7. United States

Our sources
We used the following sources to compile the data for our 2010 Quality of Life Index:

UNESCO Statistical Yearbook; Freedom in the World: The Annual Survey of Political Rights and Civil Liberties; United States Department of Commerce; U.S. State Department; The United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention; The Freedom House Survey; Statistical Abstract of the United States; The World Factbook; The World Almanac and Book of Facts; U.S. Department of State Indexes of Living Costs Abroad, Quarters Allowances, and Hardship Differentials; The World Health Organization; The Economist World in Figures.

And, we ask our editors from around the world to comment on our official findings to give a more realistic view of the numbers.

Well, now we see the results of decades of left wing control, rules, and regulations.

From January 3, 1995 to January 3, 2007 republicans were the majority party in both the House and the Senate.

During that 12 year span they also enjoyed six years (January 20, 2001 – January 3, 2007) in which they were the majority of the House, the Senate and the Executive branch.

If you have any complaints today about the state of this nation, then I think you need ask your republican friends exactly what they were doing (or not doing) in those years that they held power in Washington.

I will happily await the mass exodus of many from our shores, and an end to the mass immigration.

I'm afraid you're stuck with us. So we might as well try to figure out a way to get along.

Besides, we may not be #1 as a nation, but we're still in the top 10-20. So it ain't all that bad.

But I do think it does help to remove the red, white, and blue glasses and get a clearer view of where this nation stands in the world.