End of Ukrainian democracy, beginning of dictatorship

You talk nonsense. The fact that the founding father with the most slaves was an atheist totally blows your crap theory out of the water.
No it doesn't *****
One person doesn't disprove a country full of people
America was run by Christians and had slavery
You are stupid lol
No it doesn't *****
One person doesn't disprove a country full of people
America was run by Christians and had slavery
You are stupid lol
Two early American Christians or two hundred early Christian supporters of slavery do not make a majority of support for slavery from early Christians in the US.
Two early American Christians or two hundred early Christian supporters of slavery do not make a majority of support for slavery from early Christians in the US.
Putting it in the Constitution does *****
Slavery was legal in Christian American until the Civil War duh and you can't deny that
Just like you can't deny the Bible condones slavert
Putting it in the Constitution does *****
Slavery was legal in Christian American until the Civil War duh and you can't deny that
Just like you can't deny the Bible condones slavert
If putting slavery in the Constitution makes opponents of slavery guilty of promoting slavery then Obama is guilty of terrorist mass murders for giving the mass murderers billions of dollars thery were not supposed to have been given. Maybe that is because Obama's white democrat slave owner ancestors have passed down their leftist democrat pro-Muslim genes to him.
If putting slavery in the Constitution makes opponents of slavery guilty of promoting slavery then Obama is guilty of terrorist mass murders for giving the mass murderers billions of dollars thery were not supposed to have been given. Maybe that is because Obama's white democrat slave owner ancestors have passed down their leftist democrat pro-Muslim genes to him.
Nope I didn't say that
You are a *****
You talk nonsense. The fact that the founding father with the most slaves was an atheist totally blows your crap theory out of the water.
George Washington had more slaves than Thomas Jefferson. Washington was less concerned with religion than Jefferson.

I attended a small Southern Baptist College for a couple of years because it was nearby and cheap. For years, the Chapel was decorated with a painting of George Washington being baptized by a Baptist preacher. The Chapel was named for John Gano, a Baptist chaplain. Washington was baptized in the Church of England in 1732. The Gano family claimed that Washington was re baptized in the Potomac by John Gano. Supposedly there were 42 witnesses. But not one of them seems to have mentioned it. An English lit professor and historian did not believe that Gano's tale was true.

The college scored a big bargain on gray paint offered by the Navy in 1946, and they stored about a dozen 55 gal. drums of it in an old silo on campus, and that is where the Gano portrait was stashed when they redecorated the Chapel. But because the prof dd not believe Gano actually baptized GW, he refused to tell them where it was. For all I know, it is still there.

They had a new portrait done in 1975, I am told.
George Washington had more slaves than Thomas Jefferson. Washington was less concerned with religion than Jefferson.

I attended a small Southern Baptist College for a couple of years because it was nearby and cheap. For years, the Chapel was decorated with a painting of George Washington being baptized by a Baptist preacher. The Chapel was named for John Gano, a Baptist chaplain. Washington was baptized in the Church of England in 1732. The Gano family claimed that Washington was re baptized in the Potomac by John Gano. Supposedly there were 42 witnesses. But not one of them seems to have mentioned it. An English lit professor and historian did not believe that Gano's tale was true.
That reminds me of Obama's 4 years at Harvard where not a single classmate remembers having classes with him.
How many of his supposed hundreds of classmates have testified that they shared classes or dorm rooms with him?
I have no idea. Why should they testify in front of a judge? What's your point?
Surely your not so hate filled to suggest he never attended Harvard.
You're a dickhead.
That reminds me of Obama's 4 years at Harvard where not a single classmate remembers having classes with him.
Who interviewed all his classmates?

I have attended seven junior colleges, four year colleges and universities. I cannot remember more than a few names completely.

I do remember one, though. At a Southern Baptist College I attended my sophomore year, there was this Kappa Alpha fratrat named Dudley. I sat next to him because seating was alphabetical.

I was on the staff at Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, NM, and I wore a red jacket with the Philmont bull on it. The very first class, Dudley said some insulting thing about my jacket. The class was educational psychology. The exams were multiple choice things. The book was so dull I kept it for years as a sleep aide. four pages was enough to send me off to the Land of Nod.

During the midterm, I saw that Dudley was copying answers from my exam. So I entered what was the LEAST likely answer. I went back to the start and redid the first questions that I has answered to deliberately wrong answers.

Then I just sat there and started at the test. Eventually Dudley got up, turned in his test and left. Then I went back and changed the answers to the ones that seemed most correct.

After spring break, the prof returned the exams. I scored a 86%. Poor Dudley got 3% correct.
Dudley called me a nasty name, and as I recall the dropped the class to avoid a failure. That was the last time I saw him.
Heh, heh.
Don't interrogate anyone and don't interview anyone. Just provide evidence from a few fellow classmates that Obama actually attended classes at Harvard when he claimed he sat in classes there.
Here ya go ***** lol

And here *****

And here *****

Here ya go ***** lol

And here *****

And here *****
Four years after Obama won the presidency in 2008 Lawrence Tribe, a committed lefty, finally remembers to produce his own 'evidence' that Obama was a student at Harvard and he produced this 'evidence' just in time to support of Obama's reelection campaign. He might have been more persuasive if he could have presented Obama's course schedules, his college transcripts or his Harvard basketball team photo. Also, he left out the sexual assault charges against Obama and Harvard's coverup of the matter.

Four years after Obama won the presidency in 2008 Lawrence Tribe, a committed lefty, finally remembers to poroduce his own 'evidence' that Obama was a student at Harvard and produces this 'evidence' in support of Obama's reelection campaigh. He might have been more persuasive if he could have presented Obama's course schedules, his college transcripts or his Harvard basketball team photo.

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A number of people remember him, lying *****
Why would a teacher have a students schedule or transcripts, *****? Or a basketball picture since he didn't play for Harvard, *****
God you say the dumbest things lol