Feds arrest man heading to U.S. Capitol for suicide mission after sting investigation


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Authorities have arrested a man on his way to the U.S. Capitol for what he thought would be a suicide attack on one of the nation's most symbolic landmarks, Fox News has learned exclusively.
The man, in his 30s and of Moroccan descent, was nabbed following a lengthy investigation by the FBI, initiated after he expressed interest in conducting an attack. It's unclear how the FBI learned of his aspirations.

The man thought undercover FBI agents assisting him in his plot were associates of Al Qaeda.
When he was arrested Friday in Washington, he was carrying with him a vest supposedly packed with explosives, but the material inside was not actually dangerous, Fox News was told.
A short time earlier, he had been praying at a mosque in the Washington area. His destination was Capitol Hill.

The public was never in danger, as he had been under constant surveillance for some time.
An arrest usually indicates charges have been filed in some form, but it's unclear when or how charges would have been filed in this case. It's also unclear if the suspect will be appearing in court Friday. In similar past cases, suspects have made their initial court appearance within hours of their arrest.

Sites in Washington have long been a target for terrorists, especially self-radicalized extremists caught in FBI stings.

This is how feds took down the Mafia back in 40s, 50s and 60s. C.A.I.R does not like our Law Enforcement officers to babysit Arabs.

Good work guys. Hopefully they got wind of others out there in the ether but its going to be a little harder to sucker punch others in ths way now.

I wonder when we'll have some place blow up from accidents home brewing compact explosives. Fertilizer bombs are way big and harder to pull together these days.
You see how Bush was right on using torture on gitmo bay prisoners? It gets information out. I say screw the damn geneva conventions. Look nations like North Korea,China,IRAN and some other nations doesnt give a damn about the geneva convention. Use all means nessary waterboarding playing loud music to get you to talk. This is how we got Bin Laden all those torturing on those muslim prisoners. Keep gitmo bay open in fact expand it Build a a couple of courtrooms there hire Naval Judges so we can begin execution the killers of Al Queda.
You see how Bush was right on using torture on gitmo bay prisoners? It gets information out. I say screw the damn geneva conventions. Look nations like North Korea,China,IRAN and some other nations doesnt give a damn about the geneva convention. Use all means nessary waterboarding playing loud music to get you to talk. This is how we got Bin Laden all those torturing on those muslim prisoners. Keep gitmo bay open in fact expand it Build a a couple of courtrooms there hire Naval Judges so we can begin execution the killers of Al Queda.

pretty sure the FBI just posed as like minded people willing to help this clown get fake explosives. Mostly on the internet.
Heres an update
Landlord says he reported terror suspect to police

WASHINGTON (AP) — A northern Virginia landlord says he thought a Moroccan man arrested in an alleged suicide bombing plot in Washington was suspicious and called police a year and a half ago.

Frank Dynda said Friday that a woman who leased an apartment in his Arlington building apparently married Amine El Khalifi and then moved out. He says when Dynda told El Khalifi to leave, he said he had a right to stay and threatened to beat Dynda up.

A counterterrorism official says El Khalifi was taken into custody Friday near the U.S. Capitol with an inoperable gun and inert explosives in a suicide vest given to him by the FBI.
Dynda says he thought El Khalifi was making bombs, but police told him to leave the man alone. Dynda had El Khalifi evicted in 2010

guess I gave the FBI too much credit bt glad it worked out. would have been far better to not publicize it so others would not up their guard but par for the course with this administration.
guess I gave the FBI too much credit bt glad it worked out. would have been far better to not publicize it so others would not up their guard but par for the course with this administration.

par for the course of you...to somehow find a way to blame Obama for the FBI catching a possible Terrorist..as if it was bad...Never heard you complain about Bush when the FBI stopped anyone under Bush...Plus anyone with half a brain would know that the FBI does what they did ( not even the first time they have in the last few years) But just goes to show, you drones will attack anything that happens under Obama...regardless if its a good thing...or he has no control over it....or if your just a pure hypocrite for it. Bin Ladin is dead, but you guys still found ways to cry about that even...Sad and pathetic.
You see how Bush was right on using torture on gitmo bay prisoners? It gets information out. I say screw the damn geneva conventions. Look nations like North Korea,China,IRAN and some other nations doesnt give a damn about the geneva convention. Use all means nessary waterboarding playing loud music to get you to talk. This is how we got Bin Laden all those torturing on those muslim prisoners. Keep gitmo bay open in fact expand it Build a a couple of courtrooms there hire Naval Judges so we can begin execution the killers of Al Queda.

..how would torturing people in Cuba help stop someone who had no real connections to al-Quida? you don't even read or think about your own new story do you? you just post something random and then rant about what ever dumb idea is in your head...and pretend they are related.
par for the course of you...to somehow find a way to blame Obama for the FBI catching a possible Terrorist..as if it was bad...Never heard you complain about Bush when the FBI stopped anyone under Bush...Plus anyone with half a brain would know that the FBI does what they did ( not even the first time they have in the last few years) But just goes to show, you drones will attack anything that happens under Obama...regardless if its a good thing...or he has no control over it....or if your just a pure hypocrite for it. Bin Ladin is dead, but you guys still found ways to cry about that even...Sad and pathetic.

the difference between Bush and Obama is that the FBI could employ the same models by not advertising them under Bush but not under Obama. the difference is crass political impact.
..how would torturing people in Cuba help stop someone who had no real connections to al-Quida? you don't even read or think about your own new story do you? you just post something random and then rant about what ever dumb idea is in your head...and pretend they are related.

Why did the Nazis,Japanese,North Koreans tortured our P.O.Ws ? BTW John McCain was tortured as a P.O.W. If they can do it why cant we?
Why did the Nazis,Japanese,North Koreans tortured our P.O.Ws ? BTW John McCain was tortured as a P.O.W. If they can do it why cant we?

becase we are better people...your not , but the rest of us are. If you do it, you have no moral ground to say they can't. Thus you make torture of POWS the Rule not the exemption. Also when you torture people...they tend to not surrender but fight and kill more of your own and dead troops give no info...
I'm sure there are Christian Morroccans and I'll bet that mosque he stopped in at was just more convenient and on the way...

so since he was Muslim...it means Christians can't do anything...even though history shows thats not true right? Only you bury your head in the sand and pretend the Christians don't exist..like that makes them go away or not real.