FOX News made a big mistake by firing Glenn Beck


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
I will No longer be watching ""The Five"" Because i truly feel theyre helping democrats. The Five isnt an political educational show,,Its just a round table discussion group program. Glenn Beck is like a professor in politics. He teaches and keeps you infomed whats going on what the situation is. He makes you see the BS whats going on in our government. If Glenn Beck would had stayed on Obama might not have won tonight. Glenn Beck is another Rush Limbaugh and he had a quilty show on TV but he loves talking into a mic instead of talking into the camera. Im going take ""The Five"" off my DVR Records. Im very disapointed what Fox News presented that crap show. Im just gonna watch America Live,,OReilly factor and Hannity. If Fox News gets rid ether Bill OReilly or Sean Hannity im gonna start watching CNN again.
I will No longer be watching ""The Five"" Because i truly feel theyre helping democrats. The Five isnt an political educational show,,Its just a round table discussion group program. Glenn Beck is like a professor in politics. He teaches and keeps you infomed whats going on what the situation is. He makes you see the BS whats going on in our government. If Glenn Beck would had stayed on Obama might not have won tonight. Glenn Beck is another Rush Limbaugh and he had a quilty show on TV but he loves talking into a mic instead of talking into the camera. Im going take ""The Five"" off my DVR Records. Im very disapointed what Fox News presented that crap show. Im just gonna watch America Live,,OReilly factor and Hannity. If Fox News gets rid ether Bill OReilly or Sean Hannity im gonna start watching CNN again.
Glenn Beck quit, he was not fired. and he has a great show on dishnetwork. You can watch the radio show on tv as well as his normal show and a few other shows. The best way to get news is reading from various online places anyway. Fox doesnt have much interesting anymore at least I had not though so.
FOX NEWS wouldnt pay him more money..Why You think the GIANTS are the World Champions and not the YANKEES? Because the Yanks have a bunch of lame overpaid superstars that not thinking about winning rather than thinking about money and themselves. You really believe AROD cares about that World Series Championship? GET REAL he could care less getting a ring..Jeter is the only one who wants to win. The rest of them are just looking after their contracts. If Fox was serious enough promoting the Republicans they should off Beck more millions
Glenn Beck quit, he was not fired. and he has a great show on dishnetwork. You can watch the radio show on tv as well as his normal show and a few other shows. The best way to get news is reading from various online places anyway. Fox doesnt have much interesting anymore at least I had not though so.

the Glen Backites...the Tea baggers for Senate...Lost seats for the Republican party with there stupid ideas and views...a moderate republican could have and was even likely to win some of them...But the Tea party Legit raped the moderates...and there body failed to shoot its magic acid and kill the cells...and the Republican party lost more...the People have rejected the republican view 2 presidential Elections in a row...time to listen.
I will No longer be watching ""The Five"" Because i truly feel theyre helping democrats. The Five isnt an political educational show,,Its just a round table discussion group program. Glenn Beck is like a professor in politics. He teaches and keeps you infomed whats going on what the situation is. He makes you see the BS whats going on in our government. If Glenn Beck would had stayed on Obama might not have won tonight. Glenn Beck is another Rush Limbaugh and he had a quilty show on TV but he loves talking into a mic instead of talking into the camera. Im going take ""The Five"" off my DVR Records. Im very disapointed what Fox News presented that crap show. Im just gonna watch America Live,,OReilly factor and Hannity. If Fox News gets rid ether Bill OReilly or Sean Hannity im gonna start watching CNN again.

Glenn Beck is an ass hole! Actually, next to him, the rest of Fox News staff almost looks bright and honest!
You don't have to stop watching Fox News. . .just take a little break once in awhile, and listen to CNN or NBC, or PBS. At least it will help you realize that the whole of United States doesn't see things like Fox does. . .and doesn't spin the news quite as bad.
Rush Limbaugh is another ass hole! But probably smarter and more evil than Glenn Beck.

If you want to go completely crazy. . .stick with both Glenn Beck and Limbaugh. . .and obviously their Fox News friends!

Good luck finding a path to some reality and truth!
Glenn Beck quit, he was not fired. and he has a great show on dishnetwork. You can watch the radio show on tv as well as his normal show and a few other shows. The best way to get news is reading from various online places anyway. Fox doesnt have much interesting anymore at least I had not though so.

Sure he did! He was just "invited" to seek new horizons, because his mental health status was deteriorating so quickly that he was becoming a real embarrassment EVEN to Fox News!
If i were Rush,,I anounce this is my last broadcast you wont hear no more from me if you people want me back.Then show me something 4 years from now.
If i were Rush,,I anounce this is my last broadcast you wont hear no more from me if you people want me back.Then show me something 4 years from now.

That would be a GREAT move for the whole country! Why don't you suggest it to him?

Having Limbaugh go away for 4 years would mean two things: Less simple minded people would get brainwashed, there would be less stupidity on radio, and Limbaugh would probably get back on his drugs and succombe to an overdose. ..or maybe just a heart attack!

I think this would be a great deal! LOL
Glenn Beck has some good stuff to broadcast but he has got too repetitive in the final year of his show and he lost his sponsors due to the controversies he created. "The Road to Serfdom" was his best episode.

Glenn Beck has some good stuff to broadcast but he has got too repetitive in the final year of his show and he lost his sponsors due to the controversies he created. "The Road to Serfdom" was his best episode.

I think the same thing but about Sean Hannity. He just repeat the same lines over and over for the last 4 years. Before that it was the same lines about Kerry for 4 years and so on. It never seemed there was much more to him than repeating the same lines. I don't think that about Beck. He had some really great shows on African American founders and interesting things on history our schools never taught but should have.
the Glen Backites...the Tea baggers for Senate...Lost seats for the Republican party with there stupid ideas and views...a moderate republican could have and was even likely to win some of them...But the Tea party Legit raped the moderates...and there body failed to shoot its magic acid and kill the cells...and the Republican party lost more...the People have rejected the republican view 2 presidential Elections in a row...time to listen.
I know in Indiana the dem was actually the better choice, he is a blue dog dem and there is a better chance at fiscal sanity with him so that was a good win. The other I am not sure. I am kind of glad Scott brown lost but its disgusting he lost to such a liar, as a native its irritating to know this woman lied about being a native, got special fundings that should have went to actual natives because of it, it was found out and she still won. But what can you expect from her type of voters.
Fox News is a the propaganda arm of the retardlican party and it would have higher morals and less bias if it was run by Goebbels
I think the same thing but about Sean Hannity. He just repeat the same lines over and over for the last 4 years. Before that it was the same lines about Kerry for 4 years and so on. It never seemed there was much more to him than repeating the same lines. I don't think that about Beck. He had some really great shows on African American founders and interesting things on history our schools never taught but should have.

Funny you should mention Hannity! Have you heard his radio show this morning? I guess he is showing that Fox News is starting to realize that they had better stop playing their spin games and start showing some of the truth!

As of today, Hannity has changed his mind on immigration and amnesty! Now he is for it!

Isn't that nice?

Hannity Backs Amnesty

This is yet another sign of how the right wing conservatives are stupidly obstructing the Republican Party from making changes. The Party itself is going through very deep soul searching about how it must remain valid as a national party while the hard right conservatives are screaming the same old rhetoric about the main stream media. More constructive conservatives and Party members are coming to grips with the fact that demographics have changed and so must the party.

"Sean Hannity said Thursday he has “evolved” on immigration and now supports a “pathway to citizenship.”
Hannity told his radio listeners Thursday afternoon that the United States needs to “get rid of the immigration issue altogether.”
“It’s simple to me to fix it,” Hannity said. “I think you control the border first. You create a pathway for those people that are here — you don’t say you’ve got to go home. And that is a position that I’ve evolved on. Because, you know what, it’s got to be resolved. The majority of people here, if some people have criminal records you can send them home, but if people are here, law-abiding, participating for years, their kids are born here, you know, first secure the border, pathway to citizenship, done.”
“You can’t let the problem continue — it’s got to stop,” the conservative radio host added."