Glenn Beck Show ended


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Glenn Beck ended his show on Fox News Thursday. What are the critics saying about the controversial host, who will launch a paid Internet channel called GBTV?

VIDEO: Glenn Beck Targets Jon Stewart on Farewell Show

"Glenn Beck's last hour on Fox News Thursday after 2 and 1/2 years of considerable controversy, was relatively quiet, banal and kind of pathetic," writes David Zurawik in the Baltimore Sun.

Glenn Beck Leaving Fox News Is a 'Huge Victory' for Media Watchdog Group

"My favorite loopy sequence involved Beck going through a stack of money and talking about each of the men on the various bills with the same kind of silly, schoolboy history he used at his rally in Washington," he went on. "When he came to Washington on the the dollar bill, he said, "Oh, can we eat some cherry pie? I cannot tell a lie." He used one of the voices in his head that only Beck hears."

Glenn Beck is just like Rush Limbaugh,,The man DOES NOT CARE ABOUT FIGHTING FOR AMERICA! Just like Rush Limbaugh doesnt. back in 1996 he quit his TV program to dump America.The real true American is Bill Oreilly! To me hes like Jesus Christ! Jesus wouldnt never leave for anybody. But both Beck and Limbaugh all they care about is Money! Just like why Donald Trump quit the campaign. He said it himself! NBC TV offer him more money to do his show the apprentice. Even Donald Trump doesnt care about America. He ran for one reason is to use the media to promote ratings for his program. Hes scum!! He quit on us!! Just like Rush did back in 1996!
You do realize that ALL of the above are television personalities, and not front line patriots don't you?

Bill O'Reilly is a great American. Right after he comes out of makeup, and checks how his latest book is selling....

I thought Glenn Beck's show was all about bringing back the popularity of clowns...
You can always tell when a conservative is effective against the leftwing - they rant and/or get hysterical as in this thread. :D Beck regularly clobbered the leftwing media in his ratings. He had six books on the new york times best seller list. He's leaving Fox because his contract with them is up, because they didn't like that he was spending more time with his production company, and because Ailes probably was influenced by the leftwing campaign to get advertisers to boycott his show. Beck continues with his books and radio show, and will be an occasional guest on Fox. As for the leftwing and Beck - it's the same old story - they try to destroy with defamation campaigns those they can't refute.
Glenn Beck ended his show on Fox News Thursday. What are the critics saying about the controversial host, who will launch a paid Internet channel called GBTV?

VIDEO: Glenn Beck Targets Jon Stewart on Farewell Show

"Glenn Beck's last hour on Fox News Thursday after 2 and 1/2 years of considerable controversy, was relatively quiet, banal and kind of pathetic," writes David Zurawik in the Baltimore Sun.

Glenn Beck Leaving Fox News Is a 'Huge Victory' for Media Watchdog Group

"My favorite loopy sequence involved Beck going through a stack of money and talking about each of the men on the various bills with the same kind of silly, schoolboy history he used at his rally in Washington," he went on. "When he came to Washington on the the dollar bill, he said, "Oh, can we eat some cherry pie? I cannot tell a lie." He used one of the voices in his head that only Beck hears."

Glenn Beck is just like Rush Limbaugh,,The man DOES NOT CARE ABOUT FIGHTING FOR AMERICA! Just like Rush Limbaugh doesnt. back in 1996 he quit his TV program to dump America.The real true American is Bill Oreilly! To me hes like Jesus Christ! Jesus wouldnt never leave for anybody. But both Beck and Limbaugh all they care about is Money! Just like why Donald Trump quit the campaign. He said it himself! NBC TV offer him more money to do his show the apprentice. Even Donald Trump doesnt care about America. He ran for one reason is to use the media to promote ratings for his program. Hes scum!! He quit on us!! Just like Rush did back in 1996!

Wow, amazing, we actually agree on something!
Nice to know.
Maybe if or Sarah Palin loses the white house she can become a Talkshow host and replace Beck at 5 PM

She would be just as entertaining, and she is a lot prettier! I would even say she is a lot more mentally stable!

We'd still get a very skewed view of the world, but . . .what the heck!!! If it brings money for Fox News (and for Palin), that's all that counts, right?
Is this news to you?

Couric retired in April

Keith Olbermann was booted from MSNBC in January. He is now back on another station.

What does that have to do with Beck's being booted from Fox News?

The thread is a snotty ass celebration of how the leftwing managed to silence an opposition voice on at least one medium. I'm celebrating the similar recent removal of leftwingers, although they weren't driven out by political opponents - all clear now Sparky?
The thread is a snotty ass celebration of how the leftwing managed to silence an opposition voice on at least one medium. I'm celebrating the similar recent removal of leftwingers, although they weren't driven out by political opponents - all clear now Sparky?

Ill play the world's smallest violin for ya sparky.
The thread is a snotty ass celebration of how the leftwing managed to silence an opposition voice on at least one medium. I'm celebrating the similar recent removal of leftwingers, although they weren't driven out by political opponents - all clear now Sparky?

If it makes you happy to find false equivalencies. Be my guest!

I'm just happy that Beck is history! :)