I believe that we should have universal healthcare for everyone.
"The number of people with health insurance increased by 1.0 million to 243.3 million between 2002 and 2003, and the number without such coverage rose by 1.4 million to 45.0 million. The percentage of the nation’s population without coverage grew from 15.2 percent in 2002 to 15.6 percent in 2003."
With most healthcare companies and insurance companies are running "for-profit", not not for the insured.
Of course, most Republicans, in Washington, don't have much concern for healthcare, other than to not have it universal (Democrats included in this, but they try for healthcare reform). They have their healthcare choices and their massive incomes; Our representatives' salaries are at $165,200 per year for Senators and Congressional Representatives.
They don't worry about their care, they have it made. If they're sick or need some surgery- it's taken care of.
For Joe-shmoe (no offence to any Joe's out there
) if you're not insured, too bad. You won't be getting any help.
He could go to the emergency room, but those are overcrowded and under funded. Why would that be?
Because, most of Joe's community is already there, themselves being uninsured too.
The healthcare and insurance companies are for-profit. They don't serve their customers as they should. Why do we see all those "Larry H. Lawyer I'll fight for YOU!" commercials? We must "fight" for what is rightfully ours, the coverage we pay for. The coverage every human being is entitled to. Their goal is to make money, if paying out full coverage to a deserving customer infringes on that, skimp on the payout.
I seem to recall this little phrase, "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."
These are everyone's unalienable rights, as stated by our Declaration of Independance.
Life- good health, you have a right to live unoppressed
Liberty- freedom to live your own life and to own property etc..., not being controlled by an opressive government
Happiness- it's definitely not the same for everyone- but we're still entitled to it
Currently I see it as you can have all those things, but you need the money when you begin this game of life. No money- infringed rights.
We have many problems in this great nation of ours and only by working together can we make this a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people.
all the people. No exceptions.