G7: China must press Russia to stop Ukraine war


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. ....China should pressure Russia to withdraw troops from Ukraine immediately and without conditions, the G7 said, pointing to an International Court of Justice ruling that Moscow suspends its military operation and related UN General Assembly resolutions.....

Source Link: https://tribuneonlineng.com/g7-china-must-press-russia-to-stop-ukraine-war/

2. The G7 communique reveals the desperation of the US-led bloc. They should not have laid bare their weakness by calling others to do what they are incapable of doing.

As in the Chinese idiom 爱莫能助 (ài mò néng zhù), China is unable to help them, however much it would like to, for the following reasons:

(a) The Chinese leader is neither God nor Messiah.

(b) He is not the father or grandfather of the Russian leader.

(c) When Uncle Sam, who has about 5,500 nuclear weapons, scampered away like a rat at the sight of massing Russian troops at the Ukrainian border, how can his allies expect others to confront Russia? Anyway, China with a nuclear arsenal of estimated 350 warheads is a military midget compared with its extraordinarily powerful neighbour with an arsenal of 6,300 nuclear warheads. NATO and other US allies may have to wait patiently for the comeback of the self-declared "Messiah" US ex-president in 2024 to save them from being conquered by Russia.

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1. ....China should pressure Russia to withdraw troops from Ukraine immediately and without conditions, the G7 said, pointing to an International Court of Justice ruling that Moscow suspends its military operation and related UN General Assembly resolutions.....

Source Link: https://tribuneonlineng.com/g7-china-must-press-russia-to-stop-ukraine-war/

2. The G7 communique reveals the desperation of the US-led bloc. They should not have laid bare their weakness by calling others to do what they are incapable of doing.

As in the Chinese idiom 爱莫能助 (ài mò néng zhù), China is unable to help them, however much it would like to, for the following reasons:

(a) The Chinese leader is neither God nor Messiah.

(b) He is not the father or grandfather of the Russian leader.

(c) When Uncle Sam, who has about 5,500 nuclear weapons, scampered away like a rat at the sight of massing Russian troops at the Ukrainian border, how can his allies expect others to confront Russia? Anyway, China with a nuclear arsenal of estimated 350 warheads is a military midget compared with its extraordinarily powerful neighbour with an arsenal of 6,300 nuclear warheads. NATO and other US allies may have to wait patiently for the comeback of the self-declared "Messiah" US ex-president in 2024 to save them from being conquered by Russia.

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If you think the return of Trump will save anything, the sun will rise in the west before it.

Its all those nukes which are stopping anyone from joining in. Russia have threatened to use them of course and its worth considering.
certainly china can pressure russia by, oh, not buying so much of their oil. they don't have to be "god" to do that.

how did the us "scamper away" from ukraine? we didn't have forces there that we wtihdrew, did we?
certainly china can pressure russia by, oh, not buying so much of their oil. they don't have to be "god" to do that.
My friend, if you can buy cheaper and more tasty burgers from the shop next door, why should you walk miles away to buy more expensive burgers every morning?

Likewise, if the US could sell oil at discounted prices to China, India and all other countries, Russian oil companies will certainly go bankrupt. :LOL:

how did the us "scamper away" from ukraine? we didn't have forces there that we wtihdrew, did we?
US ordered employees to leave embassy in Kyiv ahead of potential Russian invasion of Ukraine.

If you think the return of Trump will save anything, the sun will rise in the west before it.

Its all those nukes which are stopping anyone from joining in. Russia have threatened to use them of course and its worth considering.
If I could witness such heavenly spectacle in my lifetime, I don't mind if Trump could return to the White House in 2024. 😇