Bush may have said it, but lots more people are thinking it. Interesting though as you claim Mr. Castro that God seens to support you, under the repressive political system that exsists in Cuba, only Atheism is allowed and there is no God but one must focus of the teachings of Lenin-Marxism. But hey what do I know. I havent put the country I rule under 40 years of dictatorship, economic ruin or religious persecution.
Mr Castro, You should know by now that Bush likes to
run off at the mouth, and we are always knocking down
what another country believes in...is that practicing
freedom of speech?
I believe in getting involved in a good human rights fight,
and what we need to do is stop starting fights. However
Cuba and Castro might seem like a joke, but at the present
time President Bush is a bigger joke, and we are starting to
look likes jokers too.
Back in the 1960s the US Gov't got pissed off because Cuba
had weapons, missles, and because Cuba refused to submit
like Iraq the US Gov't punished Cuba by creating the Cuba
crisis. When will we learn to stop blaming others for our own