Has House of Politics changed a stance?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
Has a discussion somewhere on here changed your stance on something? What was it, and who was it, what did they say?

Hope this catches on or I'll look like a right jeb.

I think that my stance on gun rights has changed, because I didn't see all the benefits of legal firearms. However, I'm still not in favour of everyone having one.
Has a discussion somewhere on here changed your stance on something? What was it, and who was it, what did they say?

Hope this catches on or I'll look like a right jeb.

I think that my stance on gun rights has changed, because I didn't see all the benefits of legal firearms. However, I'm still not in favour of everyone having one.

No. Actually its made them stronger. Its still just me living with 300 million dumb suckers.
My stance on the legalization of marijuana has changed towards legalization since coming here. My stance on abortion has wavered ever so slightly as well. Being here has also allowed me to fine-tune my ideas on religion and Iraq.

BTW, when'd they make you a mod, 9sublime?
The House of Politics Haven't Change ..The Posters have.

The HOP is more alive today then it was yesterday. I have noticed that
the only changes that's made is by posters who override other topics.
It that called online rudeness. Outside of that the HOP is still okay in
my book.
Yesterday I think, but with all this crazy time difference on here I just can't tell.

Koios has retired as a staff member, and someone needed to fill his e-boots.