House poised to apologize for slavery, Jim Crow


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2007

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The House of Representatives was poised Tuesday to pass a resolution apologizing to African-Americans for slavery and the era of Jim Crow.

The nonbinding resolution, which is expected to pass, was introduced by Rep. Steve Cohen, a white lawmaker who represents a majority black district in Memphis, Tennessee.

While many states have apologized for slavery, it will be first time a branch of the federal government will apologize for slavery if the resolution passes, an aide to Cohen said.

By passing the resolution, the House would also acknowledge the "injustice, cruelty, brutality and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow."

"Jim Crow," or Jim Crow laws, were state and local laws enacted mostly in the Southern and border states of the United States between the 1870s and 1965, when African-Americans were denied the right to vote and other civil liberties and were legally segregated from whites.

The name "Jim Crow" came from a character played by T.D. "Daddy" Rice who portrayed a slave while in blackface during the mid-1800s.

The resolution states that "the vestiges of Jim Crow continue to this day."

"African-Americans continue to suffer from the consequences of slavery and Jim Crow -- long after both systems were formally abolished -- through enormous damage and loss, both tangible and intangible, including the loss of human dignity and liberty, the frustration of careers and professional lives, and the long-term loss of income and opportunity," the resolution states.

The House would also commit itself to stopping "the occurrence of human rights violations in the future," if it passes the resolution.

The resolution does not address the controversial issue of reparations. Some members of the African-American community have called on lawmakers to give cash payments or other financial benefits to descendents of slaves as compensation for the suffering caused by slavery.

The resolution will not be the first time lawmakers have apologized to an ethnic group for past injustices.

In April, the Senate passed a resolution sponsored by Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kansas, that apologized to Native Americans for "the many instances of violence, maltreatment and neglect."

In 1993, the Senate also passed a resolution apologizing for the "illegal overthrow" of the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1893.

In 1988, Congress passed and President Reagan signed a law apologizing to the 120,000 Japanese-Americans who were held in detention camps during World War II. The 60,000 detainees who were alive at the time each received $20,000 from the government.

I am baffled as to why the federal government of today is expected to apologize for slavery, considering it is the direct descendent of those governments that stamped out Jim Crow (a phenomenon of states and localities for which the federal government is responsible only insofar as it did not stop it sooner) and fought a bloody war to abolish slavery.

But leave it to the most unpopular do-nothing Congress in American history to pass non-binding apologies for social ills it isn't responsible for while every problem they promised to fix has gotten markedly worse on their watch.

Oh, and expect reparations sometime in the next decade or two.

I am baffled as to why the federal government of today is expected to apologize for slavery, considering it is the direct descendent of those governments that stamped out Jim Crow (a phenomenon of states and localities for which the federal government is responsible only insofar as it did not stop it sooner) and fought a bloody war to abolish slavery.

But leave it to the most unpopular do-nothing Congress in American history to pass non-binding apologies for social ills it isn't responsible for while every problem they promised to fix has gotten markedly worse on their watch.

Oh, and expect reparations sometime in the next decade or two.

What a waste of time. I went to school in Memphis (Rhodes) and was familiar with Rep. Cohen, this just lowered his esteem in my eyes.

All this Congress does is get together to pass non-binding resolutions, they have caved on every promise they got elected on.

I am baffled as to why the federal government of today is expected to apologize for slavery, considering it is the direct descendent of those governments that stamped out Jim Crow (a phenomenon of states and localities for which the federal government is responsible only insofar as it did not stop it sooner) and fought a bloody war to abolish slavery.

But leave it to the most unpopular do-nothing Congress in American history to pass non-binding apologies for social ills it isn't responsible for while every problem they promised to fix has gotten markedly worse on their watch.

Oh, and expect reparations sometime in the next decade or two.

By doing this, they are adopting the immoral liberal "group guilt" theory, whereby people who belong in some group are jointly responsible for what other individuals did. In a democracy, the government changes all the time. Any given government official is responsible for what HE does, not what someone else did. The very idea of someone apologizing for something that happened before they were even born is absurd. The claim that Jim Crow continues to this day is particularly hallucinatory - in fact, blacks are the most privileged single group in america, with entities all over america and throughout society implementing policies of anti-white discrimination in favor of blacks.
By doing this, they are adopting the immoral liberal "group guilt" theory, whereby people who belong in some group are jointly responsible for what other individuals did. In a democracy, the government changes all the time. Any given government official is responsible for what HE does, not what someone else did. The very idea of someone apologizing for something that happened before they were even born is absurd. The claim that Jim Crow continues to this day is particularly hallucinatory - in fact, blacks are the most privileged single group in america, with entities all over america and throughout society implementing policies of anti-white discrimination in favor of blacks.

I wish you where black
I wish you where black

I am a firm believer that people control their own destinies. Anyone can accomplish anything in this country if they set their mind to it. No one is going to hand you anything, you just have to go do it.

I think that saying slavery is the reason that someone cannot get ahead would be the same as me saying I cannot be successful because my Irish ancestors were discriminated against when they got off the boat.

Slavery was terrible, but it is over. Everyone now has a fair chance to make whatever they want of themselves.
I wish you where black

This type will usually end up venturing into a back alley some day *while looking for female company* and open his mouth just one too many times.

There's more than one person on this forum who is sick with racist hate.

*or while trying to steal some blackman's spinners*
This type will usually end up venturing into a back alley some day *while looking for female company* and open his mouth just one too many times.

There's more than one person on this forum who is sick with racist hate.

*or while trying to steal some blackman's spinners*

We've all heard your Race Card spittle ten times now - it's getting old. Do you have ANY idea how stupid it makes you look?:D
I don't know how many times and what more we have to give to a "minority" to keep their tears from flowing, but i have had my fill. If a person wants to advance let them, but do it on your own feet, not my back.
And all you gooey liberal idiots who have more "feelings" than common sense, you give them your jobs, your paycheck, your house, your kids, and then beg forgiveness.
I don't know how many times and what more we have to give to a "minority" to keep their tears from flowing, but i have had my fill. If a person wants to advance let them, but do it on your own feet, not my back.
And all you gooey liberal idiots who have more "feelings" than common sense, you give them your jobs, your paycheck, your house, your kids, and then beg forgiveness.

Indeed, what possibly more COULD we do of substance? The establishment and government has approved anti-white racist discrimination to fravor blacks in hiring, pay, promotions, layoff order; union apprenticeships; college, grad school, and professional school admissions; bank loans; congressional districts; scholarships, fellowships, internships; government contracts; police, firefighter, and other government hiring. The lib media endlessly promotes their causes and analyzes their gripes. They are portrayed as heros by Hollywood and the rest of the lib media, while white guys are portrayed as criminals, asexual, cowardly, unfashionable, unhip, and stupid. Any black guy can screw all the white girls he wants, because the lib media has brainwashed them into thinking black guys are super studs. Now, a black guy is the frontrunner to become president. WHAT ELSE COULD THEY POSSIBLY BE GIVEN? The time is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy past when the lib establishment loses its fixation on blacks.
Indeed, what possibly more COULD we do of substance? The establishment and government has approved anti-white racist discrimination to fravor blacks in hiring, pay, promotions, layoff order; union apprenticeships; college, grad school, and professional school admissions; bank loans; congressional districts; scholarships, fellowships, internships; government contracts; police, firefighter, and other government hiring. The lib media endlessly promotes their causes and analyzes their gripes. They are portrayed as heros by Hollywood and the rest of the lib media, while white guys are portrayed as criminals, asexual, cowardly, unfashionable, unhip, and stupid. Any black guy can screw all the white girls he wants, because the lib media has brainwashed them into thinking black guys are super studs. Now, a black guy is the frontrunner to become president. WHAT ELSE COULD THEY POSSIBLY BE GIVEN? The time is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy past when the lib establishment loses its fixation on blacks.

Such a small group of the population were even slave holders to begin with. And now we are going to ask people who had nothing to do with slavery and who's ancestors had nothing to do with slavery to apologize and pay for it?
Its ALWAYS America's fault...
Such a small group of the population were even slave holders to begin with. And now we are going to ask people who had nothing to do with slavery and who's ancestors had nothing to do with slavery to apologize and pay for it?

Not only were the slave holders a small percentage of the population, The proportion of people who even had slave holding ancestors is probably even smaller still, since a great proportion of whites' ancestors immigrated during the big immigration waves of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Cannibalism and hurricanes are going to bit too far Gensen.

One thing for sure is it's hard to drag a white slave holder's descendents out of the woodlpile now and get him to admit what his ancestors did to black people. Have to get on yer bedsheet and pointy hat to hear that cause they only brag about that at 'gathruns' anymore.