If you're like me and love America, then it's Trump. And only Trump. Here's one thought as to why.

No, defense department officials know the smart bombs are more capable of protecting the lives of civilians but radical anti-Jew American morons stupidly think Biden is saving lives by withholding smart bombs that protect civilians.
Prove send8ng those bombs would save lives, hateful *****
Prove send8ng those bombs would save lives, hateful *****
That's too technical for me. However, I do understand that the smart bombs Biden is withholding from Israel are better able to target specific enemy strongholds without doing as much collateral damage to civilians as dumb bombs do.
That's too technical for me. However, I do understand that the smart bombs Biden is withholding from Israel are better able to target specific enemy strongholds without doing as much collateral damage to civilians as dumb bombs do.
yes, i knew you would avoid answering a simple question.
because you dont care if muslim women and children are blown up by jews.
Nothing wrong with not wanting palestinian children blown up
Unl3ss you are a hateful person
Crooks and murderers: 'Please do not kill us because we meant no harm.'
Supporters of mass murderers: "Do not go to war with the misguided murderers or you might kill innocent victims, thus making yourself as guilty of murder as the terrorists."
Just judges: "Supporters of mass murderers as as dumb as dirt."
Supporters of mass murderers as as dumb as dirt.

Those who support Israel wiping out Gaza are as cruel and inhumane as those who support Hamas.

Biden and our military know what sort of bombs that the US supplies are the most and least lethal.
Crooks and murderers: 'Please do not kill us because we meant no harm.'
Supporters of mass murderers: "Do not go to war with the misguided murderers or you might kill innocent victims, thus making yourself as guilty of murder as the terrorists."
Just judges: "Supporters of mass murderers as as dumb as dirt."

supporting palestinian children is supporing mass murderers?
god you are stupid and hateful
and dumb as dirt
Cruelty is not necessarily related to intelligence. Nazism was a stupid movement based on stupid and wrong ideas, but that does not mean that all those who supported Nazi Germany were stupid about everything. We are fortunate that they did not develop atomic weapons, but much of what they did required intelligence. Take V1 and V2 rockets and jet aircraft, for example.
supporting palestinian children is supporing mass murderers?
god you are stupid and hateful
and dumb as dirt
Shutting down military action against Hamas for the sake of children does not make sense because Hamas has been murdering children for decades and will keep on murdering children unless Israel succeeds in destroying their mass-murdering operation in the current war.
Shutting down military action against Hamas for the sake of children does not make sense because Hamas has been murdering children for decades and will keep on murdering children unless Israel succeeds in destroying their mass-murdering operation in the current war.
Military action isn't shut down lying *****