Trump, Pompeo, some GOP politicians and right-wing media figures praise Putin and slam Biden


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. Amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine, right-wing politicians and media figures loyal to former President Donald Trump have alternately slammed Democratic President Joe Biden for getting the U.S. involved, while praising Russian President Vladimir Putin as a strong and capable leader.

Most notably, Trump praised Putin's invasion into Ukraine as "genius" and "wonderful" in Tuesday's broadcast of the conservative talk radio program The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show. Trump also referred to Putin as "tough" and patriotic....

"I mean, you know, he's a tough cookie, got a lot of the great charm and a lot of pride. But the way he—and he loves his country, you know? He loves his country," Trump continued....

Trump's former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has also repeatedly praised Putin in the runup to the invasion. His praise has even been rebroadcast on Russian television.

In late January, Pompeo said of Putin, "Very shrewd, very capable. I have enormous respect for him. I've been criticized for saying that. No, I have enormous respect for him." 🤣

Speaking of Putin's capabilities during Pompeo's tenure, Pompeo said Putin "was always well-informed and deeply clear about what Russian interests were. I appreciated that. It required the same from us, from me, from my team. We had to be equally prepared and equally protective of the interests that matter to the United States. He is very savvy, very shrewd."

In a late January interview, Pompeo said of Putin, "He is a very talented statesman. He has lots of gifts. He was a KGB agent for goodness sakes. He knows how to use power. We need to respect that."

In a Tuesday tweet, Pompeo wrote, "Vladimir Putin is the same person he was during our administration. The only thing that has changed is American leadership."

In another tweet, Pompeo wrote, "For 4 years, the left parroted the hoax that our administration was weak on Russia. Yet, they didn't dare invade Ukraine on our watch. But now they do. Who do you think Putin feared more?"....

In the Tuesday broadcast of his show, Fox News host Tucker Carlson repeated a right-wing talking point accusing the Biden family of using their political standing to conduct illegal business deals to the benefit of Biden's son, Hunter Biden.

"If you've been watching the news, you know that Putin is having a border dispute with a nation called Ukraine," Carlson said. "Now the main thing to know about Ukraine, for our purposes, is that its leaders once sent millions of dollars to Joe Biden's family."...

Echoing Carlson, right-wing media figure Candace Owens wrote in a Tuesday tweet, "A good starting place in your studies is Hunter Biden. Go pursue the relationships he has (in conjunction with China) in Ukraine. Ask yourself if it's just a coincidence the puppet President with billion dollar interests in the region wants to go to war."...

Similarly, Fox News host Sean Hannity said that the invasion has occurred, in part, because Biden is too weak against Putin and, unlike Trump, hasn't chastised NATO allies for financing Russia by buying its oil while opposing its expansion....

Several Republican politicians in the America First Caucus have also blamed Biden.

In a Tuesday tweet, Republican Texas Representative Ronny Jackson wrote, "Joe Biden rolled over and gave Russia a pipeline for NOTHING. His son is compromised by corrupt oligarchs. EVERYTHING Biden has done has made this worse. This would've NEVER happened under Trump!"...

Republican Florida Representative Byron Donald wrote in a Tuesday tweet, "Joe Biden's address about Ukraine was disgraceful. The sanctions that he announced might have been good 2 months ago, but not now. America, let's be very clear... Putin is happy Joe Biden is @POTUS! This is so sad for our nation and our allies."....


2. During her appearance on MSNBC's "The Sunday Show," former Republican Party campaign consultant Tara Seymater went off on an epic rant attacking Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) for trying to blame President Joe Biden for Vladimir Putin's saber-rattling as he reportedly prepares to invade Ukraine.

During his own rant, Cotton claimed, "For four years when we had a Republican president who Democrats like Joe Biden accused of being in Vladimir Putin's pocket, and for some reason Vladimir Putin didn't invade Ukraine. It's because the only way to confront an aggressive autocrat like Putin or Xi Jinping is to show strength from the very beginning. That's the way to deter the kind of conflict that is likely about to happen in Ukraine." 🤣

"Tara, what's he talking about? " host Jonathan Capehart asked.

"Let's go back to the videotape, shall we?" Setmayer replied. "If it really means showing strength means kissing the ass of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un, well, then I guess that Donald Trump put America first."

"It's asinine for him to even imply that. Do we need to go over all the dozens upon dozens of examples of Donald Trump acquiescing to Vladimir Putin? Remember he wouldn't call Putin a killer during the Super Bowl in 2017?," she stated before quoting the ex-president remarking, "'There's lots of killers. Are we so innocent?'"

"What about Helsinki where Donald Trump stood on the world stage and gave more credibility to Vladimir Putin than our own intelligence agencies?" she continued. "What about how when Trump said, we don't care about those sanctions, he can keep Crimea. What about the time where Donald Trump, with open arms, embraced Sergei Lavrov to come into the Oval Office of the United States and passed off intelligence information to the Russians? I could keep going, there are so many examples that are so egregious that the cold warriors of the Republican Party who know better freaked out over, and Ronald Reagan would be spinning in his grave over it."

"I say to Tom Cotton, and the rest of them, get out the hell of here. We saw the video for four years, we lived through it," she concluded.


3. Given the chance, former President Donald Trump took the headline-grabbing route and declared Russian leader Vladimir Putin "very savvy" and his decision to roll his army into separatist-held parts of Ukraine "genius."...

He offered no words of condemnation for a regime threatening the worst military conflict in Europe since World War II. Instead, Trump violated an unwritten rule by attacking our current President as he struggled to deal with the war against one of America's friends. Since everything is apparently about him, he claimed he would have handled this crisis better and took a further swipe at President Joe Biden, "This never would have happened with us," said Trump who then added, that Biden is a "man that has no concept of what he's doing."...

As former President and current leader of the Republican Party, Trump seems to have taught his political followers to respect Putin's strength as he does. Trump's former secretary of state Mike Pompeo recently called Putin "Very shrewd, very capable" adding, "I have enormous respect for him." Some in Congress and in the Trump-supporting commentariat either used the moment to attack Biden or take Russia's side in a conflict Putin began when he invaded Ukraine in 2014, simply seizing control of Crimea.....

In addition to training much of the GOP to echo his Big Lie, Trump has led them to break with a long tradition of rallying behind the president in times of international conflict. With Biden repositioning our military to defend NATO allies that border Ukraine, America is clearly not on Putin's side. Sadly, many prominent American politicians, led by Trump, seem to be.....

4. In July 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump was the target of many critics who took umbrage with his appearing to take the side of Russian president Vladimir Putin over allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

As Trump stood next to the Russian president at a press conference following a Russia–United States summit meeting in Helsinki, Finland, Associated Press White House reporter Jonathan Lemire asked Trump whether he believed Putin’s denials about Russian interference in the election, or the conclusions of U.S. intelligence agencies that such interference had indeed taken place. Trump replied that he didn’t “see any reason why it would be” Russia who meddled in the 2016 election, saying that “I have great confidence in my intelligence people,” but adding that “President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial, today”:

President Trump later backtracked on his remark, asserting that he had intended to say “I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be Russia” who meddled in the election, and affirming that “I accept our intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election took place”:....

However, by that time President Trump’s remarks in Helsinki had prompted a wave of criticisms, including from within the Republican party, with some observers even accusing President Trump of treason. Most prominently, John Brennan, the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, maintained that Trump’s words and actions were “nothing short of treasonous”:...


5. The following is an old quotation by the Roman orator Marcus Tullius Cicero (better known as “Cicero”), 42 BC:

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."


6. Former White House official Olivia Troye has condemned "despicable" remarks by Donald Trump after he praised Vladimir Putin's military strategy.

Troye, a Homeland Security and counterterrorism adviser to former Vice President Mike Pence, hit out at Trump for calling Putin "very savvy" after the Russian president announced Moscow's recognition of the independence of two self-proclaimed republics in eastern Ukraine....

"I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, 'This is genius.' Putin declares a big portion of Ukraine… Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that's wonderful," Trump told The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show on Tuesday.

"I said, 'How smart is that?' And he's gonna go in and be a peacekeeper," Trump said. "We could use that on our southern border. That's the strongest peace force I've ever seen. 🤣

"Here's a guy who's very savvy," Trump added. "I know him very well. Very, very well.

In a tweet reacting to the comments, Troye said: "Absolutely despicable that Trump, his loyal pundits & many Republicans remain an asset & mouthpiece for Russian propaganda—Even more abhorrent that a former U.S. President would praise Putin's tyrannical actions on Ukraine & suggest them as a strategy for use on our Southern Border."...

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki also criticized Trump for praising Putin after the Russian president signed decrees recognizing the People's Republic of Luhansk and People's Republic of Donetsk....

Psaki also made reference to reports that Trump told G7 leaders in 2018 that Crimea—the territory which Russian troops annexed from Ukraine in 2014—was part of Russia because people spoke Russian there....


P.S. The self-declared "Messiah" "huge mushroom head" ex-president's suggestion of using Putin’s strategy on America's southern border would undoubtedly raise concern in Mexico that it could become the next Ukraine if he or his GOP supporter wins the presidential election in 2024.

Additional Reference:


Fortunately, Kasparov has emigrated to Croatia, otherwise he will sooner or later be "checkmated" by Putin, and will disappear forever.

1. Amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine, right-wing politicians and media figures loyal to former President Donald Trump have alternately slammed Democratic President Joe Biden for getting the U.S. involved, while praising Russian President Vladimir Putin as a strong and capable leader.
Where are you from?
Real Americans have always taken pride at our clear headed wartime leaders who could respect the enemy they were committed to defeat.

Gen. George S. Patton: "You magnificent batard, I read your book!"

You've got some paranoia about foreigners.
It's called xenophobia. It's inherited in republican racists.
I try to sense what people feel for my country or about freedom.
You dont like America enough to make me trust you
What you need to do is not judge people on their political views and immediately label them as Marxist etc. You are E a rusted on republican so start there.

What qualifications do you to have to judge anyone?
Do you question the love of international posters for their country?

In fact, you're using that pathetic rebuttal as a veneer thin excuse to ridicule me. The sad part is you think I can't see through the crap you write.

I don't hate America. I hate the idiots that hide behind a flag and at the first opportunity to install fascism, they jump at it. Like you did with Trump yet it's a Democrat who hates America???

Think about t blockhead.
1. Amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine, right-wing politicians and media figures loyal to former President Donald Trump have alternately slammed Democratic President Joe Biden for getting the U.S. involved, while praising Russian President Vladimir Putin as a strong and capable leader.

Most notably, Trump praised Putin's invasion into Ukraine as "genius" and "wonderful" in Tuesday's broadcast of the conservative talk radio program The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show. Trump also referred to Putin as "tough" and patriotic....

"I mean, you know, he's a tough cookie, got a lot of the great charm and a lot of pride. But the way he—and he loves his country, you know? He loves his country," Trump continued....

Trump's former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has also repeatedly praised Putin in the runup to the invasion. His praise has even been rebroadcast on Russian television.

In late January, Pompeo said of Putin, "Very shrewd, very capable. I have enormous respect for him. I've been criticized for saying that. No, I have enormous respect for him." 🤣

Speaking of Putin's capabilities during Pompeo's tenure, Pompeo said Putin "was always well-informed and deeply clear about what Russian interests were. I appreciated that. It required the same from us, from me, from my team. We had to be equally prepared and equally protective of the interests that matter to the United States. He is very savvy, very shrewd."

In a late January interview, Pompeo said of Putin, "He is a very talented statesman. He has lots of gifts. He was a KGB agent for goodness sakes. He knows how to use power. We need to respect that."

In a Tuesday tweet, Pompeo wrote, "Vladimir Putin is the same person he was during our administration. The only thing that has changed is American leadership."

In another tweet, Pompeo wrote, "For 4 years, the left parroted the hoax that our administration was weak on Russia. Yet, they didn't dare invade Ukraine on our watch. But now they do. Who do you think Putin feared more?"....

In the Tuesday broadcast of his show, Fox News host Tucker Carlson repeated a right-wing talking point accusing the Biden family of using their political standing to conduct illegal business deals to the benefit of Biden's son, Hunter Biden.

"If you've been watching the news, you know that Putin is having a border dispute with a nation called Ukraine," Carlson said. "Now the main thing to know about Ukraine, for our purposes, is that its leaders once sent millions of dollars to Joe Biden's family."...

Echoing Carlson, right-wing media figure Candace Owens wrote in a Tuesday tweet, "A good starting place in your studies is Hunter Biden. Go pursue the relationships he has (in conjunction with China) in Ukraine. Ask yourself if it's just a coincidence the puppet President with billion dollar interests in the region wants to go to war."...

Similarly, Fox News host Sean Hannity said that the invasion has occurred, in part, because Biden is too weak against Putin and, unlike Trump, hasn't chastised NATO allies for financing Russia by buying its oil while opposing its expansion....

Several Republican politicians in the America First Caucus have also blamed Biden.

In a Tuesday tweet, Republican Texas Representative Ronny Jackson wrote, "Joe Biden rolled over and gave Russia a pipeline for NOTHING. His son is compromised by corrupt oligarchs. EVERYTHING Biden has done has made this worse. This would've NEVER happened under Trump!"...

Republican Florida Representative Byron Donald wrote in a Tuesday tweet, "Joe Biden's address about Ukraine was disgraceful. The sanctions that he announced might have been good 2 months ago, but not now. America, let's be very clear... Putin is happy Joe Biden is @POTUS! This is so sad for our nation and our allies."....


2. During her appearance on MSNBC's "The Sunday Show," former Republican Party campaign consultant Tara Seymater went off on an epic rant attacking Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) for trying to blame President Joe Biden for Vladimir Putin's saber-rattling as he reportedly prepares to invade Ukraine.

During his own rant, Cotton claimed, "For four years when we had a Republican president who Democrats like Joe Biden accused of being in Vladimir Putin's pocket, and for some reason Vladimir Putin didn't invade Ukraine. It's because the only way to confront an aggressive autocrat like Putin or Xi Jinping is to show strength from the very beginning. That's the way to deter the kind of conflict that is likely about to happen in Ukraine." 🤣

"Tara, what's he talking about? " host Jonathan Capehart asked.

"Let's go back to the videotape, shall we?" Setmayer replied. "If it really means showing strength means kissing the ass of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un, well, then I guess that Donald Trump put America first."

"It's asinine for him to even imply that. Do we need to go over all the dozens upon dozens of examples of Donald Trump acquiescing to Vladimir Putin? Remember he wouldn't call Putin a killer during the Super Bowl in 2017?," she stated before quoting the ex-president remarking, "'There's lots of killers. Are we so innocent?'"

"What about Helsinki where Donald Trump stood on the world stage and gave more credibility to Vladimir Putin than our own intelligence agencies?" she continued. "What about how when Trump said, we don't care about those sanctions, he can keep Crimea. What about the time where Donald Trump, with open arms, embraced Sergei Lavrov to come into the Oval Office of the United States and passed off intelligence information to the Russians? I could keep going, there are so many examples that are so egregious that the cold warriors of the Republican Party who know better freaked out over, and Ronald Reagan would be spinning in his grave over it."

"I say to Tom Cotton, and the rest of them, get out the hell of here. We saw the video for four years, we lived through it," she concluded.


3. Given the chance, former President Donald Trump took the headline-grabbing route and declared Russian leader Vladimir Putin "very savvy" and his decision to roll his army into separatist-held parts of Ukraine "genius."...

He offered no words of condemnation for a regime threatening the worst military conflict in Europe since World War II. Instead, Trump violated an unwritten rule by attacking our current President as he struggled to deal with the war against one of America's friends. Since everything is apparently about him, he claimed he would have handled this crisis better and took a further swipe at President Joe Biden, "This never would have happened with us," said Trump who then added, that Biden is a "man that has no concept of what he's doing."...

As former President and current leader of the Republican Party, Trump seems to have taught his political followers to respect Putin's strength as he does. Trump's former secretary of state Mike Pompeo recently called Putin "Very shrewd, very capable" adding, "I have enormous respect for him." Some in Congress and in the Trump-supporting commentariat either used the moment to attack Biden or take Russia's side in a conflict Putin began when he invaded Ukraine in 2014, simply seizing control of Crimea.....

In addition to training much of the GOP to echo his Big Lie, Trump has led them to break with a long tradition of rallying behind the president in times of international conflict. With Biden repositioning our military to defend NATO allies that border Ukraine, America is clearly not on Putin's side. Sadly, many prominent American politicians, led by Trump, seem to be.....

Zelensky said that the sanctions and foreign policy settings that existed during Trump's administration would have prevented the invasion.
Zelensky said that the sanctions and foreign policy settings that existed during Trump's administration would have prevented the invasion.
You are a Christian liar and you cannot prove zelensky said that.
Why do you fabricate crap to support Trump? He's a cheat and was just fined 2.3 million for tax fraud.
1. Amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine, right-wing politicians and media figures loyal to former President Donald Trump have alternately slammed Democratic President Joe Biden for getting the U.S. involved, while praising Russian President Vladimir Putin as a strong and capable leader.

Where are you from?
Real Americans have always taken pride at our clear headed wartime leaders who could respect the enemy they were committed to defeat.

Gen. George S. Patton: "You magnificent batard, I read your book!"

. this instance....Putin's playing the part of a Chickenhawk-commander....much like Lil' Dumbya Bush, in Iraq.

What is there to respect????
Believing lies of enemies of God is very hazardous to one's spiritual health.
So anyone who believes that Trump is not a cheat and was not fined for being a cheat is an "enemy of God"?

You know nothing about spiritual health. It is ever so bloody obvious that you are not a spiritual doctor, assuming that such a thing exists.