Impeachment process


Staff member
Dec 9, 2006
Austria, in the heart of Europe
How the process could go:

  • Several House committees are investigating president Trump on impeachable offenses and will send their strongest cases to the Judiciary Committee
  • If the findings are determined to be sufficient the House votes on one or more articles of impeachment
  • If a majority votes in favor (Democrats currently have a majority) Trump is impeached
  • Now the Senate (Reps have a majority) holds a trial and then does a vote, if two-thirds of members present vote to convict Trump is removed from office.
I read that Trump actually wants to be impeached. May I quote the New York Times:

"A president who escapes unscathed from an investigation into his campaign’s collusion with a foreign government and then the day after Robert Mueller’s testimony is on the phone jawboning a foreign government to help out his presidential campaign — does that president seem like a man who’s particularly worried about being impeached?"
How the process could go:

  • Several House committees are investigating president Trump on impeachable offenses and will send their strongest cases to the Judiciary Committee
  • If the findings are determined to be sufficient the House votes on one or more articles of impeachment
  • If a majority votes in favor (Democrats currently have a majority) Trump is impeached
  • Now the Senate (Reps have a majority) holds a trial and then does a vote, if two-thirds of members present vote to convict Trump is removed from office.

Things could go that way. Another way they could go is the Senate declining to hear the case or torpedoing it in the very early phases or possibly the House votes to Impeach but then decides not to take the case to the Senate which is what I think will happen.
This impeachment is not real but is only designed to give the Dems talking points in the coming election. There is not a snowballs chance in hell of getting 2/3 of the Senate on board the impeachment train and the Dems and Nancy know that. So this further divides us as a nation and will likely backfire on the Dems in the election.