Iraq leaders supports Obama plan


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2008
land of 10,000 lakes and 2 senators again
BERLIN - Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki says U.S. troops should leave Iraq "as soon as possible," according to a magazine report, and he called presidential candidate Barack Obama's suggestion of 16 months "the right timeframe for a withdrawal."

I guess he must be a Defeatist who has given up on Iraq then right? Bush and McCain can talk all they want, but the Leader of Iraq is thinking Obama is correct...and who would know best?
All hail the Messiah!

"My faith teaches me that I can sit in church and pray all I want, but I won't be fulfilling God's will unless I go out and do the Lords Work." -Barrack Obama
BERLIN - Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki says U.S. troops should leave Iraq "as soon as possible," according to a magazine report, and he called presidential candidate Barack Obama's suggestion of 16 months "the right timeframe for a withdrawal."

I guess he must be a Defeatist who has given up on Iraq then right? Bush and McCain can talk all they want, but the Leader of Iraq is thinking Obama is correct...and who would know best?

Oops! :) Wrong again!

Do you ever tire of making yourself look like an idiot in public? :)
I'm revoking his Messiah-ship....

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki did not back the plan of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq and his comments to a German magazine on the issue were misunderstood, the government's spokesman said on Sunday.

Ali al-Dabbagh said in a statement that Maliki's remarks to Der Spiegel were translated incorrectly.

Obamamedia at it again... They're circling the wagons now by not reporting what he actually DID say, only what they misquoted him as saying.

Our "Free Press" can be a real disappointment at times. What ever happened to objectivity?
I'm revoking his Messiah-ship....

Obamamedia at it again... They're circling the wagons now by not reporting what he actually DID say, only what they misquoted him as saying.

Our "Free Press" can be a real disappointment at times. What ever happened to objectivity?

Uh, if you read the post above yours ........ :rolleyes:
I sure hope Obama can "wing it" through his presidency like he has through the election process. Unless a scandal released just after August bars him from any hopes of reaching that lofty ideal.
I sure hope Obama can "wing it" through his presidency like he has through the election process. Unless a scandal released just after August bars him from any hopes of reaching that lofty ideal.

Yadda, yadda, yadda... just like you said Senator Obama was having trouble raising money and then he posted June as a $52,000,000 (52 MILLION DOLLAR) month.

Get with Hillary & Bill and show the Democratic nominee some love!
I'm revoking his Messiah-ship....

Obamamedia at it again... They're circling the wagons now by not reporting what he actually DID say, only what they misquoted him as saying.

Our "Free Press" can be a real disappointment at times. What ever happened to objectivity?


Iraq has to deal with the US government in place. Maliki made it clear not only by letting it slip in his statements that he personally liked the Senator Obama's vision much better than John McSames but even if all of Maliki's statements were never made (which they were) the fact is this...

The Iraqi government would not enter into any agreement with the US unless THERE WAS AN AGREEMENT ON A US PULLOUT TIMELINE... or as the Bushies would like to rename it "time horizon"...
Our next President Senator Obama looks good listening & interacting with our troops... sitting & discussing events on the ground with other heads of state... and even looks good on a military basketball court.

While John McBush... can't really even look halfway good in very, very heavy cover up make up when he says nothing at all...

Look and see...
You heard it here folks! :D The reason to vote for Obama, according to the Koolaid Kid, is "he looks good". Yaaaaaaaaa - a cross between a skeleton and dumbo - looks real good. :p