Is the "OBAMA YOUTH MOVEMENT" starting ?

Pandora , I agree our children must be exposed to at least both sides of important issues . But we need not allow the "devil" to explain the evil part...


The devil... the duly and legally democratically elected... THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA... is now the devil to the Wackos on the Far Right!

This is EXACTLY why the Republicant Party is hemorrhaging market share like never before with no tourniquet in site.:D


The devil... the duly and legally democratically elected... THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA... is now the devil to the Wackos on the Far Right!

This is EXACTLY why the Republicant Party is hemorrhaging market share like never before with no tourniquet in site.:D

BUT,, I am not a Republican , why should they be credited for my thoughts?
Me thinks you are so biased you blame all who do not house your marxist thoughts . VOTE PRINCIPE - forget Party!
I am sure when there hear study hard, and work hard, and stay in school...they will have someone else from teh Republican side come out for there side and say drop out, be dumb, and be lazy....we need you to vote for us later :)

OK... now pocket that's going in my archive as not only one of the most true observations you've posted... but also maybe the funniest!:D

"we need you to vote for us later" PRICELESS!!!

BUT,, I am not a Republican , why should they be credited for my thoughts?
Me thinks you are so biased you blame all who do not house your marxist thoughts . VOTE PRINCIPE - forget Party!

Conservative, Libritarian... we know from your often rampant misspelled words you're not a Librarian... so you're just some Dark Side FAR RIGHTIE.

And they have no chance at getting elected!:D

Conservative, Libritarian... we know from your often rampant misspelled words you're not a Librarian... so you're just some Dark Side FAR RIGHTIE.

And they have no chance at getting elected!:D

But , Why would a worthless piece of Ohio's feces ever suspect you had any moral right to pass judgement on any living soul? If you were worth the sweat from a buckeye pig, the most respected citizen of that state , you would have left that slum area years ago. Now ramble to your trough and suck some garbage! ITs your feeding time!
one more thread not worth reading as nothing worth while ever starts with X is like Hitler or the Nazi's....its s sure sign to just move along and ignore the crazy man. So no I have no idea what the thread is about, nor do I care :)

YES, this poster has such a mind that he can judge without reading , censorwithout knowing , and eliminate without reason--I t sounds like an Obama Marxist to me!!


VOTE PRINCIPLE not PARTY in 2010 & 2012! ELIMINATE radical liberals from our CONGRESS and our WHITE HOUSE!
that or it was a bulk Email and they figured shools that are not open where smart enough to figure it out? and tape it if they wished?

Obama is much like the CAMEL in the fabel . Obama just wants to stick his nose in under the Children's Tent . You know , just a friendly word to let them know he is "thinking about them " . Then as time goes by he will insert the Marxist poison into their young minds .This poison will turn Child against Parent , against the Home , against GOD .Just as the "Youth Movement " in Germany in the 1930's . children will become subjects of the Federal Government . They will spy upon their parents , reporting any anti- government talk to perhaps a FEDERAL School Children's CZAR . Oh ,this will not happen overnight , evilness is shrewd and sneaky .At first he projects feelings of "only wanting to help " , you know, pick them up and place them on his knee , so to speak . Then in time when their confidence in our Federal Government becomes greater than their LOVE for HOME and FAMILY , then the die is cast and YOUR CHILD is LOST!! THINK!! KEEP THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OUT of OUR SCHOOLS!! We need to LESSEN their POWER and CONTROL over our schools and our Children.We MUST return POWER to the PEOPLE at the STATE LEVEL and the LOCAL DISTRICTS . STOP OBAMA 'S takeover and ELIMINATE the FEDERAL DEPARTMENT of EDUCATION! Return POWER to the STATES!!
But , Why would a worthless piece of Ohio's feces ever suspect you had any moral right to pass judgement on any living soul? If you were worth the sweat from a buckeye pig, the most respected citizen of that state , you would have left that slum area years ago. Now ramble to your trough and suck some garbage! ITs your feeding time!

You've pretty loud in condemnation and in this last post you're pretty foul-mouthed, but why don't you make some kind of positive statement about your views rather than just negative ones about other's?

Don't be vague, lay it out, give us something of substance to actually debate. Who or what are you advocating?
You've pretty loud in condemnation and in this last post you're pretty foul-mouthed, but why don't you make some kind of positive statement about your views rather than just negative ones about other's?

Don't be vague, lay it out, give us something of substance to actually debate. Who or what are you advocating?

Well, For your information ,I answered this poster in kind . See, when I detect and suspect a low level intelligence in the poster . In this case a very low level , I send them a posting trying to reach their normal reading ability . So "mispeld werds" and phrases are included in my posting to them to try and make it a more "natural" reading experience . Hopefully , those with proper learning will understand and not be insulted.
Well, For your information ,I answered this poster in kind . See, when I detect and suspect a low level intelligence in the poster . In this case a very low level , I send them a posting trying to reach their normal reading ability . So "mispeld werds" and phrases are included in my posting to them to try and make it a more "natural" reading experience . Hopefully , those with proper learning will understand and not be insulted.

Um, I call bull.

Insulting bull to boot.

I doubt you mispell words to bring things down to a persons level as your motive. And MT is not of low intelligence.
Well, For your information ,I answered this poster in kind . See, when I detect and suspect a low level intelligence in the poster . In this case a very low level , I send them a posting trying to reach their normal reading ability . So "mispeld werds" and phrases are included in my posting to them to try and make it a more "natural" reading experience . Hopefully , those with proper learning will understand and not be insulted.

I don't suppose that your patronizing them that way would be seen as arrogance?
But , Why would a worthless piece of Ohio's feces ever suspect you had any moral right to pass judgement on any living soul? If you were worth the sweat from a buckeye pig, the most respected citizen of that state , you would have left that slum area years ago. Now ramble to your trough and suck some garbage! ITs your feeding time!

I'd watch those sorts of rampant personal attacks.

And it only highlights your ignorance when you spew insults against any town that someone comes from that voted for President Obama... because there were people in every town that voted and WON with President Obama.

The simple fact is you are from the Dark Side. And I don't say that because you vote differently than me for there are those everywhere... even right here on this board that vote differently than me that I respect and even think of in very friendly terms.

It's the pure evil of your rhetoric that makes you so bad. I hope you can find a way to do better.

I'd watch those sorts of rampant personal attacks.

And it only highlights your ignorance when you spew insults against any town that someone comes from that voted for President Obama... because there were people in every town that voted and WON with President Obama.

The simple fact is you are from the Dark Side. And I don't say that because you vote differently than me for there are those everywhere... even right here on this board that vote differently than me that I respect and even think of in very friendly terms.

It's the pure evil of your rhetoric that makes you so bad. I hope you can find a way to do better.

OH , I think ALL who voted for obama are receiving their proper punishment and more severe punishment will follow . His tumbling poll numbers tell it all . He has lost millions of intelligent liberal votes , destroyed his Jewish vote ( Jewish voters went 78% for obama in 2008 , Most of the educated Black vote has turned against him too. So as he keeps insisting on forcing his Marxism on America he will end of being NO FACTOR . In my humble opinion he is a disgrace to America , an insult to our Constitution , and a burden upon our Armed Forces who must salute him as per their rules . It is just so unfair that the 58 million intelligent voters will also carry the burden and suffer the pain of his presidency.May GOD have mercy on America! And keep us safe until the 2010 & 2012 elections when we can
clean house " and return America to saneness !
OH , I think ALL who voted for obama are receiving their proper punishment and more severe punishment will follow . His tumbling poll numbers tell it all . He has lost millions of intelligent liberal votes , destroyed his Jewish vote ( Jewish voters went 78% for obama in 2008 , Most of the educated Black vote has turned against him too. So as he keeps insisting on forcing his Marxism on America he will end of being NO FACTOR . In my humble opinion he is a disgrace to America , an insult to our Constitution , and a burden upon our Armed Forces who must salute him as per their rules . It is just so unfair that the 58 million intelligent voters will also carry the burden and suffer the pain of his presidency.May GOD have mercy on America! And keep us safe until the 2010 & 2012 elections when we can
clean house " and return America to saneness !

The Jewish vote, the liberals and the "educated" black vote have turned against Obama?

I'll ignore the obvious racism behind that remark, and just you have a link to back up that statement?
OH , I think ALL who voted for obama are receiving their proper punishment and more severe punishment will follow . His tumbling poll numbers tell it all . He has lost millions of intelligent liberal votes , destroyed his Jewish vote ( Jewish voters went 78% for obama in 2008 , Most of the educated Black vote has turned against him too. So as he keeps insisting on forcing his Marxism on America he will end of being NO FACTOR . In my humble opinion he is a disgrace to America , an insult to our Constitution , and a burden upon our Armed Forces who must salute him as per their rules . It is just so unfair that the 58 million intelligent voters will also carry the burden and suffer the pain of his presidency.May GOD have mercy on America! And keep us safe until the 2010 & 2012 elections when we can
clean house " and return America to saneness !

What do you think, Al, can that moose-murdering numbskull from Alaska save us?