McCain's Latest TV ad.

Have you seen the latest TV ad by McCheese? I think it's stupid. If he's really trying to go after Hussein Obama, he's definitely not doing it here; saying that he's the most popular man in the world....:mad:

I saw that ad, it was pretty lame. They should just use Obama's words against him.

My fav is when he said he wasn't qualified to be president and he was not going to run for 08, that just in its self would make a great ad.

His latest is pretty odd too...I am the one the world has been waiting for. ??
The only two people I know of the world has been waiting for is Jesus Christ and the Anti Christ. and Obama is no Jesus Christ!
At the NAACP convention, McCain said something like "don't tell him I said this, but that Obama is quite a guy".

I think he is being badly misadvised, and needs to shape up his staff again. The ways Obama can be attacked are so GLARINGLY obvious, one wonders what his PR people are doing - playing golf?

I disagree about that video though, and think it is on track, suggesting (too subtly I think for some folks) that Obama is a Lib Media creation, a person all "celebrity" and no substance. (You DID notice Paris Hilton, the epitome of an empty shell celebrity, and the other bimbo in the beginning.....didn't you?)

My version of this:

Voice over: A lot of folks are just nuts about Obama.....
Video: Shows hysterical giggly, well dressed middle class girls at a Bot concert

Voice over: But is he right for you?
Video: Shows a worker, or someone leaving a church, or maybe a farmer with a shotgun on the wall in the background.

I disagree about that video though, and think it is on track, suggesting (too subtly I think for some folks) that Obama is a Lib Media creation, a person all "celebrity" and no substance. (You DID notice Paris Hilton, the epitome of an empty shell celebrity, and the other bimbo in the beginning.....didn't you?)

That's what it was going for -- that he is no more deserving of the Presidency than Paris Hilton is of all the fame and fortune she's got.

The most effective ad they could make would just be to stitch together all the ridiculous gaffes and misstatements he's made (57 states, banking committee, and bitter xenophobic heartlanders spring to mind, but there are countless others). Of course they won't do that.

I read on NRO's The Corner that Rick Perlstein is complaining that the ad compares Obama to Hitler. As if, you know, it were not intrinsic to the nature of delivering a speech to thousands of chanting Germans before a monument to Prussian militarism that you're going to look like Hitler if you do it. :rolleyes:
That's what it was going for -- that he is no more deserving of the Presidency than Paris Hilton is of all the fame and fortune she's got.

The most effective ad they could make would just be to stitch together all the ridiculous gaffes and misstatements he's made (57 states, banking committee, and bitter xenophobic heartlanders spring to mind, but there are countless others). Of course they won't do that.

I read on NRO's The Corner that Rick Perlstein is complaining that the ad compares Obama to Hitler. As if, you know, it were not intrinsic to the nature of delivering a speech to thousands of chanting Germans before a monument to Prussian militarism that you're going to look like Hitler if you do it. :rolleyes:

I do not call Obama a fascist or anything like that, but he is a democrat with overwhelming statist attitudes. He's one of those leftwingers who thinks the only reality in life is the state and what it controls. Having said that, the comparison with Hitler is obvious: A nonentity suddenly rises in the political scene, giving speeches that some react to with hysteria, because people of an advanced country who would ordinarily laugh at his rants are taken in by him during hard times.
That's what it was going for -- that he is no more deserving of the Presidency than Paris Hilton is of all the fame and fortune she's got.

The most effective ad they could make would just be to stitch together all the ridiculous gaffes and misstatements he's made (57 states, banking committee, and bitter xenophobic heartlanders spring to mind, but there are countless others). Of course they won't do that.

I read on NRO's The Corner that Rick Perlstein is complaining that the ad compares Obama to Hitler. As if, you know, it were not intrinsic to the nature of delivering a speech to thousands of chanting Germans before a monument to Prussian militarism that you're going to look like Hitler if you do it. :rolleyes:

Just a few things

1. the 57 states thing is old, lame and cheap. Does a single one of you guys actually think he thought there was 57 states? I bet no. I bet you all know its a dumb thing he said when reading a speech after going around for months with little sleep all over the place and daily having to repeat the same thing over and over and over....Did you see my *****ing when McCain said we need help on Afghanistan>Iraq border? no I defended McCain as said it was a lame attack as we all know he simple mixed up a few words. His mix up of Sunni Shia not sure me that's like saying your expert on the Ireland conflict and talking about the Catholics in the north allied with the UK ..over and over...

Next watching fox noise start talking about Obama's speech being Hitler like in Germany.. Fing sad. You know there was a saying in debate...first one to say Hitler lost. OOO yea a monument in Germany that makes people think Hitler....Its Germany , everything makes us think Hitler. And I guess Obama should apologize for the fact that unlike Bush, the people around the world actually like him and would show up to hear him speak.

And the idea that Obama is no more prepared then Paris? Get a life. 3 Years in the US Senate , 8 years IL State Senate, Columbia and Harvard Law, Veterans' Affairs Committee, working with Dick Luger, Chuck Hagel and others to help work on loose nukes to make sure people Like Bin Laden could not get there hands on them. I will fully admit he does not have the experience that I wanted, but he has more cred then I think Bush ever did for me. And this whole "Bots" thing...personally is insulting to the many many people who put a lot of thought into there choices and the issues not some "liberal Media Hype". I know it makes it easy for you to just dismiss everything if you can just cry liberal media and act like those supporting him have no clue what they are doing, but its insulting to many as well. I don't attack people who Support McCain as being just idiot who have no idea what they are doing. Also while me and many of my friends don't agree with McCain on a lot, we all at least respect him and have all basically said at least if the Right wins again, this time will will not be nearly as worried as when Bush won again in 04.

Is Obama perfect of course not, and sorry to tell you this but non of the supporters I know think of him as Jesus or anything like that. What they do see is someone who at least inspires some sense that we can actuly do better...rather then the 8 years of settle becuse you have to and Fear as the motivation to pass laws.

This is more a General Statement not aimed at realy any one person , just the quote happend on a few topics of point.
And the idea that Obama is no more prepared then Paris? Get a life. 3 Years in the US Senate ,

He got there through the dumbest luck in american political history, only because the opposition completely collapsed, hardly ever shows up for votes, and when he has, it's to compile the most leftwing voting record in congress.

8 years IL State Senate,

Oooooooooo, a black guy got elected to represent a chicago ghetto - I'm impressed!

Poly Sci degree - as everyone knows, the simplest degree there is.

Harvard Law

Any black with a pulse can get in - like Columbia, "affirmative action" did the trick.

Veterans' Affairs Committee, working with Dick Luger, Chuck Hagel

Translation: Luger did the thinking, Hagel did the work, and Obama came along too! :)

None of Obama's background makes him any more qualified than maybe tens of millions of people in the US, and some should disqualify: his being steeped in the idea of leftwingers, racists, and communists from his earliest days up to the present time, and all those persons made a big impact, as shown by his senate voting record. His "achievements" are feeble and the result of dumb luck and "affirmative action" - but he isn't completely a hollow shell - the real thing that's "there" inside him is a leftwing worldview and a belief that the government is the solution to all problems.
He got there through the dumbest luck in american political history, only because the opposition completely collapsed, hardly ever shows up for votes, and when he has, it's to compile the most leftwing voting record in congress.

Oooooooooo, a black guy got elected to represent a chicago ghetto - I'm impressed!

Poly Sci degree - as everyone knows, the simplest degree there is.

Any black with a pulse can get in - like Columbia, "affirmative action" did the trick.

Translation: Luger did the thinking, Hagel did the work, and Obama came along too! :)

None of Obama's background makes him any more qualified than maybe tens of millions of people in the US, and some should disqualify: his being steeped in the idea of leftwingers, racists, and communists from his earliest days up to the present time, and all those persons made a big impact, as shown by his senate voting record. His "achievements" are feeble and the result of dumb luck and "affirmative action" - but he isn't completely a hollow shell - the real thing that's "there" inside him is a leftwing worldview and a belief that the government is the solution to all problems.

Im sorry I should have added that I don't care about your mindless rants...I was only talking to the Republicans with some mental function on here....
Libsmasher;53662]He got there through the dumbest luck in american political history, only because the opposition completely collapsed, hardly ever shows up for votes, and when he has, it's to compile the most leftwing voting record in congress.

Not only incorrect but also being totally oblivious.:eek:

Oooooooooo, a black guy got elected to represent a chicago ghetto - I'm impressed!

Now let me see "black guy"... "ghetto"... Yep! Someones not impressing me and it's not the "black" guy".

Poly Sci degree - as everyone knows, the simplest degree there is.

Really... how many degrees have you earned from a school equal to a Columbia? And why aren't you where Senator vObama is today instead of typing on this forum? Let me guess... hard work?;)

Any black with a pulse can get in - like Columbia, "affirmative action" did the trick.

Sure any "black" can be editor of the Harvard Law Review. I mean heck he was the first one ever in the whole history of the University but hey just pick a "black" any "black". Hell I even hear that the "affirmative action squad" comes in and does your homework and takes your tests for ya.

How embarrassing for you to say that. I mean seriously that would even be embarrassing at a Klan rally:o

Translation: Luger did the thinking, Hagel did the work, and Obama came along too!

Well being "black" and all. I mean you can't really expect the guy to shine shoes all day and be at the top of his game in the UNITED STATES SENATE!!!
None of Obama's background makes him any more qualified than maybe tens of millions of people in the US, and some should disqualify: his being steeped in the idea of leftwingers, racists, and communists from his earliest days up to the present time, and all those persons made a big impact, as shown by his senate voting record. His "achievements" are feeble and the result of dumb luck and "affirmative action" - but he isn't completely a hollow shell - the real thing that's "there" inside him is a leftwing worldview and a belief that the government is the solution to all problems.

And with all this He's still like a hundred light years better than what the Republicans have done & Grampy McBush. WOW that's gonna leave a mark!:D
Fear as the motivation to pass laws.

Fears about Global Warming.

Fears about Retirement income.

Fears about Healthcare.

Fears about Medicare/Medicaid.

Fears about Pollution and Environmental concerns.

Fear about Terrorism.

Fear about Mortgages being defaulted (Unconcerned about Tax Foreclosures).

Fear about letting Failing Businesses fail.

Fear about having lost your civil rights.

Fear about things not being "equal" enough.

Fear about the Rich not paying their "Fair Share" in taxes.

Fear about America's image in the world.

Fear about Unemployment.

Fear about Infrastructure.

Fear about our Military and our Soldiers welfare.

Fear about "The Children".

Fear about "The Elderly".

Fear about Prescription Medications.

Fear about Drugs that are not taxed and regulated.

Fear about Human Rights abuses.

Fear about anything other than the debt, unless its a Republican in charge of spending.

Welcome to the politics of fear.
I'm bored right now, so I'll spend a few moments crushing your latest advertisement on how dimwitted you are. :)

Libsmasher;53662]He got there through the dumbest luck in american political history, only because the opposition completely collapsed, hardly ever shows up for votes, and when he has, it's to compile the most leftwing voting record in congress.

Not only incorrect but also being totally oblivious.

Read up on the details of his senate election and senate career, dimwit, and then come back when you know something. :rolleyes:

Poly Sci degree - as everyone knows, the simplest degree there is.

Really... how many degrees have you earned from a school equal to a Columbia? And why aren't you where Senator vObama is today instead of typing on this forum? Let me guess... hard work?

I'm gettin deja vu all over again - we've been through this before, which you would remember except for your short term memory problem. No, I didn't get into Harvard, I have WHITE skin. My degrees are in physics, astronomy, and computer science. Obama couldn't get past "Hello class" in any major course I've ever taken. :D

Any black with a pulse can get in - like Columbia, "affirmative action" did the trick.

Sure any "black" can be editor of the Harvard Law Review.

Nine people are chosen every year for the Harvard Law Review based on "affirmative action" - see? You don't know what you're talking about. In my ongoing effort to crowd some of the BS out of your Botish, white uncle tom brain, and replace it with fact, I offer the following article on the history of "affirmative action" at the Review:

Furthermore, Obama never published a SINGLE LEGAL ARTICLE in any scholarly publication - that's undoubtedly a first for someone who is the editor of a major law review, or ANY scholarly journal. The "affirmative action" in Obama's slection will be crystal clear to all but the most koolaid-soaked bothead. ;)