He got there through the dumbest luck in american political history, only because the opposition completely collapsed, hardly ever shows up for votes, and when he has, it's to compile the most leftwing voting record in congress.
Oooooooooo, a black guy got elected to represent a chicago ghetto - I'm impressed!
Poly Sci degree - as everyone knows, the simplest degree there is.
Any black with a pulse can get in - like Columbia, "affirmative action" did the trick.
Translation: Luger did the thinking, Hagel did the work, and Obama came along too!
None of Obama's background makes him any more qualified than maybe tens of millions of people in the US, and some should disqualify: his being steeped in the idea of leftwingers, racists, and communists from his earliest days up to the present time, and all those persons made a big impact, as shown by his senate voting record. His "achievements" are feeble and the result of dumb luck and "affirmative action" - but he isn't completely a hollow shell - the real thing that's "there" inside him is a leftwing worldview and a belief that the government is the solution to all problems.