NEW Clean Energy to address US Meltdown


Jan 16, 2009
In the light of the current situation, and considering that governments are too celebrity-like to respond, its perhaps necessary to share information with others, in the hope that politicians do get to hear somehow.

I offered to regenerate the US economy, by providing a NEW clean energy solution that provides more energy than the COMBINED energy yield of ALL known renewable energy methods, at a fraction of the current costs with the added bonus that it systematically reduces oil dependance.

Communications to the Fed, state depts, governors etc all get zero, talk about being 'asleep at the switch' - they all are. As in many cases preceding disasters, governments are warned- nobody listens. So, the fallouts across 2009 will be massive. Neither Obama, or the finest economics team on this globe can fix a thing. Any stimulus that lacks the core component of return on that stimulus, only adds to DEFICIT.

Talks in the senate may continue..Its unfortunate that politicians merely gab, and are good at fingerpointing..but not one, has a SOLUTION.

There's a big difference between ideas, plans, and 'iron solution'.
I offer :
1- Millions of jobs across various sectors
2- Regeneration of the stock markets
3- Affordable abundant electricity
4- Systematic reduction of oil dependance
5- Entirely new streams of education, technology
6- The ability to REALLY address carbon emissions.
7-Removal of the need for Bio-Fuel - because that eats a food source
8-Things that follow a stable economy - Health care, benefits etc : all can only be possible if the job market is recreated.
9- Systematic lowering of carbon emissions

To produce more than 1000x the power of all known alternate energy sources may seem impossible sounding..but it IS possible...and to do it at a fraction of your current costs, might seem even more unbelievable..but its possible.
Let's get real here... For all the renewable 'affordable' energy you know about, you can listen to every word of hype,and how great it is - For all these things, the only 'truth' is your utility bill each month. If that is rising each time you look, I rest my case.

Stock markets only revive on solidity,and unwavering confidence. I can provide a catalyst for US to start manufacturing, from the ground up again, with the offshoot spinoffs being millions of jobs, throughout every sector of your society. If I told you its possible to produce 1000x the COMBINED energy yield of wind/solar energy more cost effectively, and more environmentally friendly what would you do? Laugh? Thats the response of a *****, thats stuck in the realm of only what is known, and too dumb to have any lateral thought beyond that.

T Boone Pickens - is on a mission to windpower and natural-gas the nation. His plan will fail. I tried writing him, via his co BP etc..guess what? Nobody replied:) So, perhaps he's not really witty after all..either that, or his people just ignore communications. All told, he'll just keep losing money.

Energy - underpins EVERY economy. The highest sophistication, is nothing without power.

When the US fed, or its state departments actually respond to important communications, then perhaps things can change - until then, the globe will continue its freefall.

Here is an open challenge to the world's finest economists and the biggest political team on the globe - I say, your biggest stimulus plans will all fail, because no degree of liquidity injection, can stem the root cause of this financial crisis, which is actually 'mass unemployment'. Fancy tags like 'housing correction' , 'credit crunch' and 'toxic assets' are just really fancy phrases created by DENIAL. To start to fix a problem, you first need to know what the actual cause really is, and since economists can't identify that solidly, obviously they cannot start to fix anything. Isn't it amazing that every 'stimulus' across the globe is only resulting in soaring job losses?

Solutions do appear, but wax is a difficult thing to dissolve. Politicians do tend to have lots of that..if there were earwax shares on the stock market, I'd say those would always remain high!

Any wise legislator knows that the current stimulus efforts actually lack the core component of having the ability to regenerate the economy- the only effect its having, is to create false balance sheets for businesses that should be bankrupt. Keeping vegetables on life support will only ensure that US goes bankrupt. ( Whats it mean if a treasury is 'borrowing' money? Technically, the US treasury IS bankrupt, is what I would surmise)

Nobody is 'too big to fail' , so yes many may appreciate the way big companies tentacle into the economy,and affect many smaller businesses, but where do you think all the profits of past years have gone? Billions..suddenly evaporated!

In 2009, you will begin to see retail sectors become more paralysed. OPEC..well, when oil was $150 they said there's nothing they could do about that , now they can't wait to hold their next 'production cut' meeting in order to force prices higher. Natural gas holds EU ransom now. Energy Resources, are now weapons.

The G7+ meetings, are now a joke. Its just a gathering of people increasing the carbon emissions, and really offering ZERO in the way of solution. Men in suits planting trees?? Really? Unfortunately symbolism and statements translate to ZERO solution.

Remember what Kennedy said about being mistaken about trusting the 'experts' ? Well, there was a reason he said it..thats because so called 'experts' are not always very expert, and I suppose it comes into sharpest clarity when we see the actions of economists today.

My point in writing, is to let as many people as possible know that major solutions do exist. In this situation, I need to reach the President of USA.
I have a solid solution to table at that Senate , but I need to reach there.
As I say, the cost of 'listening' is infinitely less, than the cost of 'not listening'
You can always listen, then make an educated decision about it, but by not listening first, you run the risk of being a fool forever.

If someone out there can help me to reach where I need to, please help me.
If you know a politician, or someone in that realm that can actually ACT, then present my message.

Where are all the aliens?? :)..higher intelligence?? Do you perhaps think they know the secrets to unlimited electrical generation? ha :)
Iron solutions, only come from the Lord so, when the mighty USA prepares to recognise that God they often mention, then perhaps the future will not be so bleak.

If Warren Buffett says 'The rearview is always clearer than the windshield' , that becomes an international quote. If the Lord says 'I am the rearview, the windshield, and all thats beyond it' , then thats not really important.

Whether you believe in God, or not - you have to agree on one thing: Your butt is now in a sling , along with everyone else on the globe. 2009/10 will see the financial crushing of the world's 'superpowers' , and not even China will stand. Who says they'll forge ahead at 9% growth? Whispers say 0%..

I'm calling out the US President , because every nation across the globe follows USA. I shall say it simply..its time to 'listen'. You're just a guy in a high position , so you should listen, for the benefit of many, because you never know exactly who it may be that instructs you. Its possible to regenerate US in under 7 years.

So, lotsa people think the world is ending..Do not worry, there's a long way to go see the oil age end, so all seems dire..( There is only a little oil left really) Oil, and natural gas are actually coolants,and buffers of the continental, do not let anyone fool you and say 'we have huge gas deposits' ..because that cannot be sucked out without major consequence.
When mankind wants something, you see all kinds of rationale to make that sound right, so 'Drll baby drill'..well, that sounds pretty good.
Earthquakes!!! - that doesn't sound too good..but its what madness gets ya.
Big oil reserves under the polar caps?? Sounds nice huh??

Think about that , and liken it to sucking the fluid out between your knee joints. What happens? You'll never walk again when those bones collide.

Anyways..climate change, yep..we gotta respond says Al Gore.
Abundant electricity makes electric cars a viable reality, that allows the removal of petroluem powered vehicles. As I said - can do:) I can address infrastructure/energy/jobs etc all in one.

Apologies for the long a nutshell, if you can help me reach the President , please do.
When I reach where I need to, I shall render the concept, within the confines of a governmental agreement because there are aspects that have international implications.

I was actually preferring Germany, because they are master engineers,and very serious people..but USA is the nation that the world takes its cue from. ( I wish the world hadn't followed suite on bailouts though...fatal error)

Intergovernmental agreements then take care of the rest..US legislators are good at all that.

What difference do you think it'd make if certain foreign policies didnt rest on resource?
I hate the constriction of ethics that comes from having to deal with nations that are not really having the general interest of people at heart.
I don't like it that resources are now weapons.

Considering the US Fed really has NO plan that will succeed, I suppose the least they can do is 'listen'. Do you think the world's most fantastic scientists know all there is to know??:)
There's that story of the truck that got stuck at a bridge, and couldn't pass..remember that? While everyone was debating the issue, a kid came along to suggest they let the air out of the tires.

Global Energy, is similar. A change in the configuration of just a few elements, rearranged in a somewhat quantum way, can increase a power yield from 1 to 100. With relatively simple lateral 'kinetics' , and rearranging just a few elements of known power laws, its possible to outpower ALL known renewable energy methods.

I'm a designer/software specifier by trade. Defying conventional logic, is what 'concept' is about. The biggest stuff on the globe, has its basis in very simple building blocks.

I had someone say : You don't have a snowball's chance in hell of talking to big business, and the federal government of USA.

That may be true, but the fabric of society is collapsing on a phenomenal scale. The superword of today is 'unprecedented' ...when governments say that , it simply means ''We don't have a CLUE ''. Would you say any government today has the faintest idea what to do about the failing economics? Have their biggest summits yielded one solution?

I have terms,and conditions like any other person that presents something. The agreement is to protect the concept within the confines of its nature. There is a reason that I'm approaching government, and thats because what I suggest can only filter down from government.

If GB was my uncle, it'd be easier for me to do stuff..but I'm not in those So, I need to jump red tape...almost impossible. Bureaucracy kills..thats the way of the world, in many instances.

It frustrates me to see taxpayers money getting thrown on a financial bonfire...and at the current rate, 2009 will get much worse. Economists keep talking about their 'toolbox'..well, its out of tools now.

I would not want to really criticise their efforts, because its all they know...but I can say liquidity can fix nothing. If a bank offers you $50k in credit, can you access any of that if you have no job?

Governments do not have all the answers, but they can be assisted.
About the only way to get the attention that you want is to actually produce... something to warrant said attention. I've got the concept for a beautiful-but-theoretical fusion reactor in my head but don't have the kind of budget it would take to build a prototype. And even though my best friend is a physicist at Argonne National Laboratories, we still don't have the access required to even start to mess with it.
In spite of popular theory, there is still great wealth in the US. The only problem is that it is locked up in private holdings of the super-rich. The French Revolution had a solution to that problem of aristocracy. Maybe we can come up with a better plan?

My plan would implement the following:

1.Make job-outsourcing illegal. Effecitve yesterday. Will this cause hardship for CEOs? Oh my yes. They might even have to eat a box of macaroni and cheese once a month like their underlings have to get by on three times a week already. The days of fat and plenty for the fat at the top are over. Hope you enjoyed the party while it lasted guys and gals.. mitigated by..

2.Concurrently, drop the minimum wage to keep our goods competitive. Will workers hate this? Yes, but preferable to losing their jobs altogether and mitgated by...

3. Universal health care coverage for anyone who wants it. Private systems still availible for the wealthy. No premium overhead for employers or employees...again to keep our products priced competitively

4. Use a massive part of the debt relief to paydown individual mortgages or to subsidize financing them at drastically reduced rates. Or (my personal favorite)

4. a Forgive mortgage payments for people under $50K/year for one calendar year. This would pump their wages back into the economy, keep them in their homes, stabilize home values, giving back banks their value on paper and bring the system back on-line. Maybe they could even afford an efficient new car, eh?? Nuther problem solved..

Not to mention making this administration one of the most popular since the dawn of our nation.

This might or might not be a temporary solution. But if implemented, I guarantee it would bring our nation back from the brink. And besides, why push the working poor to a position of having to retaliate? There's no need for that. You put regular old folks in the streets with dying kids in their arms and nothing to're gonna have problems..especially in today's amoral culture. We outnumber the rich by 99 to 1 fer crying out loud.. King Louis couldn't do that math an neither can Congress apparently..?

If they make the fatal and HORRIBLE error of giving that money to the rich again instead of the poor, they no longer will have a country to preside over. They literally can kiss the USA goodbye and welcome anarchy, as horrible as it will be, with open arms and look in the mirror for who to blame. Those whimpering simpering liberals and dems in Congress better become pit-bulls on steroids with rabies across the aisle or they can ALL join us at the unemployment offices..or the streets..whatever it comes to..
1.Make job-outsourcing illegal. Effecitve yesterday. Will this cause hardship for CEOs? Oh my yes. They might even have to eat a box of macaroni and cheese once a month like their underlings have to get by on three times a week already. The days of fat and plenty for the fat at the top are over. Hope you enjoyed the party while it lasted guys and gals.. mitigated by..

Bad idea. First, how would you enforce such a law? My company makes a product that requires products from dozens of other companies. If we were forced to make all those supporting parts in house, we'd have to close up shop. The company wouldn't survive.

Not to mention that in other unionized companies where union contracts dictate pay-rates, that would undoubtedly cause the company to fold.

2.Concurrently, drop the minimum wage to keep our goods competitive. Will workers hate this? Yes, but preferable to losing their jobs altogether and mitgated by...

I agree. Absolutely brilliant. A plan that actually follows basic economics.

3. Universal health care coverage for anyone who wants it. Private systems still availible for the wealthy. No premium overhead for employers or employees...again to keep our products priced competitively

This would be wonderful for business, but would turn health care for the masses to crap. Again, wonderful for business. But the average Americans would suffer the worst crap health care. Not to mention it would double taxes on us in the long run. Again wonderful for business, but crap for the tax payers.

4. Use a massive part of the debt relief to paydown individual mortgages or to subsidize financing them at drastically reduced rates. Or (my personal favorite)

In every country that has a government paid for health system, there isn't any "debt relief". France being in the worst situation, is cutting it's government funded system drastically. Not to mention that government funded health systems here in the US have failed consistantly.

4. a Forgive mortgage payments for people under $50K/year for one calendar year. This would pump their wages back into the economy, keep them in their homes, stabilize home values, giving back banks their value on paper and bring the system back on-line. Maybe they could even afford an efficient new car, eh?? Nuther problem solved..

That would be a bandaid. If people can't afford it now, one year later isn't going to make a difference. Remember most of these forclosures happened several years after they got the loan. If they couldn't make it 5 years after getting a loan, why would one free year help? Granted it would help the banks out, just until the bail-out ended, then they'd fail too.

Not to mention making this administration one of the most popular since the dawn of our nation.

Now that might be true. When Nixon installed price controls causing massive gas shortages, and sending the economy into a tail spin.... it didn't matter to the ignorant public that re-elected him by a land slide. No doubt if this adminstration does similar "well intentioned" things that end up driving the economy into the gutter, the public being this ignorant, will still love him.

This might or might not be a temporary solution. But if implemented, I guarantee it would bring our nation back from the brink. And besides, why push the working poor to a position of having to retaliate? There's no need for that. You put regular old folks in the streets with dying kids in their arms and nothing to're gonna have problems..especially in today's amoral culture. We outnumber the rich by 99 to 1 fer crying out loud.. King Louis couldn't do that math an neither can Congress apparently..?

Um... I just do not buy this. No one should not have a job, unless by their own choice. There are dozens on dozens of jobs listed in the paper even today. I can think of several places hiring just off the top of my head. Even my company has an opening.

Further, food in this country is a joke. If you don't have food, it's your own fault.
Yep..US is still very wealthy, but 'technical bankruptcy'.

I can say this..The bailouts you see are like this:
If you as an average person had your kid knocked over on your road, it'd be 'Please accept our deepest sympathies'...and that'd be that.

If a rich person's kid gets run over:
Its in the news..speed humps appear..a traffic officer is roadsigns appear.

This financial crisis is just the same..for years now, the average person has been slowly crushed..that was ok..Big business was still going on. Nobody really noticed all the little people being crushed..but it was happening for 10-15 years now.
Suddenly, big business got touched by 'financial trouble' suddenly, its 'pull out all the stops..use every tool in the box.'

Take for instance the Icelandic banks collapse..UK govt officials were over there in a flash, because UK billionaires would have been 'penniless'..and no negotions ended without all that money being secured .

Not everything you see, is just as it seems:)

I am aware getting heard is almost impossible..but, its nice to just put the offer out.

As you can see, oil has dropped, and petrol is cheaper ..for now. The big shift in things will occur when these prices start to climb again.

There is a time for, Im not fretting or anything like that, but..should the Fed really be interested, the offer stands . No treasury is 'infinite'..and it can only take so many knocks. You've seen billionaires commit suicide in this crisis,and its still early days.
In US, a molehill can be treated like a disaster..Media takes care of all that. Media campaigning in US is the best on the globe.

The difference is, when is when what is controlled, spins out of control. There is a very real difference between things that are engineered for global consumption, and 'reality' in its true sense. Almost everone knows that all wealth is in the hands of under 3% of the globes population , and that a few people pull the strings on many events.

Huge subject...but, cool..I'm easy.
Just outa' curiosity there, Silhouette (btw, was it supposed to be "Silhouette" with an "l"?), what form do you think this great wealth in the US that's locked up in private holdings is in? Printed currency in vaults?

No, mostly landholdings and durable goods like yachts, cars, airplanes, gold, silver, valuables, art...mountain bikes...:p Stuff that the poor could confiscate like they did in the French Revolution and just recently from Dubya..

This financial crisis is just the same..for years now, the average person has been slowly crushed..that was ok..Big business was still going on. Nobody really noticed all the little people being crushed..but it was happening for 10-15 years now.
Suddenly, big business got touched by 'financial trouble' suddenly, its 'pull out all the stops..use every tool in the box.'~ Nevi
Yes. Quite. What big business needs to remember is that the consumers they rely on to buy their goods ARE THE SAME PEOPLE THEY HAVE WORKING FOR THEM... You cut off their form of livelihood, you cut off your own.

How about the retail biz this X-mas eh? HORRIBLE. And the CEOs are the ones who will also feel the pinch. We don't need idealogues to get this crises fixed, we need hardasses who cut through the whining and see the poor horse that draws the cart, brush him finally, groom him and give him a little grain. Make the lard butts sitting in the cart get out and walk for awhile, the humility will do them a world of good. Give the pony a break...let him recover and then the lard-butts can get back in, thinner and get more mileage out of their less-burdened pony.

As to the nuts and bolts of banning outsourcing..those are good and viable issues. Then impose tariffs on good imported to such an extent that producing them at home looks more attractive? There are ways to do this, to keep jobs at home. Perhaps a percentage? Mandate a certain percentage of any company's components to be American made. That ought to at least help.

Universal health care that is poor is better than no health care at all. I'll take the poor care thanks. Especially if it will help our nation get back on its feet. As it is, people paying huge premiums are getting screwed by insurance adjusters every day. The most prestigious health insurance firms have teams and teams of insurance adjusters whose sole job is to find an means possible to deny as much coverage as they can get away with denying. I know you neocons hate Michael Moore, but Sicko was one of his best pieces yet. At least with Universal care, the quality may be second-rate but at least it will exist and not drive people into bankruptcy. Cuba (the country Moore ended his movie in) took excellent care of its citizens. France sent doctors to people's homes to ensure their health care was of charge...

Big burden on the state...yadda yadda yadda...spin spin spin...rhetoric rhetoric. So, the fatcats in France can only afford one yacht. Big deal. At least they believe in "be thy brother's keeper." Oh no! :eek: It's SOCIALISM!! IT'S COMMUNISM!!!:eek::eek:

The superwealthy had better by their brother's keeper or their brothers are going to lop their heads off....or worse, stop buying their goods...
Nevi777 said:
-Removal of the need for Bio-Fuel - because that eats a food source

Let me remind you that all biofuels to not require corn or any other food source to make. There are alternatives...
No, mostly landholdings and durable goods like yachts, cars, airplanes, gold, silver, valuables, art...mountain bikes... Stuff that the poor could confiscate like they did in the French Revolution and just recently from Dubya..

Huh? What exactly did they confiscate from GWB?

And it almost seems as though you support this idea. I hope you understand that every time such an idea is tried, the result is wide spread poverty and destruction. It comes from a complete misunderstanding of "wealth" and "value", which are subjective.

As to the nuts and bolts of banning outsourcing..those are good and viable issues. Then impose tariffs on good imported to such an extent that producing them at home looks more attractive? There are ways to do this, to keep jobs at home. Perhaps a percentage? Mandate a certain percentage of any company's components to be American made. That ought to at least help.

Although I do favor tariffs, It's not for this reason. I favor tariffs as an alternative to taxing the public through income taxes. I do not support tariffs as a system to keep jobs in the US... Why? Because it doesn't work.

When you look at the countries with the highest tariffs and import controls, you'll see lower economic activity. This is because entire industries are built around imported products. What if raising tariffs really high, causes some of our business that are dependent on imports, to become unprofitable? Result is they close, and jobs move over seas.

And again, if you ban outsourcing, that will simply result in more businesses closing. There is only one reason a company outsources a product or work. That is if they are losing money. If you are earning money, why would you do this? You wouldn't. No company does. They only do it if they are losing money.

If they are losing money, and you prevent them from outsourcing the work, then you doom the company to close. Instead of a few losing jobs, now everyone does.

Universal health care that is poor is better than no health care at all. I'll take the poor care thanks. Especially if it will help our nation get back on its feet. As it is, people paying huge premiums are getting screwed by insurance adjusters every day. The most prestigious health insurance firms have teams and teams of insurance adjusters whose sole job is to find an means possible to deny as much coverage as they can get away with denying. I know you neocons hate Michael Moore, but Sicko was one of his best pieces yet. At least with Universal care, the quality may be second-rate but at least it will exist and not drive people into bankruptcy. Cuba (the country Moore ended his movie in) took excellent care of its citizens. France sent doctors to people's homes to ensure their health care was of charge...

Sicko was a lie. You don't know anything about Cuba then. The average hospital in Cuba is filled with broken windows, no A/C, old bed that are torn and have no sheets. Some don't even have running water, or working bathrooms.

Castro has had for years, "show hospitals" that are fully equipped and staffed, that he uses for foreign visits. He did this for two reasons. One to earn money off of from people coming to get treatment. And two, to make it look like his government was treating his people well.

It's time to wake up Sil. Time to see the truth...

Time to know what real government health care is.

Note the great ambulance service for free...

Note the flees covering this poor women patient.

Time to wake up from the lies. This is the real socialist Cuba.
Yes Plato. I was actually referring to the specific part of bio-fuels that actually eat up food sources. I don't like the idea of future generations possibly having to tell kids what cornflakes 'used to be' .
Known renewables like wind/solar do produce some power, but you need to weigh cost vs output, to consider what is viable for taxpayers. These methods are all financed by 'debt'.
If you consider a 1.4MW wind turbine, that costs around $1.4 million each.
If you could get even 10x that yield, for eg. $250k , why would you need to pay for wind turbines?
Consider carefully that with whatever people are being told is affordable and sustainable - you cannot find any collective average, where people's utility bills have really become cheaper. Yes, you find a few homesteads that have converted to alternates at substantial costs, and these are the showcase homes..but its not affordable to lets say 200000 people at a time.

Wind and solar is ok, in some places, but has limited appeal, due to environmental issues, and the space it takes up. Populations are expanding.

These methods produce some power, but they are not 'the wave of the future' as far as power generation goes.

There are loads of energy companies hoping to ride on the 'stimulus' packages , but cost/output value for $$, they are not sustainable. Lobbyists paint extravagant pictures, but reality is a bit different from all that:)
You got a lotta' these folks around here that believe that our new Prez is going to force us all to install solar and wind to the point of becoming carbon-energy independent with electric cars and everything. There won't be anymore monopolizin' by the Evil Rich over the Oppressed Poor and all that as everyone will be generating their own energy on their own houses with no real need for anyone else.

The truth is that there're a lotta' folks around here that couldn't run a calculator to save their lives...

...and the real problem is that a lot of those same folks are actually worse at running their own lives than they are at running a calculator.

But they certainly know how to throw blame elsewhere instead of accepting responsibility for their own shortcomings!
The catch 22 of Reality VS Political Promise is the trap that Obama is in.
How does one give people a tax cut, when each state budget, is in deficit?

Personally, I don't see everything current as remotely being what people thought 'Change' meant. Even before setting foot in the Oval, the team choices are dangerous. Considering Clinton was the start of US falling in the first place, putting in so many from that era is just nonsensical. People saw those as 'the good days' when the fact is that US started drinking the wine of its own economic downfall. Thats what happens when greed overtakes commonsense. Instead of earning a sustainable $2 in profit at home, American business sought to earn $20 by calling 'free trade'on the globe.

Commonsense dictates that profiting from major market disparities, and totally imbalanced inter country 'standards of living' is bound to cause problems, but when greed steps in, then commonsense flies out the window. Now that the fallout of 15 years of systemic damage is only just starting to show, its all hands on deck..Billionaires are becoming paupers overnight.

Obviously nobody runs for president with bad intent, but politics is seldom really about good intention in reality, which is why there was so much talk about 'cleaning up Washington'.

Economists and media are really good at steering people..It happens as we speak. I have to laugh when I hear that US and the globe are expected to pull out of this financial nosedive by the 3rd quarter of 2009. House prices are really wayyyyyyy over-inflated anyway. In some places, housing went up by 1500% to 2000% in a short space of time. Its global bubble thats now burst..Housing prices will probably NEVER escalate again, under current conditions.

The Fed makes up pretty fun descriptives..'toxic assets' simple economics that means 'liabilities'. Media bombards you with it , so that you just believe, and swallow it all. Some people on the committees deciding on funds disposals, have 'interests' in institutions/companies asking for the funds. Is that not a major conflict of interest?

Yep, 'stimulus' figures sound huge, but considering the economists know NOTHING much about job creation, its money that will be lost in squander and corruption. If the packages render $500bn to lets say 'solar power' , Banks will probably suddenly add on a 'solar investment wing' to their business profiles to 'benefit' from that.

Little really happens for people when it comes to political promises..Fine words and nifty sounding idealism all evaporates fast. The powerful 'YES WE CAN!' dwindles to the equivalent of 'Yes,we can. Er'mm..well, some of those promises gotta be shelved for a while.'
Those are all very 'relative' words.

Obama does have the opportunity to do good, but whether he has the capacity to really listen, has yet to be seen. He can easily turn into the next crisis in a relatively short time. Yes, I suppose many people there now think wind/solar is going to be thrust upon them..but doing that has a 'cost' too.

The average person, just wants to get on with life. Nobody wants to fret over huge issues, and wonder where their next plate of food is going to come from. Nobody wants to think of being homeless..but its escalating, not only in US, but across the globe.

Being self sufficient as a whole society is not really as simple as it sounds, especially where energy is concerned...well, I suppose thats why the huge predicament exists:)