Why would any freedom loving American buy into the scam Obama is throwing at us ? In the first place if his fascist health care plan is so very good ,why does not our entire Congress plus all other Government employees drop their Health Care Plans and join the Obama Plan? Currently ALL our Senators and our House members have a PRIVATE INSURANCE PLAN that offers CHOICE of over ONE DOZEN different plans to suit the selfish needs of each politician. We as the TAXPAYERS who must pay for their Health care are not important enough , not as deserving as they are , so we are offered a low life form of a FACIST STATE AGENDA PLAN . It does not matter what your politicial party is YOU MUST REFUSE TO BE TREATED AS SCUM . Give us the SAME HEALTH PLAN you MEMBERS of CONGRESS HAVE , or else YOU members take what you offer us. If the "OBAMA HEALTH CARE PLAN" is sooo GOOD then let us INSIST they drop what they have and SHARE THE JOY and SECURITY they are trying to "SHOVE DOWN OUR THROATS" DO NOT TRUST OBAMA or any POLITICIAN trying to SELL YOU this "PLAN of MISERY " - It is designed to CONTROL every ASPECT of your life and those of your family. OBAMA is NOT interested in your health he wants ULTIMATE POWER over YOU!! Nothing is more PERSONAL then YOUR HEALTH . Make SURE our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT KEEPS ITS NOSE OUT OF OUR HEALTH CARE ! Medicare is bad enough - Medicare is BROKE , our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT cannot manage a CAR SALE let alone our HEALTH!! THINK!