Obama v McCain on taxes

This video breaks down the different income levels and shows who will save and who will pay under the candidate's respective tax plans.

Well according to this video I have now confirmed that there is no chance I will vote for Obama, because he will raise my taxes.
Well according to this video I have now confirmed that there is no chance I will vote for Obama, because he will raise my taxes.

Isn't it interesting though, that McCain's plan favors the more well off. Roughly put, McCain's plan favors the upper middle class and the wealthy while Obama's plan favors the middle class and working class.
Isn't it interesting though, that McCain's plan favors the more well off. Roughly put, McCain's plan favors the upper middle class and the wealthy while Obama's plan favors the middle class and working class.

I am not sure that $1,000 dollars of saving is going to make much of a difference to anyone really anyway (assuming this video is correct). I think Obama needs to address his stance on capital gains tax, the AMT tax, and also his stance on the FICA tax in my opinion. I think all of these will come back and hurt the "middle" class Americans that he wants to help.

That said I still do not think giving $1,000 dollars to someone is going to make much of a difference in the economy at all. What are they going to do with it that will make any difference. It will not provide new jobs, and what of the millions of small business owners in this country who file as if they are the business? That could bump a lot of people into higher brackets etc..

And lastly, Obama can raise tax rates on the rich all he wants, the reality is, there are so many loopholes to get around them its not even funny. I know, from my personal experience, I pay no where near the amount that I should given current tax rates (thankfully, but 30+% is still alot if you ask me). And honestly with the Bush tax breaks I poured money into the stock market and bought a lot of land, and have just finished writing a business proposal to start a business. I do not really see much incentive to continue with that plan if it only results in me paying more taxes.
According to this video (That I do not believe the contents for one second) I would get more money at the end of the year with Obama’s plan. Even if the video is true I don’t want more money because someone else was soaked.

If a person decides they would rather go in debt with loans to get a college education so that they can get a really good job, instead of hanging out at the beach all summer working at taco bell, they should not be punished with higher taxes than another person who of their own free will sat on their duffs.

If I decide I would rather work over time every day and work weekends and holidays to make a bigger pay check instead of hanging out with my friends and playing video games or what ever, I should not be penalized by having to pay more taxes than someone who figured 40 hours a week is enough for me. I am offered over time pretty often and I turn it down because by the time the government gets their chunk, it’s not worth it.

I hate this socialistic system. The government getting into peoples pockets and giving and taking as they see fit.

Joe, you didn’t make much because you’re a lazy bum so we will give you money this year.

Fred, you made a bit, your tax rate is this.

Tim, you worked extra and sacrificed more oh well you have more than the other guy lets take more from you, than the other two who didn’t give as much of themselves. Your tax rate is this.

Then there is that horrible rich person, lets totally soak him and give it to the lazy bums who didn’t get off their butts all year long.

A flat rate would be better. Everyone pays 10% and not a dime more. I am just sick of bottom feeders feeling so entitled to someone else hard work.
According to this video (That I do not believe the contents for one second) I would get more money at the end of the year with Obama’s plan. Even if the video is true I don’t want more money because someone else was soaked.

If a person decides they would rather go in debt with loans to get a college education so that they can get a really good job, instead of hanging out at the beach all summer working at taco bell, they should not be punished with higher taxes than another person who of their own free will sat on their duffs.

If I decide I would rather work over time every day and work weekends and holidays to make a bigger pay check instead of hanging out with my friends and playing video games or what ever, I should not be penalized by having to pay more taxes than someone who figured 40 hours a week is enough for me. I am offered over time pretty often and I turn it down because by the time the government gets their chunk, it’s not worth it.

I hate this socialistic system. The government getting into peoples pockets and giving and taking as they see fit.

Joe, you didn’t make much because you’re a lazy bum so we will give you money this year.

Fred, you made a bit, your tax rate is this.

Tim, you worked extra and sacrificed more oh well you have more than the other guy lets take more from you, than the other two who didn’t give as much of themselves. Your tax rate is this.

Then there is that horrible rich person, lets totally soak him and give it to the lazy bums who didn’t get off their butts all year long.

A flat rate would be better. Everyone pays 10% and not a dime more. I am just sick of bottom feeders feeling so entitled to someone else hard work.

I concur, and its the same with Obama's plan to tax windfall profits of oil companies. He has basically told them, "You take all the risk, generate the cash, drill a new rig, and should you hit and find oil, we will take more of your profits because we do not approve of gas prices you have no control over."