Question 2 for Christians


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
Is God all-knowing? Does he know everything that will happen? If He doesn't, He seems not perfect, not all-powerful. But if he does, doesn't he know ahead of time which people will become unredeemed sinners, and sent to hell? If that's the case, why does he let them be born in the first place, knowing they are doomed?
Is God all-knowing? Does he know everything that will happen? If He doesn't, He seems not perfect, not all-powerful. But if he does, doesn't he know ahead of time which people will become unredeemed sinners, and sent to hell? If that's the case, why does he let them be born in the first place, knowing they are doomed?

It's a mystery and a matter of personal choice as to what religion to follow. These are classic questions that Man has wrestled with since the dawn of human time.

I believe what Jesus taught, and try my best to follow Him. He is my life. :)
Is God all-knowing? Does he know everything that will happen? If He doesn't, He seems not perfect, not all-powerful. But if he does, doesn't he know ahead of time which people will become unredeemed sinners, and sent to hell? If that's the case, why does he let them be born in the first place, knowing they are doomed?

Free will

I guess kind of picture it like you and your own son or daughter. You see them about to do something that they shouldn’t, they are about to get hurt or make a mistake, you let them because they learn from it.

You could stop them but then how can they ever learn. Though I think at times the Creator does intervene, usually He lets us make our mistakes and learn from them.

We have kids knowing they will probably turn on us at ages 12-17 but we still have our kids, and we don’t give them lobotomy’s to keep them in line 
It's a mystery and a matter of personal choice as to what religion to follow. These are classic questions that Man has wrestled with since the dawn of human time.

I believe what Jesus taught, and try my best to follow Him. He is my life. :)

So your basically accepting that you cant answer questions about something you believe in and regard as your life. So you are following something irrational with blind faith? Excellent.
Is God all-knowing? Does he know everything that will happen? If He doesn't, He seems not perfect, not all-powerful. But if he does, doesn't he know ahead of time which people will become unredeemed sinners, and sent to hell? If that's the case, why does he let them be born in the first place, knowing they are doomed?

That questions always been a philosophical toughie.

I don't think God cares all that much. He starts things up, sets them in motion, gives his creations free will and lets them go. Maybe they come back, maybe they don't.

But then again, I never did believe in any bible.
all knowing is a metaphor for universal knowledge.
universal knowledge means that anyone on the planet can learn anything, it's not some special power. it means we are all equal when it comes to the ability to know things.

now there are some people who feel like they can ask God for an answer and somehow the answer comes... when in actuality the person answered their own question, they just needed some time to figure it out.
sure this leads to mental illness and dependency... but hopefully other humans can help those who fall into brain deficiencies.
all knowing is a metaphor for universal knowledge.
universal knowledge means that anyone on the planet can learn anything, it's not some special power. it means we are all equal when it comes to the ability to know things.

now there are some people who feel like they can ask God for an answer and somehow the answer comes... when in actuality the person answered their own question, they just needed some time to figure it out.
sure this leads to mental illness and dependency... but hopefully other humans can help those who fall into brain deficiencies.

George Carlin summed up the whole God-Prayer-Religion thing quite well.
Is God all-knowing? Does he know everything that will happen? If He doesn't, He seems not perfect, not all-powerful. But if he does, doesn't he know ahead of time which people will become unredeemed sinners, and sent to hell? If that's the case, why does he let them be born in the first place, knowing they are doomed?

Because god wants you to love him. And you have the whole of eternity to realize this.
Is God all-knowing? Does he know everything that will happen? If He doesn't, He seems not perfect, not all-powerful. But if he does, doesn't he know ahead of time which people will become unredeemed sinners, and sent to hell? If that's the case, why does he let them be born in the first place, knowing they are doomed?

I often wonder why Christians claim that 'God created us all in His image', yet in the same breath they condemn homosexuals - of which I am one.

If God did indeed create us all in His image, is God heterosexual or homosexual? I take the quote to mean that God created us all to be like Him, yet he created homosexuals, too - does this mean that God is homosexual himself? I don't mean this to be offensive - it's a serious question.

If God created us in His image, why is there so much violence and intolerance? Is God Himself violent and intolerant?

Just a thought...
If God created us in His image, why is there so much violence and intolerance? Is God Himself violent and intolerant?
Just a thought...


Well, I think there's supposed to be a Satan that handles the meanies.
Is God all-knowing? Does he know everything that will happen? If He doesn't, He seems not perfect, not all-powerful. But if he does, doesn't he know ahead of time which people will become unredeemed sinners, and sent to hell? If that's the case, why does he let them be born in the first place, knowing they are doomed?

I don't see why this undermines Christian theology at all.

(A) God gave man free will, that they might freely love him.

(B) Some people freely choose not to love him.

(C) Oh well.

I know the sun is going to rise tomorrow morning; this doesn't mean I'm responsible for it's rising.
So your basically accepting that you cant answer questions about something you believe in and regard as your life. So you are following something irrational with blind faith? Excellent.

How does this make people of faith different from you?

Considering his:

• Sacrifice of American Wealth and Blood for the Sole Benefit of Israel
• Amnesty for Illegal Mexicans Aliens Usurping Jobs and Services
• Outsourcing of Jobs and Technology to China
• Early Release from Captivity for Military Secrets
• McCain-Feingold Legislation Suppressing Freedom of Speech
• McCain-Leiberman Control Gun Legislation
• Slander and Ridicule of Huckabee, Romney, and Ron Paul
• Roberts and Falwell, “agents of intolerance”
• Roe vs. Wade Sacrificial Killing of Children
• To “occupy Iraq for 100 years”, “bomb Iran”, and “just keep Afghanistan”.
• Veto of Bush Tax Cuts
• Keating Five Crooks
• Unsolved Recession and Inflation Problem
• Unsolved Heath Care Problem
• Unsolved Social Security Problem
• Long Scandalous, Contentious, and Non-Productive Political Career

Can such an incompetent and dishonest politician; and such a pretentious Christian and patriot, insanely dishonoring Christian culture and Constitution rule, ever be trusted to cherish and honor the American People?

With Leiberman Neo-Liberal Princess Hillary burnt at the stake by the victorious Kennedy Liberals, shall the Reagan Conservatives give this notorious Podhoretz Neo-Conservative puppet, Insane McCain, a date with presidency, or a date with the Republican firing squad?

Google: Mearsheimer Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy; Stricherz “Why the Democrats are Blue”; Wall Street Journal “McCain-Feingold”; “Keating Five Fraud”; Human Events “Ron Paul Interview”; Who Would the World Elect; McClelland "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception”.