sex ed in schools..should abstinence be taught

You are still missing the point. "Teen" girl can do whatever she wants .... as long as she is 18!

17-13 year old "teen" girls cannot make medical decisions for themselves. It is by law still the responsibility of the legal guardian.

If abuse or potential abuse is suspected, then contact the appropriate authorities and that would not be an abortion clinic!
That simply isn't true, not in cases involving pregnancy.

and if it were, what would happen in the examples I just gave?
It is in Texas and as far as I am concerned else where as well. If I am wrong, show me a state statute that says otherwise.

It is still the law in California. There was a ballot initiative last time around they dubbed "save our daughters" or some such nonsense to change the law, but it failed.

Here, the girl can get the morning after pill and avoid being beaten and disowned. Maybe that's not the case in Texas.

I have already answered this ...

The answer to that question is obvious: The girl would be beaten and disowned, and the father arrested for child abuse.

or not. parents get away with beating their children fairly often.
Maybe that's not the case in Texas.
No, it's not ...

Texas still respects the right for parents to make medical decisions for their children.

The answer to that question is obvious: The girl would be beaten and disowned, and the father arrested for child abuse.

or not. parents get away with beating their children fairly often.

Yes .... child abuse happens across this Country everyday. Normal thinking Americans do not see this as a reason to take away the rights of responsible parents across the board to make medical decisions for their children.
No, it's not ...

Texas still respects the right for parents to make medical decisions for their children.

Yes .... child abuse happens across this Country everyday. Normal thinking Americans do not see this as a reason to take away the rights of parents to make medical decisions for their children.

So, in the case that I've described, the girl being beaten and disowned would be OK, as child abuse happens every day and normal thinking Americans don't want to stand in the way of parents' rights.

How's this scenario: the father is the girl's relative, say a cousin or even brother, maybe step brother. Since the culture of the family is that male children are far more valuable than female children, and that any female who winds up pregnant has done so deliberately and is therefore at fault, the main concern of the parents is to protect the male involved from discovery and prosecution for incest and rape.

The family won't acknowledge that the father is who they know him to be.

The girl is afraid to go to authorities, as they are also male, and she has little experience with men outside of her family.

So, she just has the child, and is then disowned for having had a child out of wedlock.

Is this a good outcome?
That parent is exercising reasonable parental rights, and is consistent in applying his/her/their value system.

Now what about these parents:

Teen girl had sex with her boyfriend, turns up pregnant (same scenario). Teen knows that if Dad finds out, he will beat her, and then disown her.

She goes secretly to an abortion clinic, and Dad never finds out.

Or, Teen girl #2 has sex with her boyfriend, has the same sort of dad, wakes up the next morning and says, "OMG! What have I done!?!" and goes to the pharmacy for the morning after pill. Again, Dad never finds out.

Should the parents have been asked for their permission? By whom?

I would say if the parent is going to beat her then Children Services need to be involved, at that point someone who is hired to look after the childs best interests would decide with her if the pill, abortion or having the baby is the best choice. If any 13 year old can go get a morning after pill can they get another the next week and another? having several abortions is very dangerous for your body so is taking that pill over and over. Do you think this girl understands the dangers? Who protects her? Throwing a pill her way or giving her an abortion may get her out of a instant problem but could cause more problems later and repeating this would increase the chance of problems later. If there is a real reason to think this child is in danger by her parents she should be taken away from her parents pregnant or not.
What does that mean? What laws are out there that decree that a parent must be involved with a child’s pregnancy issues? The government does the exact opposite; they dish the pills and condoms out like candy.
According to Texas Tea, they can't provide birth control or abortion without parental consent in Texas. I'll take him at his word, as I don't know Texas law. In that case, the state has decreed that the parent must be involved in any such decisions involving an under age girl. Other states acknowledge that, while the parents should be involved, and will be in a close family regardless of what the government requires, there are cases in which it is far better if the parents are not involved.

We have a clear case of government mandate vs. individual decision here.
According to Texas Tea, they can't provide birth control or abortion without parental consent in Texas. I'll take him at his word, as I don't know Texas law. In that case, the state has decreed that the parent must be involved in any such decisions involving an under age girl. Other states acknowledge that, while the parents should be involved, and will be in a close family regardless of what the government requires, there are cases in which it is far better if the parents are not involved.

We have a clear case of government mandate vs. individual decision here.

In Oregon a school cannot give a cough drop or aspirin to a child but they can get them an abortion and a morning after pill without parent consent and without ever telling the parent. In two cases girls died after their abortions that I know of.

Oregon is a back assward state! I don’t know about other states but this one is really disgusting. Government has no business giving abortions, morning after pills or even condoms to kids. But if a parent is going to beat a child the government does have a responsibility to take the child out of that dangerous situation.

Government is back asswards too.. They get involved in abortions and such but dont take a child out of a hostile home environment????
In Oregon a school cannot give a cough drop or aspirin to a child but they can get them an abortion and a morning after pill without parent consent and without ever telling the parent. In two cases girls died after their abortions that I know of.

Oregon is a back assward state! I don’t know about other states but this one is really disgusting. Government has no business giving abortions, morning after pills or even condoms to kids. But if a parent is going to beat a child the government does have a responsibility to take the child out of that dangerous situation.

Government is back asswards too.. They get involved in abortions and such but dont take a child out of a hostile home environment????

I suspect Oregon is not the ONLY state that prevents any medications being dispensed to g-school kids, but will gladly provide the morning after pill and abortions without parental consent. So, don't feel alone.

We know that the preeminent belief of the Left, is abortion must be promoted and provided to all girls and women. Baby killing is the holy grail to them. In a sane nation, one would think this alone would relegate them to the ash heap of history.

I would like to see a media report regarding the two girls who died after an abortion.
In Oregon a school cannot give a cough drop or aspirin to a child but they can get them an abortion and a morning after pill without parent consent and without ever telling the parent. In two cases girls died after their abortions that I know of.

Oregon is a back assward state! I don’t know about other states but this one is really disgusting. Government has no business giving abortions, morning after pills or even condoms to kids. But if a parent is going to beat a child the government does have a responsibility to take the child out of that dangerous situation.

Government is back asswards too.. They get involved in abortions and such but dont take a child out of a hostile home environment????
Government is back asswards on a lot of issues.

The school is not the place for birth control or any other medical service. The school should not be giving out aspirin or anything else. How does the teacher/administrator know if the child is allergic to the medication being given?

On the other hand, some of the schools have adopted "no tolerance" (read- no common sense) policies that prohibit children from bringing OTC meds even with a parent's note and have led to students being punished under drug laws for having aspirin, Tylenol, and similar things. It gets crazy when there is no room to exercise common sense and judgement.