Some religions must be false.

And the 60 plus court cases you morons list because you couldn't convince a single judge you had credible evidence lol
You just admitted courts rejected voting fraud cases for reasons not related to voting fraud evidence. Courts did not put evidence of voting fraud on trial so courts were powerless to prove no significant voter fraud occurred.
You just admitted courts rejected voting fraud cases for reasons not related to voting fraud evidence. Courts did not put evidence of voting fraud on trial so courts were powerless to prove no significant voter fraud occurred.
God you are stupid lol
I said you lost because you had no credible evidence duh
Evidencecwas precisely on trial duh
Let me know when you morons can prove the election was stolen. So far all you have is whining, foot stomping, and court losses to show for your efforts lol. Oh and rioters in jail and a billion dollars of payouts for slander and defamation lol. A more thorough display of being total losers is hard to imagine
JUST because activist judges will not admit the evidence in couet doesn't mean it wasn't stolen. It's just more evidence of democrat corruption. It will come out. Just like all this information on the covid scamdemic is NOW coming out. Fauci better look for sanctuary overseas..>Maybe his chinese buddies will let him come there.
JUST because activist judges will not admit the evidence in couet doesn't mean it wasn't stolen. It's just more evidence of democrat corruption. It will come out. Just like all this information on the covid scamdemic is NOW coming out. Fauci better look for sanctuary overseas..>Maybe his chinese buddies will let him come there.
the evidence was admitted and ruled not credible. duh.
and they weren't democratic judges. duh
you are truly ignorant. lol

They are both elected and appointed, selected by Democrats and Republicans alike.
Some have served for decades — while others took the bench only months ago.

One is a former high school teacher, another the first Native American woman appointed to a federal judgeship. A third worked for years for a Republican governor who has been a vocal supporter of President Trump.

Since the November election, they have all ruled in court against Trump
or one of his allies seeking to challenge or overturn the presidential vote.
In a remarkable show of near-unanimity across the nation’s judiciary, at least 86 judges — ranging from jurists serving at the lowest levels of state court systems to members of the United States Supreme Court — rejected at least one post-election lawsuit filed by Trump or his supporters, a Washington Post review of court filings found.

But conservative jurists are among those who have balked at the sweeping attempts by Trump and his allies to throw out millions of votes after they were cast — rejecting claims of irregularities as unfounded and challenges to the voting process as belated.

The Post found that 38 judges appointed by Republicans dealt blows to such suits, with some writing searing opinions.

THIRTY EIGHT were appointed by republicans, moron. lol.
god you are stpuid.
JUST because activist judges will not admit the evidence in couet doesn't mean it wasn't stolen. It's just more evidence of democrat corruption. It will come out. Just like all this information on the covid scamdemic is NOW coming out. Fauci better look for sanctuary overseas..>Maybe his chinese buddies will let him come there.

A Republican-backed review of the 2020 presidential election in Arizona’s largest county ended Friday without producing proof to support former President Donald Trump’s false claims of a stolen election.

HIRED BY REPUBLICANS...found no proof. duh

A federal judge has dismissed a wide-ranging lawsuit attempting to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s win in Arizona, bringing an end to the seventh and final lawsuit challenging the results of the state’s presidential election. Humetewa wrote that the plaintiffs were “sorely wanting of relevant or reliable evidence” to back up their implausible claims of massive election fraud, which included allegations of foreign espionage along with more mundane accusations of illegally cast ballots.

JUST because activist judges will not admit the evidence in couet doesn't mean it wasn't stolen. It's just more evidence of democrat corruption. It will come out. Just like all this information on the covid scamdemic is NOW coming out. Fauci better look for sanctuary overseas..>Maybe his chinese buddies will let him come there.

A conservative group has told a Georgia judge that it doesn’t have evidence to support its claims of illegal ballot stuffing during the the 2020 general election and a runoff two months later.

Texas-based True the Vote filed complaints with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in 2021, including one in which it said it had obtained “a detailed account of coordinated efforts to collect and deposit ballots in drop boxes across metro Atlanta” during the November 2020 election and a January 2021 runoff.

A Fulton County Superior Court judge in Atlanta signed an order last year requiring True the Vote to provide evidence it had collected, including the names of people who were sources of information, to state elections officials who were frustrated by the group’s refusal to share evidence with investigators.

In their written response, attorneys for True the Vote said the group had no names or other documentary evidence to share.

JUST because activist judges will not admit the evidence in couet doesn't mean it wasn't stolen. It's just more evidence of democrat corruption. It will come out. Just like all this information on the covid scamdemic is NOW coming out. Fauci better look for sanctuary overseas..>Maybe his chinese buddies will let him come there.

The conservative group Project Veritas and its former leader are taking the unusual step of publicly acknowledging that claims of ballot mishandling at a Pennsylvania post office in 2020 were untrue.

The statements from Project Veritas and founder James O’Keefe came as a lawsuit filed against them by a Pennsylvania postmaster was settled Monday

JUST because activist judges will not admit the evidence in couet doesn't mean it wasn't stolen. It's just more evidence of democrat corruption. It will come out. Just like all this information on the covid scamdemic is NOW coming out. Fauci better look for sanctuary overseas..>Maybe his chinese buddies will let him come there.

A months-long Republican investigation into Michigan’s 2020 election uncovered no evidence of widespread fraud and concluded Wednesday with a recommendation the attorney general investigate those who made false claims for "personal gain."

JUST because activist judges will not admit the evidence in couet doesn't mean it wasn't stolen. It's just more evidence of democrat corruption. It will come out. Just like all this information on the covid scamdemic is NOW coming out. Fauci better look for sanctuary overseas..>Maybe his chinese buddies will let him come there.

A Wisconsin judge said Thursday that a Republican-ordered, taxpayer-funded investigation into the 2020 election found “absolutely no evidence of election fraud,” but did reveal contempt for the state’s open records law by Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and a former state Supreme Court justice he hired.

JUST because activist judges will not admit the evidence in couet doesn't mean it wasn't stolen. It's just more evidence of democrat corruption. It will come out. Just like all this information on the covid scamdemic is NOW coming out. Fauci better look for sanctuary overseas..>Maybe his chinese buddies will let him come there.

“Lost, Not Stolen: The Conservative Case that Trump Lost and Biden Won the 2020 Presidential Election” included reports about each of the battleground states where Trump alleged fraud, including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and examined each claim of election fraud.

The report says that the members of the group, made up of judges and former senators, were “deeply troubled” by efforts to overturn or discredit the results of the 2020 election. The authors are Judges Thomas B. Griffith, J. Michael Luttig, Michael W. McConnell and Theodore B. Olson, former U.S. Sens. John Danforth and Gordon H. Smith, lawyer Benjamin Ginsberg and David Hoppe, a politician and lobbyist.

“Efforts to thwart the People’s choice are deeply undemocratic and unpatriotic,” the report says. “Claims that an election was stolen, or that the outcome resulted from fraud, are deadly serious and should be made only on the basis of real and powerful evidence.”

The report says Biden’s victory is explained by a political landscape that was much different in 2020 than when Trump won in 2016. Trump’s reelection campaign occurred during a pandemic that caused a “severe downturn in the global economy,” the report says.

LOST, NOT STOLEN, moron. lol
JUST because activist judges will not admit the evidence in couet doesn't mean it wasn't stolen. It's just more evidence of democrat corruption. It will come out. Just like all this information on the covid scamdemic is NOW coming out. Fauci better look for sanctuary overseas..>Maybe his chinese buddies will let him come there.

President Donald Trump’s legal effort to overturn presidential results in Nevada has fallen short after a Carson City District Court judge rejected his team’s request to award the state’s six electoral votes to the incumbent.

Judge James Russell ruled Friday against the Trump campaign’s unprecedented request to either block certification of the state’s presidential election results or award the state’s electoral votes to Trump, saying in a written order that the campaign’s claims of voter fraud to the level needed to bring the state’s presidential results into question fell far short of the evidentiary standard needed to contest the results of the presidential election.

In his 35-page order, Russell wrote that he found the evidence offered by the Trump campaign to have “little to no value,” and failed to provide under any standard of proof that the campaign’s long list of
alleged fraud and vote irregularities could be backed up under any evidentiary standard.

LITTLE TO NO VALUE, moron. lol
the evidence was admitted and ruled not credible. duh.
and they weren't democratic judges. duh
you are truly ignorant. lol
You still deceive. No judge examined corrupted voting machine evidence. No judge examined voting records itemizing the number of illegals who voted. No judge examined the unverified mail in ballots for legitimacy. And so forth.
You still deceive. No judge examined corrupted voting machine evidence. No judge examined voting records itemizing the number of illegals who voted. No judge examined the unverified mail in ballots for legitimacy. And so forth.
nope all my statements are 100% factual and clear.

judges looked at the evidence you morons had and ruled it not credible.
that is a fact. lol.

surely you morons weren't anti-americans and claimed the election was stolen without credible evidence? that would be disgusting and antiamerican :)