Gosh you have to be the only undecided left. I assumed you already decided on Obama.
Why would the whitie tape change your vote? You have to already know they are racist. It is not a crime to be racist, a lot of people are. But if the tame exists, its just another brick in the stack of racist things. I dont see why it would change your vote.
Is Iraq the main issue for you? I do not keep up on the whole Iraq thing, its so uncomfortable for me but from what I have heard, the war is going better than ever before, better than expected. So that means this surge thing is working. but I do not know enough about war to decide how to run this one.
yes I am undecided, and yes Iraq is a major issue for me. National Security is my main issue and dealing with Iraq in the Right way ( the best was was not go in but to late) Health care being my 2nd, Economy third. Oil costs are part of (1 and 3) But I have stated many times on here that I am not a Obama Supporter, only that I think that the attacks on him are often baseless. And no I don't think he is a racist at all, you do, but not me or really anyone I know in real life. Just like I don't think McCain hates Catholics or Muslims. The fact that Obama's family is in fact white, makes me really not one to think he is some black power I hate whites guy. And yes we have had them before in Office, Nixon was a antisemite and we all know Bush W hates black people (

) And I am guessing there have been many more.
As for why I would vote against him over it? Simple he stated the tape does not exist on all clear Terms, and that the event she was at was not even held where the rumor said it was. If turns out she did say it, there is a tape, and he lied, that is a major issue for me. But since it is a made up tape just like Mccain's Black Babies, I am not worried. Its simply the type or Politics I expect from the Right these days.
And as for not keeping up on Iraq, I am sure its not comfortable for the people in Iraq as well, and if we are to send people do die for this nation , I think we owe it to them to pay as much attention as possible.
As as for going better, it is, but while the surge may have played a role, there is a less nice reason. The Shia Killed and ran out the Sunni from there areas. The Sunni did the same. The result unless the Iraqi government gets to work soon, will be when we do get out, it will look like lebanon with groups ready to fight still for there Sect, or Militia. And still leave open for a long time the change for Civil war, that war would bring in proxy fighters / arms / money from Iran, Syria, Lebanon, against Saudis and other Sunni nations. And because of Israel and Oil, we would be drawn in I am sure. Its not something I want to see. Its only to bad that Bush's failed Iraq Policy from day one has made it very very hard to get anything of a workable Iraq that would be stable enough for the long term future of US interests or there own.