The Knock Out Game: The Black on White Race Crime the MSM Media is Not Reporting

‘Knockout Game’ Indicates ‘Dangerous Trend’ of Desensitized Youths Bored with Virtual Violence, Expert Says

“These are young people who have dead-end lives, who have no real goals, who have no educational objectives,” Jeff Gardere noted bluntly.

The clinical psychologist indeed didn’t wear kid gloves in his discussion regarding the spike in the so-called “knockout game” — in which gangs of youths randomly hit strangers on the street in the hopes of rendering them unconscious with one punch.

While I certainly agree with some aspects of this article I believe it is once again just another ploy from the media to distract from the racial violence part of this story.

Young people who have dead-end lives, who have no real goals, who have no educational objectives has been going on for some time. These kids are all products of our wonderful federal government slavery plantation.

Kids have been being desensitized to violence through video games, TV, abortion, etc. for sometime now. But, none of these outlets makes a person violent, a murderer or anything else and is not the culprit in these cowardly attacks.

These attacks are racially motivated towards whites, Jewish people and even working class blacks. If they were indeed doing this to get a thrill, to prove their manhood or womanhood as Gardere said in an interview with CNN, then ask yourself .... why are they not challenging each other with this "game"?

Why are they nearly always targeting helpless unsuspecting people of another race or ethnicity?
simple really.. misguided Cowards..
Certainly cowardly ..... but, misguided how?
These are the people to which I speak.(ADVOCATING HATE) The Al Sharptons. The Jesse Jacksons. The Barack Obamas. Thay advocate social change, which is fine. It is not acceptable to me that they want changes to come at the expense of MY RIGHTS. I want to be a decent man, a receptive man, a person that is willing to listen. But to some I no longer am. It is over. They have cried wolf one too many times, and I am done with these guy’s.
I don’t care what color ther skin is. They are societal lepers, nothing but maggots trying to feed off the scabs of old wounds. They will never solve anything that way, but they may just get rich and powerful. It is wonderful they care so much.
These are the people to which I speak.(ADVOCATING HATE) The Al Sharptons. The Jesse Jacksons. The Barack Obamas. Thay advocate social change, which is fine. It is not acceptable to me that they want changes to come at the expense of MY RIGHTS. I want to be a decent man, a receptive man, a person that is willing to listen. But to some I no longer am. It is over. They have cried wolf one too many times, and I am done with these guy’s.
I don’t care what color ther skin is. They are societal lepers, nothing but maggots trying to feed off the scabs of old wounds. They will never solve anything that way, but they may just get rich and powerful. It is wonderful they care so much.
Exactly ....

The city of Columbia has seen a 17% increase in violent crime from January of 2008 to February of 2009 and 10% of this increase is said to be related to this knock-out game or similar crimes. Similar meaning blacks attacking unsuspecting whites ...

A coincident?
Kids can get away with assaulting people because of Knockout game. Why wont kids copy off GTA? Why not are they scared of trying to shoot cops rob stores and steal money trucks?
Hamden High School student arrested for playing 'knockout game'

More under reported black on white crime ......

The Knockout Game -- NYT/NPR Say No Big Deal

The "knockout game" -- and the media underreporting of it -- combines the breakdown of the family with the media's condescending determination to serve as a public relations bureau for blacks. The "game" is a dare in which a young man -- all the perps appear to be male people of color, mostly blacks -- tries to literally knock out an innocent bystander with one blow. Both National Public Radio and The New York Times say these reports of the "knockout game" being widespread are overblown and do not represent a trend. Really?
New York chef suffers broken jaw, nose in likely 'knockout game' attack in Philadelphia

This is a good article from the NY Daily News about all the recent attacks. Keep in mind, the very attacks that the NY Times and NPR are saying is not happening.

In the comments below the article one commentator opines :

Violence against strangers is tempered in "free states" as they never know who is packing. You can't change these animals, but they are able to learn through punishment or threat thereof.

Interesting thought about the correlation between gun laws and the states where this black on white crime is taking place. Certainly the risk of playing this game here in Texas would be much greater.