The Republican party is too far to the right.

Openmind ...
Really ....
26 million Americans out of work ..... 47million Americans on Food Stamps and we need 4 more years of this why?

Because President Obama has brought the economy that was devastated by the Bush policies, his wars, and the lack of regulations on Wall Street back to a balance which, though fragile, is far above what any other developped countries in Europe, And even Japan, and in some extend even China. Because he put us on an upward trend, while EVERY other countries (even China, although they are still doing better than we are) are experiencing a dowturn.

And President Obama did that in spite of the hatred that almost half of the nation has for hi, not because of his policies, but for some other reason, but that is evident because that hatred, and the commitment by the Right to "make Obama Fail" has been expressed even BEFORE he took office, long before he could make any decisions.

Because President Obama has NEVER wavered from his focus on making the MIDDLE CLASS more successful, and in spite of the recession he inherited, and in spite of the WORLD recession that have impaired everyone's ability to move forward. Because EVEN the mistakes he made (i.e., to bow to the GOP's blackmail to continue all Bush's tax cuts, or none. . .which would have hurt the middle class, and the unemployed) he made them while trying to help the middle class, as he promised.

Because if Romney gets in on Tuesday, he will have a much easier time than 0President Obama, since he will come in in an UPWARD economic trend, rather than coming at the edge of the precipice that was the US 4 years ago, and the hypocrites will give ROMNEY credit for merely CONTINUING the trend started by President Obama.
because President Obama has SAVED our reputation in the world, among our allieds, and EVERY country in the world, with the exception of Pakistan, would rather see Obama win than Romney, because they know that Romney is a weal person, especially in world politics, and that he will bow to his biggest financial supporters, the DEFENSE INDUSTY, and will give them the next war, maybe even the next WWIII that WE CANNOT AFFORD, but that wull make the defense industy thrive agian, while our soldiers die.

Because President Obama is like most honest people. He is NOT pro-abortion, but he is pro-choice, just as I am, just as my neighbor, a devote, practicing Catholic, is pro choice. She would NEVER choose to have an abortion for herself, but she doesn't feel she has the right to take that freedom of choice, a choice given by GOD to all of us, away from ANYONE.
And because Peresident Obama is SHOWING his commitment to life the RAL WAY, not by interferring with he right of women to terminate the potential life of a cluster of cells, but by trying to give this nation a way to care cor the health and the education of EVERY LIFE child, by giving the potential mothers an additional reason to choose to keep their pregnancy going, by assuring that she will be able to access health care, both for her and for her child, and that she will be rewarded for her work at the same level as a man doing the same work, and that he child, if SHE chooses to carry that child to term, will have access to education and a brighter future, instead of being stuck in poverty and ignorance.

I believe with all my heart in the goodness of this man, and his strength. both have been proven to my satisfaction by his attitude toward those in needs, and by his attitude as a father and husband, and by his decent, presidential attitude toward all those who have treated him with disdain and lack of respect in spite of his position.

If he loses ( I am not going to be ridiculous like so many here and say that I know what the results of these election will be. . .NO ONE knows!)' it will be a very sad day for me and for all who can take a moment and honestly look at their attitude and at the evil comments they have thrown at this man, our President, and even his beautiful family, and realize even a hint of regret and shame for that treatment of another human being, much less a dully elected President of the United Stares.

And I know that none of you in this forum will take the time to even think or try to empathize even for a moment with my words. I know all I can expect from yor collective mind set, a mind set that you have all cultivated to the point of abandonning your own ability to think individually (if you had not, some of you would not just jump on the band wagon on EVERY issues, and especially not be so joyful about joining the others in the gutters with crass remarks and dirty put down toward the President and his family, you would, at some time at least, have shown that you had a ounce of humanity and decency left, and you would have called your friends on some of the trash, instead of chiming in with sch joy), and I think it is a shame. I didn't expect anymore from a few of you who are not too bright. But I did expect, or at least hope better from some of you who seemed to have, at some point, or inother areas demonstrated that ey had the potential for honesty and for self reflection, and they did have the intelligence to do so.

But all you did was to gather like rabbid vulturs and mercilessly attacked, belittled, and ridiculed me because I was one of the very few diverging opinions, and therefore my comments created a cognitive dissonance among some of yo (probably the smartest among you) and uncontrolled hatred among the dumbest among you.

A Stepford Wife For Obama.
Because President Obama has brought the economy that was devastated by the Bush policies, his wars, and the lack of regulations on Wall Street back to a balance which, though fragile, is far above what any other developped countries in Europe, And even Japan, and in some extend even China. Because he put us on an upward trend, while EVERY other countries (even China, although they are still doing better than we are) are experiencing a dowturn.

And President Obama did that in spite of the hatred that almost half of the nation has for hi, not because of his policies, but for some other reason, but that is evident because that hatred, and the commitment by the Right to "make Obama Fail" has been expressed even BEFORE he took office, long before he could make any decisions.

Because President Obama has NEVER wavered from his focus on making the MIDDLE CLASS more successful, and in spite of the recession he inherited, and in spite of the WORLD recession that have impaired everyone's ability to move forward. Because EVEN the mistakes he made (i.e., to bow to the GOP's blackmail to continue all Bush's tax cuts, or none. . .which would have hurt the middle class, and the unemployed) he made them while trying to help the middle class, as he promised.

Because if Romney gets in on Tuesday, he will have a much easier time than 0President Obama, since he will come in in an UPWARD economic trend, rather than coming at the edge of the precipice that was the US 4 years ago, and the hypocrites will give ROMNEY credit for merely CONTINUING the trend started by President Obama.
because President Obama has SAVED our reputation in the world, among our allieds, and EVERY country in the world, with the exception of Pakistan, would rather see Obama win than Romney, because they know that Romney is a weal person, especially in world politics, and that he will bow to his biggest financial supporters, the DEFENSE INDUSTY, and will give them the next war, maybe even the next WWIII that WE CANNOT AFFORD, but that wull make the defense industy thrive agian, while our soldiers die.

Because President Obama is like most honest people. He is NOT pro-abortion, but he is pro-choice, just as I am, just as my neighbor, a devote, practicing Catholic, is pro choice. She would NEVER choose to have an abortion for herself, but she doesn't feel she has the right to take that freedom of choice, a choice given by GOD to all of us, away from ANYONE.
And because Peresident Obama is SHOWING his commitment to life the RAL WAY, not by interferring with he right of women to terminate the potential life of a cluster of cells, but by trying to give this nation a way to care cor the health and the education of EVERY LIFE child, by giving the potential mothers an additional reason to choose to keep their pregnancy going, by assuring that she will be able to access health care, both for her and for her child, and that she will be rewarded for her work at the same level as a man doing the same work, and that he child, if SHE chooses to carry that child to term, will have access to education and a brighter future, instead of being stuck in poverty and ignorance.

I believe with all my heart in the goodness of this man, and his strength. both have been proven to my satisfaction by his attitude toward those in needs, and by his attitude as a father and husband, and by his decent, presidential attitude toward all those who have treated him with disdain and lack of respect in spite of his position.

If he loses ( I am not going to be ridiculous like so many here and say that I know what the results of these election will be. . .NO ONE knows!)' it will be a very sad day for me and for all who can take a moment and honestly look at their attitude and at the evil comments they have thrown at this man, our President, and even his beautiful family, and realize even a hint of regret and shame for that treatment of another human being, much less a dully elected President of the United Stares.

And I know that none of you in this forum will take the time to even think or try to empathize even for a moment with my words. I know all I can expect from yor collective mind set, a mind set that you have all cultivated to the point of abandonning your own ability to think individually (if you had not, some of you would not just jump on the band wagon on EVERY issues, and especially not be so joyful about joining the others in the gutters with crass remarks and dirty put down toward the President and his family, you would, at some time at least, have shown that you had a ounce of humanity and decency left, and you would have called your friends on some of the trash, instead of chiming in with sch joy), and I think it is a shame. I didn't expect anymore from a few of you who are not too bright. But I did expect, or at least hope better from some of you who seemed to have, at some point, or inother areas demonstrated that ey had the potential for honesty and for self reflection, and they did have the intelligence to do so.

But all you did was to gather like rabbid vulturs and mercilessly attacked, belittled, and ridiculed me because I was one of the very few diverging opinions, and therefore my comments created a cognitive dissonance among some of yo (probably the smartest among you) and uncontrolled hatred among the dumbest among you.


A Stepford Wife For Obama.
Because President Obama has ....
Those are some real nice words of support for Obama there Openmind.

But, at the end of the day, 26 million Americans are still out of work, 47 million Americans are still on Food Stamps. This is because of Obama's current policies, not something Bush did last time and I am just saying, despite my opinions, I believe these are the only issues that are going to matter to the far majority of voters.

It is not because they are dumb as you implied, It is not because Obama is black as you implied, or that America is a racist nation full of hate.

It is simply because Americans want to go back to work! They can't feed their families and when they can't feed their families, no one cares about social issues, liberal ideology or any of that pie in the sky stuff.

Obama should have concentrated on putting America back to work and he would have a better chance for re-election.

No jobs for Americans means no job for the president, whoever that may be.
Proud of yourself again, Johnny?
It's tough to lose it, isn't it? That's okay, soon enough you will not even remember your name!

Vitriol of this sort does you no good, my dear woman.
I know you quite well.
We are approximately the same age.
We grew up in the same times.
I understand where your feelings and politics come from--I was in that same crowd long ago and I can read you like a religious pamphlet from the Jehovah's Witnesses.
I know how, where and when your ideas were hatched, how they were nurtured and believed in--long after they were all made quite obviously incorrect--but you paid no heed.
You read too many Kurt Vonnegut novels.

“After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go.” ~Valerie Jarrett

Here we have Obama telling voters to vote for REVENGE!
That has to be the most unAmerican statement a sitting President has ever made.

You have Valerie Jarret, Obama's closest adviser essentially threatening "revenge" on American voters
and you have Obama saying it. Remember when Obama's comment "get in your neighbors face"
and "we must punish our enemies"?

Here is Romney's response to Obama's hate laced comment of voting for Revenge!

And these irrational minds say "The Republican party is too far to the right"
Here we have a current administration threatening the American people, in context after passing laws like the NDAA
and shipping large quantities of ammo to government agencies and supporting "kill list" for American citizens.

How could anyone in their right mind see this administration as any other than EVIL!
Yes man has created hell on Earth. It is called Marxism/socialism/liberalism...and apparently you like it.
Gipper and Cruela ,ou have such extreme views that it is hard to debate you, To link liberalism, Marxisim and Socialism is absurd they are different philosophies. You have not experience much of them in the USA but where they are practiced it is not hell.
This topic is about right wing or left wing.All parties are in the spectrum, the question is how far left or right they are.
This is unfortunately true.
What doesn't make any sense to me is if you wanted
to push social causes you would create a strong economy
so that people had extra money to support these causes.
Hatred of America, killing jobs seems counter productive to the

Logically they are bassackwards.
Gipper and Cruela ,ou have such extreme views that it is hard to debate you
The only thing "extreme" her Aus is your ignorance (lack of knowledge) about this topic.

To link liberalism, Marxisim and Socialism is absurd they are different philosophies.
They are the same and they are in practice today by the socialist democrat party.

In Marxist theory, socialism, lower-stage communism or the socialist mode of production, refers to a specific historical phase of economic development and its corresponding set of social relations that eventually supersede capitalism in the schema of historical materialism. Socialism is defined as a mode of production where the criterion for economic production is use-value, and is based on direct production for use coordinated through conscious economic planning, where the law of value no longer directs economic activity, and thus monetary relations in the form of exchange-value, profit, interest and wage labor no longer operate. Income would be distributed according to individual contribution.

This topic is about right wing or left wing.All parties are in the spectrum, the question is how far left or right they are.

We are clearly on target here. The left represents liberalism early in the spectrum, further left is socialism and extreme left is communism.
We are all clear on how far "left" Obama & company has taken the democrat party and are accurately commenting accordingly.

Maybe you should brush up on this topic before accusing the members here of being so extreme that it's hard to debate them. Unless of course what you really mean is "I can't debate you because I don't have a clue what you're talking about."

Considering your "leftist" views, I will put my money on that one!
Conservative issues... I break them down into Social and Fiscal Conservative categories. Now in Social Conservative issues include anti-abortion, minimal social programs, gay marriage, perhaps strong military, and perhaps fewer regulations on discrimination. Fiscal Conservative basically advocates a balanced budget and no federal debt.

Has Republicans moved to far right? Anti-abortion has not been a issue, it seems people are tired of arguing. The showcase social program has been ObamaCare. Republicans have never liked to mix government with medical care. Now that it is here, Romney is saying maybe parts of it are okay. Republicans have not move Left, that's for sure. Gay marriage is slowly being accepted by society, and more Republicans are taking neutral positions.

In regard to the primary Fiscal Conservative issue, balance the budget, that has been been the heart of the campaign. Republicans want to get the federal spending under control... that has always been a Republican issue and it has not moved.

So where is this theoretical shift to the far right? I don't see one new proposal that I would call a move to the Left.