Think you can tell 'em apart?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
Because I sure can't. Oh, wait, McCain is older and has health problems, most notably issues with cancer and the apparent onset of dementia. Otherwise, they really are "two of a kind"
Bush is pro torture, while McCain is anti.

McCain can pronounce "nuclear."

McCain at least understands that the public wants something done about illegal immigration, whether he will do anything about it or not.

McCain was never a coke head.

I'm sure there are other differences between the two RINOS.
Bush is pro torture, while McCain is anti.

McCain can pronounce "nuclear."

McCain at least understands that the public wants something done about illegal immigration, whether he will do anything about it or not.

McCain was never a coke head.

I'm sure there are other differences between the two RINOS.

McCain. like with many other issues, has flip flopped on torture.
I'd agree in that they're both liberal republicans at best. bush is mostly a dunce, while mccain is mostly stubborn. however, mccain seems to have much more going for him than bush - notably his command of the english language.

his inability to raise his arms over his head troubles me, though. what if the nuke button is placed up high in the cereal cabinet and we needed him to push it right away...bye bye, USA.
That's not his first flip flop, of course. I wonder if we could get him to flip flop on amnesty for illegals?

Sure... he's all over that once. Can't even remember the Kennedy/McCain Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill he cosponsored. The man has spent so much time Flip floppin' to get a nomination they put his picture on the menu at The Waffle House!

This is actually a Huckabee spoof ad... but it's got McCain in it and it's hilarious.:D Check it out.
Sure... he's all over that once. Can't even remember the Kennedy/McCain Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill he cosponsored. The man has spent so much time Flip floppin' to get a nomination they put his picture on the menu at The Waffle House!

This is actually a Huckabee spoof ad... but it's got McCain in it and it's hilarious.:D Check it out.

I got a good belly laugh out of that one.

Let's see: If McCain is a total HOP waffle boy, then he must be the opposite of what we think he is:

We think he is a RINO, so, he must be a limited government, balanced budget, tenth amendment sort who will rein in the government and bring fiscal conservatism to Washington, right?

We think he sponsored the Kennedy McCain amnesty bill, so he must really be tough on illegal immigration, right?

We think he tailors his position to whatever audience he is speaking to at the moment, so he must be a straight talking guy with a firm stand on the major issues of the day, right?

We think he'll be an octogenarian after eight years in the WH, so... well, I guess he can't flip flop on that one. If he manages to, then I'd like to know his secret.:D