Those Wacky Tea-Baggers!!!

Reading, and listening to the endless 9-11 conspiracy theory junkies almost everywhere I go on the Internet only proves how desperate the uninformed really are.
If anyone dares to disagree with such theories. That instantly labels you as any one of the many useless names those from the opposition must always use to PROVE how only THEY are right, while everyone else is Full of It.

Those who like to rave should just be allowed to do so, I'll not waste anymore words on it.
I got an email from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee asking for money. Til now I have heard the Tea Party is just silly, no real threat, ignore them exc. But this email is different. They are worried. They said Sarah Palin is funding Tea Party Candidates and she and the party its self must be stopped. It seems to me they would like the Tea Party because it splits the repubilcans but I guess not. Or perhaps its just another excuse to raise funding?

My email below

Dear Crystal,
Did you hear about last weekend's National Tea Party Convention? We could laugh it off as the lunatic fringe, but that would miss the point. The ascendancy of this right-wing, angry, populist movement isn't funny - it's dangerous. And these activists have their eyes on the Senate.

Sarah Palin is funding multiple candidates through her political action committee. "Mainstream" Republican Senate candidates are saying and doing bizarre things to earn tea party support. If these candidates win, it's game over for progress.

It's only 18 days until our February FEC deadline, and pundits are watching every fundraising number to see if we have what it takes to defeat this movement. Your donation to the DSCC right now will help build strong campaigns, respond to Republican attacks and keep the radical right out of the Senate.

Stop the tea party Republicans. Contribute to the DSCC. We must raise $248,461 by Feb. 28 to fight back and have the resources we need. Even $5 will help Democrats win in November!

Our country would look quite different if tea partiers were calling the shots:

National Tea Party Convention speaker and former Republican presidential candidate Tom Tancredo is calling for a return to segregation-era tactics. "We do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote in this country," he said. "People who could not even spell the word 'vote' or say it in English put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House."
Convention speaker Joseph Farah represented the "birther" wing of tea party nation: "My dream is that if Barack Obama even seeks re-election as president in 2012 that he won't be able to go to any city … in America without seeing signs that ask, 'Where's the Birth Certificate?'"
Senate candidate Jane Norton of Colorado, in a full pander to the tea party movement, wants the Department of Education abolished, an idea so radical, even Newt Gingrich let it die.
In Florida, tea partiers have catapulted extreme right-wing candidate Marco Rubio into the lead in the Republican primary.
The last thing we need is a bunch of tea party types steering our country's agenda. Progress depends on keeping them out of the Senate.

Stop the tea party Republicans. Contribute to the DSCC. We must raise $248,461 by Feb. 28 to fight back and have the resources we need. Even $5 will help Democrats win in November!

The United States Senate is no place for radical right-wing ideologues. It's time to get serious about stopping the tea party - before it's too late.


J.B. Poersch

P.S.: We need your help to raise $248,461 by Feb. 28 in order to stop the tea partiers. Your donation to the DSCC right now builds grassroots campaigns, pushes back against Republican smears and fights the radical right.

Click here to contribute to the DSCC. Even $5 will help Democrats win in November!

Here is the website if you want to donate
Old trapper, it sounds like you are saying the US was completely remiss in not stopping the 9/11 attacks.

So remiss that you wonder why?

I couldn't care less whether it was Clinton or Bush. It was both. But the attacks did happen on Bush's watch and a load of Arabs who had been on flight simulators where they boldly stated they were not interested in take off or landing boarded several internal flights on the same day and the CIA did not spot it or stop it (on 9/11 which was well into Bush's presidency)????

My point is that you either have to accept that you live in a country with the crapiest defences/intel going or one where the attacks were 'allowed' to happen like Pearl Harbour was.

The agony of choice eh?
Except for the shooting down of the aircraft, all of the rest happened under Clinton's watch. So, why do you blame Bush?
Yeah, let's ignore...for convenience-sake :rolleyes: ....., there was no break (from one Admin, to the next) in national-security-analysis issues. Richard Clarke was kept (around), 'cause Sarah Palin was unavailable. :rolleyes:

"In a September 25 interview, Rice told the **New York Post, "We were not left a comprehensive strategy to fight al-Qaida," adding that, "Nobody organized this country or the international community to fight the terrorist threat that was upon us until 9/11."

**The National Enquirer's Little-Sister

Lemme're a member (in good-standing) of the Lil' Dumbya School O' Tap-Dancing, right?


And nobody got fired

Do you think nobody erred?

The jet fighters protecting nyc were ALL away on an exercise!! Was this a mistake, leaving NYC completely unprotected??

The CIA missed all these Arabs getting crash training on simulators in the US and then missed them boarding planes. Were these errors??

The security at airports was a joke. Was this a mistake?

It would seem not. Or at least that these errors were not considered worthy of any disciplinary action. After all, only a few thousand Amricans died.

I wonder what you do have to do to get disciplined in these places?
Old trapper, it sounds like you are saying the US was completely remiss in not stopping the 9/11 attacks.

So remiss that you wonder why?

I couldn't care less whether it was Clinton or Bush. It was both.

Ya' gotta quit relying on that grand "conservative"-talking-point.

EVERY time they're backed-into-a-corner (with The FACTS), they're more-than-happy to share all blame with the Clinton Admin.

I think they still call this Accepting Responsibility For Your Own Actions...typically reserved for everyone-else....especially minorities & anyone-else who can't afford to fight-back.​
I know that the democrats are less repugnant than the republicans but both are the puppets of the banks and the military. Clinton carpet bombed Yugoslavia killing thousands of civilians. And he attacked Libya with missiles killing Gadaffis's 10 month old daughter.

The fact is that the business of the US is war and this is partly due to a desire for world domination and partly because the banks make a fortune out of war.

And it is sold to the public in noble terms so that they will tell everyone how great it is to be poor and die for your country.
The CIA missed all these Arabs getting crash training on simulators in the US and then missed them boarding planes. Were these errors??
You need to do a better-job of verifying your sources of info.​

"I have great confidence in our FBI and CIA," the President said in Berlin, adding that he feels the agencies are already improving their information sharing practices.

Mr. Bush's comments come after a two-day hearing on Capitol Hill with FBI director Robert Mueller and the agent who wrote the so-called "Phoenix memo" last summer warning about that Arab students training at U.S. aviation schools were linked to a militant Muslim group.

The agent, Ken Williams, was concerned by the flight students' affiliation with Sheik Omar Bakri Mohammed's group because the sheik had been involved with a fatwa — an Islamic call to action — that suggested airports as one of several legitimate attack targets in the United States, officials told The Associated Press."

It was never a matter o' intelligence-sources getting-it-wrong, as-much-as it was Bush LYING!!
I know that the democrats are less repugnant than the republicans but both are the puppets of the banks and the military.
Ah, yes....the ol' generic "It was EVERYONE'S fault!!"

O.K., you're covered.


Clinton carpet bombed Yugoslavia killing thousands of civilians.
I'd say those folks, over there, have a little-bit-better idea, of what transpired, than you....

You say I should check my sources when I say that the CIA missed all those Arabs getting crash training??

I don't have any sources except logic

Either they did not pick up this information in which case they are useless or they did and they did nothing with it which makes them either even more useless or complicit.

Take your pick.

Nobody got fired