what makes you think Aminnejad is not sane? Becuse he is radical? becuse he makes big speaches? Maybe he is, but evrything he has done could be done by a sane person. Big Speeches and retoric against some group who is hated by your people does not take a insane person to do. hard talk about Israel is one thing, but for all the talk, you notice he has not done anything about it? He is smart , playing polics the way he needs to stay in power. And Don't forget , he may be President, but he is not the leader.
Also Obama has never stated I believe talks with him himself, but we should talk to those in power lower and build a groundwork. If you don't' agree then you must not like Bush for the same reasons, we are talking with Iran a lot over Iraq issues. And talk does not = agree or do anything they want, it means just that, talk and see if you can agree on something.