We should raise the voting age to 21


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Why you may ask? Cause Kids are too immature to vote.If they think handling a fast car is cool then play around in voting boxes is cool too. Thats why raise the voting age to 21.

So while we're at it are we going to raise the age at which someone is tried as an adult? After all if they're too immature to vote, they're probably too immature to know what they're doing when they commit a crime.
I only agree with you if you are under 21, maybe that'll be one vote less for morbid insanity. I've seen you in a few other threads and I find you a bit; well just to say, I don't think I'd like you much. You are a biased racist bigot. I'll find it very difficult to respond to any of your posts without a bit of ire. But 21? That's ridiculous. Age doesn't mean a thing. I know plenty of quite intelligent and reasonable 16 year olds as well as some idiots well into their 40s and beyond. Thread over.

I understand your logic but I disagree it is age that is the problem. In much of today's America, it takes longer for people to mature internally as well as financially and responsibly. If people were once again taught virtue, responsibility, discipline, etc. then more people would understand their nation and people would understand it earlier.
I agree.
why should home owners have to pay more of their paychecks (for example) to fund crap that youngsters use? Heck, if i was 18 and knew that i'd never have my paycheck affected by what i vote for (because i make, like, ya know...like a whole, like, $800 a month?) then i'd be voting for every tax increase in the world.

at 18 you're an imbecile as to how the world really works. you emote at that age - you don't think. emoting is no way to run a government. hear that hippies?

While you're at it, only allow property owners to vote. :mad:
Why you may ask? Cause Kids are too immature to vote.If they think handling a fast car is cool then play around in voting boxes is cool too. Thats why raise the voting age to 21.

I think we should limit voting to anyone who isn't a Christian.

Look at the Bush's approval rating (about 30%), and then look at how many Americans beileve that Jesus will be returning to Earth in the next 50 years (about 30%), how much you wanna bet those are the same people?
... But 21? That's ridiculous. Age doesn't mean a thing. I know plenty of quite intelligent and reasonable 16 year olds as well as some idiots well into their 40s and beyond. Thread over.

I'm not sure who the first part of this post was directed at. But while the prosecution of crimes and teenage driving are stickier issues, I really feel that anyone who can go into the military should have the right (and privilege!) to vote. So 18 is a reasonable age, one which the majority of young adults have graduated from high school.

There are a few things I'd like to see, though. A requirement before being able to register to vote 1) of passing a rudimentary writing and reading test, 2) a simplified test of what voting in this country represents 3) a basic knowledge of the structure of our government and 4) the acknowledgment that our elected officials are responsible to answer to US and not the other way around.

Personally, I think it would be a good and reasonable way to promote some accountability into a process that should require a minimum of critical thinking. It's scary to think what is entrusted into the hands of some absolute, blithering idiots.
I think we should limit voting to anyone who isn't a Christian.

Look at the Bush's approval rating (about 30%), and then look at how many Americans beileve that Jesus will be returning to Earth in the next 50 years (about 30%), how much you wanna bet those are the same people?

Jews arent Christians so youre gonna denie then to vote? Thats Anti-semitist.
Why you may ask? Cause Kids are too immature to vote.If they think handling a fast car is cool then play around in voting boxes is cool too. Thats why raise the voting age to 21.

The solution to this problem is not with age of voting, raising the voting age will not do anything, there are still 21 year-olds who think “handling fast cars” is cool. On you 21st birthday, you don’t all of the sudden become a responsible adult. Changing the voting age would merely change the populous of voting citizens, nothing more. And as an 18 year old, I find it shocking that someone as responsible and deserving of the right to vote as you (as I assume you are over 21) would think that every person under 21 is a mindless idiot who cares only about “handling fast cars.” Well, I do not; in fact I have no interest in “handling fast cars.” So proposing that we raise the voting age 21 rather than 18 and deprive me of the right to vote until then, is a slap in the face.
Why you may ask? Cause Kids are too immature to vote.If they think handling a fast car is cool then play around in voting boxes is cool too. Thats why raise the voting age to 21.

We vote so that our politicians can represent us. Even immature people deserve to be represented. The question shouldn't be how old one should be to vote but how young one can be to vote.

I would say that if your parents claimed you as a dependent on their taxes then you don't vote as your parents are responsible for you and your vote was made on your behalf.
That is why we need to adopt laws like other countries have for kids when they get out of high school. Like in Israel for example after you graduate from high school you must serve 4 years in the military before you can go into college or society.Cause in the military they turn kids into men and women.Its called disapline like boot camp for example.And Boot camp is pretty hellish and very harsh. So that takes the immaturity out of you.
That is why we need to adopt laws like other countries have for kids when they get out of high school. Like in Israel for example after you graduate from high school you must serve 4 years in the military before you can go into college or society.Cause in the military they turn kids into men and women.Its called disapline like boot camp for example.And Boot camp is pretty hellish and very harsh. So that takes the immaturity out of you.

Perhaps it'd teach people to spell (which is linked to reading comprehension and thus allows for better understanding of that which they'd be voting on).... Just saying.

But all jokes aside, this is stupid. I for one cannot join the military in any function since I'm diabetic, secondly my religious beliefs, which I'll not go into, advocate a strict adherence to a life of nonviolence, and being a member of the armed forces, or even a corporation that assists directly violence (weapons engineering, development, etc) is something I'd not do. Does this make me unreliable in my voting choice? No, nor will I argue that my vote is any more righteous than that of someone who has served in the military. Each person is going to vote based on their beliefs, forced servitude in the military to obtain education or voting rights is a violation of that which this country is based on. Your statement and suggestion in action would be a gross violation of the constitution.