What do we do about illegal immigration???

Well, today the Republicans and Democrats and Bush got together to sell the US to the hightest bidder. Cheapass free world traders who want us all working for $1.00 a day.

Behind the 20million illegals they decided to give amnesty to will come 60million more. Everyone of whom will work for almost anything. Until the next time they are given amnesty. And then will come..........

You think it won't hurt you? All those illegals can now go after your job and offer to do it for one half of what you get paid, and no benefits. Good luck.
Well, today the Republicans and Democrats and Bush got together to sell the US to the hightest bidder. Cheapass free world traders who want us all working for $1.00 a day.

Behind the 20million illegals they decided to give amnesty to will come 60million more. Everyone of whom will work for almost anything. Until the next time they are given amnesty. And then will come..........

You think it won't hurt you? All those illegals can now go after your job and offer to do it for one half of what you get paid, and no benefits. Good luck.

You're right. If you notice on the news, they usually show illegals picking strawberries or some such........they don't show illegals working in other types of jobs....jobs that United States Citizens WOULD do.
"You're right. If you notice on the news, they usually show illegals picking strawberries or some such........they don't show illegals working in other types of jobs....jobs that United States Citizens WOULD do."
--Yeah, like construction jobs thet USED to pay decently.
KeepOurFreedoms, just realized you're in Dallas. This exodus of illegals is really starting to freak me out. And, now they (govt.) have encouraged this behavior. They''ll always be illegals in my eyes--I'll not forget how they came here. Do you ever try to be civil and nice to them just to get dirty (or worse) looks in return? I f**king hate that. They obvioulsy (for the most part) are here only to take from us, not to help build a better country. Of course not all immigrants. I was a little peeved when I wrote what I did.
What makes you think they didn't?

For the most part, they didn't. Some did, but there wasn't enough unification amongst them to put up a strong enough fight. Some of the natives sided with us, too, and that's what largely did them in. By the time they started attempting to unify we were too strong (think Tecumseh and the War of 1812).
What we're seeing is capitalism in it's raw form. How many here have mutual funds and stocks? The name of the game is profits. Business' want more and so do their shareholders. If you do then you are a shareholder in some sense. Shareholders want a higher return on their investments so business does what they have to do to get them. If that means hiring illegals then they do it. I don't believe that people bother to think about the correlation between their mutual funds/stocks and the problem of illegal immigrants being hired by business in this country. The same goes with the food supply or housing. That house down the street being built with cheap labour might only be affordable because the contractor isn't paying an American to do the work.
send 'em home. their kids too. they don't belong here and if they want into america they can get in the legal way.

If the kids are born here on US soil they are American citizens. You may not like that but it is in the US Constitution. If you want it changed then petition your elected officials to amend the Constitution. Otherwise we have to deal with that fact as the Constitution is the law of the land. Are you willing to force an American citizen out of this country because his/her parents are here illegally?

Here's a scenario: what if you found out your parents, or grandparents got here illegally (not all illegal immigrants are from Mexico). Should you be deported also because of their status? Immigration, illegal and illegal is a very complex issue that goes beyone laws, it involves real people, families, moral and ethical issues.
KeepOurFreedoms, just realized you're in Dallas. This exodus of illegals is really starting to freak me out. And, now they (govt.) have encouraged this behavior. They''ll always be illegals in my eyes--I'll not forget how they came here. Do you ever try to be civil and nice to them just to get dirty (or worse) looks in return? I f**king hate that. They obvioulsy (for the most part) are here only to take from us, not to help build a better country. Of course not all immigrants. I was a little peeved when I wrote what I did.

Exodus? Use the Federallies around them and see what happens.
KeepOurFreedoms, just realized you're in Dallas. This exodus of illegals is really starting to freak me out. And, now they (govt.) have encouraged this behavior. They''ll always be illegals in my eyes--I'll not forget how they came here. Do you ever try to be civil and nice to them just to get dirty (or worse) looks in return? I f**king hate that. They obvioulsy (for the most part) are here only to take from us, not to help build a better country. Of course not all immigrants. I was a little peeved when I wrote what I did.

If the kids are born here on US soil they are American citizens. You may not like that but it is in the US Constitution. If you want it changed then petition your elected officials to amend the Constitution. Otherwise we have to deal with that fact as the Constitution is the law of the land. Are you willing to force an American citizen out of this country because his/her parents are here illegally?

Here's a scenario: what if you found out your parents, or grandparents got here illegally (not all illegal immigrants are from Mexico). Should you be deported also because of their status? Immigration, illegal and illegal is a very complex issue that goes beyone laws, it involves real people, families, moral and ethical issues.

The illegals all need to be deported. If they want to take their kids, that is fine. If they don't want to take their US Citizen child that is fine too.
We could enforce the laws we already have, but that wont happen because the cowardly politicians we have now are deathly afraid of being called "racist".

For starters we should build a wall from San Diego to Brownsville. Cut off ALL the freebies! Deport All who came here ILLEGALY NO EXECPTIONS! No more anchor babys. And demand that those who come here be educated, screened for infectious diseases, and criminal records.
If you were mexican you would be doing the exact same thing, try understanding and sympathising your fellow man instead of being so wrapped up in yourself and your self rightous political beliefs.
YOU are aware that what we are discussing is ILLEGAL INVASION not IMMIGRATION....Im all for you immigrating here legally otherwise get out
We could enforce the laws we already have, but that wont happen because the cowardly politicians we have now are deathly afraid of being called "racist".

For starters we should build a wall from San Diego to Brownsville. Cut off ALL the freebies! Deport All who came here ILLEGALY NO EXECPTIONS! No more anchor babys. And demand that those who come here be educated, screened for infectious diseases, and criminal records.

NO the reality is ......that the N.A.U. is going to replace the United States and Mexico along with canada..the borders are going to be erased the Three countries will become the next EU

your blind if you dont see it coming
they arent going to build a wall or seal the borders they never planned on it

youll see
NO the reality is ......that the N.A.U. is going to replace the United States and Mexico along with canada..the borders are going to be erased the Three countries will become the next EU

your blind if you dont see it coming
they arent going to build a wall or seal the borders they never planned on it

youll see

You may be right. The signs are pointing in that direction. But if thats the case i suggest we all prepare for the next American revolution. :eek: