Where was the presidents voice when these took place....


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2012

Where was Barack Obama when hundreds of black teens rioted after the Wisconsin state fair, targeting and beating any white people they could find?

Where was Barack Obama when a 13 year old white teen in Kansas City was doused in gasoline and set on fire by two black teens yelling, "You get what you deserve white boy."?

Where was Barack Obama when a mob of 70 black youths marched down the streets of Peoria, IL, yelling death threats to white residents, including "kill all the white people."?

Where was Barack Obama when numerous flash mobs of predominantly black teenagers attacked innocent people and ravaged businesses in his home city of Chicago?

Where was Barack Obama this month when 10 people were killed by gunfire, including a 6 year old girl, also in his home city of Chicago?

Where was Barack Obama when Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was killed by guns his administration put in the hands of Mexican drug cartels?

Where was Barack Obama when a black man broke into the home of an 85 year old white woman, raped her, and beat her to death?

Where was Barack Obama when 6 black teens attacked and brutally beat a 65 year old white man, and Vietnam vet, almost to death?

Where was Barack Obama when a black man stalked, raped, and beat a white woman to death with a baseball bat in South Carolina?

Where was Barack Obama when all black gangs began targeting, beating, and mugging all white victims in Baltimore while yelling "F*** you white boy."?

Where was Barack Obama when black students attacked and beat a white man for eating in a diner with another black man?

Where was Barack Obama when a white teen was nearly beaten to death by black teens for walking down the street with his black girlfriend?

Where was Barack Obama when a 16 year old white boy in Seattle was beaten and whipped with his own belt at gunpoint by two black men because of "slavery"?

Where was Barack Obama when 9 black teens beat a young white woman nearly to death on a Baltimore city bus?

Where was Barack Obama when 3 black teens harassed and beat up a 15 year old autistic boy at a bus stop while yelling racial slurs?

Where was Barack Obama when 8 black teens attacked and beat up a white man for listening to rap music?

Where was Barack Obama when 32 black gang members were arrested in Denver for targeted attacks on white males?

Where was Barack Obama when a white man and his family in Akron were attacked by a mob of 20 or more black teens yelling, "This is a black world."?

Where was Barack Obama when a gang of black teens began beating on a single white man at a gas station in Kansas City?

Where was Barack Obama when a white man in New York was viciously beat at a subway station by black men yelling "Shut the f--- up, white boy. We'll beat the s--t out of you, cracker."

Where was Barack Obama when 3 black men attacked a Hispanic restaurant worker while yelling racial slurs?

Where was Barack Obama when a group of black students attacked a group of Asian students at Indiana University?

Where was Barack Obama when 2 black men shot a Hispanic man to death in New York because of his race and sexual orientation?

Where was Barack Obama when a Vietnamese man was nearly beaten to death by black attackers in Georgia because of his race?

Where was Barack Obama when a white girl was viciously beaten by black women on a Portland, Oregon train?

Where was Barack Obama when blacks targeted and brutally beat a Pakistani woman in Niagra Falls while yelling racial slurs?

Where was Barack Obama when a video surfaced of young black girls targeting and beating a white girl so badly in a Maryland McDonalds, that she went into convulsions and nearly died?

Where was Barack Obama just days ago when a white student at Mississippi State was gunned down and killed by three black males?

Where, oh where...

Giving a speech about how some police act stupidly?

On vacation?

Playing golf?

Talking to Janet Napolitano about how some people might be domestic terrorists if they have Ron Paul or pro-life bumper stickers?

Where was Barack Obama this month when 10 people were killed by gunfire, including a 6 year old girl, also in his home city of Chicago?
Bowing to some foreign leader?

apologizing to some dictator someplace for how rotten America is?

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-ends-65-year-romance-meeting-blind-date.htmlOn another vacation?

Where was Barack Obama when 6 black teens attacked and brutally beat a 65 year old white man, and Vietnam vet, almost to death?
Having a meeting with George Soros?

Having a party at the white house with all of his fancy friends?

Playing basketball?

Playing golf again…?

On another vacation?

Apologizing for America again?

Giving a speech blaming Bush for whatever the current events of the day were?

Helping Eric Holder with fast and furious?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSZ3l3hdx64&feature=relatedGiving a speech on solar energy?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x017zexYdVA&feature=relatedHaving another party at the white house with his 100 dollar a pound Kobe beef?

Giving Acorn money so they can fake more votes?

Making secret deals with Russia on how to screw our allies over?

Where was Barack Obama when a white man in New York was viciously beat at a subway station by black men yelling "Shut the f--- up, white boy. We'll beat the s--t out of you, cracker."?
On another vacation?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eIpoYTUp5I&feature=relatedFlying a pizza maker in from St Louis to make 40 pizzas?

Visiting the 57th state?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfk3ST5EGhI&feature=relatedcoddling a terrorist?

Helping take down the president of Egypt while ignoring Iran?

Where was Barack Obama when a white girl was viciously beaten by black women on a Portland, Oregon train?
Giving a speech to Americans telling us that we can’t eat whatever we want or drive SUV’s and keep our thermostats at 72 degrees in the tropics or the tundra because people in other countries won’t like it?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=md94...DvjVQa1PpcFMJphFuw0fsfAvCgceoglOaxtwvWBfywUc=sitting in the Oval office with his feet on the resolute desk again, while its hot enough in there to grow orchids?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glrh...DvjVQa1PpcFMJphFuw0fsfIi1nhsWXQucdmqFxKdbWxs=On another vacation with Bo the dog taking his own flight?

http://www.cdispatch.com/news/article.asp?aid=16252Far too busy blaming Bush for our problems to make time for something this small?

Was I close??
look you can post links! of course you could also look at those cases and find out something different about those....COPS ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING

COps did not show up and say Yep that woman raped...and this guy did it...but lets just let him go and not question it to much.

17 year old unarmed kid is dead...and it took a special prosecutor to come in and do the police job...he is now charged with 2nd degree murder. But just keep pretending there is nothing there...
look you can post links! of course you could also look at those cases and find out something different about those....COPS ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING

COps did not show up and say Yep that woman raped...and this guy did it...but lets just let him go and not question it to much.

17 year old unarmed kid is dead...and it took a special prosecutor to come in and do the police job...he is now charged with 2nd degree murder. But just keep pretending there is nothing there...


They did investigate the night it all happened and made no charges. Over a month later some people got their panties all in a twist and it got blown up.

The special prosecutor did something interesting; or rather didn’t do something…she did not let it go to grand jury. Why? He could be tried for 1st degree murder had she taken it to the grand jury. If he is the cold blooded monster you describe wouldn’t first degree murder be the proper charge? I mean he clearly hunted down the little boy like a crazed racist murder right…

But instead he will get second... why only second.

Weird she would let him off so easy, don’t you think?

Well actually it makes sense to me; she has to calm the mob by giving them the fresh blood they crave and desire so she gives it to them but makes sure that the guy is charged at a much lesser level. She probably doesn’t think he is anymore guilty than the first people who investigated it that night but when the crowd wants blood you got to give them some. These people will tear up the city if you don’t.
look you can post links! of course you could also look at those cases and find out something different about those....COPS ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING

COps did not show up and say Yep that woman raped...and this guy did it...but lets just let him go and not question it to much.

17 year old unarmed kid is dead...and it took a special prosecutor to come in and do the police job...he is now charged with 2nd degree murder. But just keep pretending there is nothing there...

It amazes me how liberals are so quick to judge, when the facts are unknown, but the narrative fits their political beliefs. Much as was done in the Duke case and so many others. Why do liberals consistently fail to learn from history?

How about we get the facts before rushing to judgement? What a novel idea, but with liberals running around this will never happen. The race hustlers who have used this case to inflame racial tensions should be renounced by all. But, that won't happen with liberals in charge.

Remember...when JFK was shot liberals everywhere were sure some right wing fanatic was responsible including Jackie. Only to find out that it was a left wing fanatic. That was fifty years ago and still libs jump to leftist conclusions when it benefits their kooky ideology and all before the facts are determined.
look you can post links! of course you could also look at those cases and find out something different about those....COPS ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING

COps did not show up and say Yep that woman raped...and this guy did it...but lets just let him go and not question it to much.

17 year old unarmed kid is dead...and it took a special prosecutor to come in and do the police job...he is now charged with 2nd degree murder. But just keep pretending there is nothing there...
"But just keep pretending there is nothing there"...maybe just maybe you need to practice what you preach...
Let us see what is brought out in court -- there is no need to rush to judgement.

My judgment of the fact he is a little man trying to play cop running around with his gun is pretty much set...as for what crimes he may or may not have committed....The courts will find...but had no one spoken up...there would not even be a court to review the case. Thats been one of the key issues...that when you shoot a unarmed 17 year old...maybe someone should take a pretty hard look at that. And now they are...and based on how hard they are going after him...I am guessing what we may find out may be even more against him then what we think there is right now....Unless its purely to give more room to plea out later.

IF they drop it, most likely it will be due to Florida law basically being...kill anyone you want, if we can't prove that you in no way had some fear then its ok. I could walk into a ally, shoot someone...say I felt threatened...and you have to prove I did not. Its a license to murder if you can do it with no good witness.
My judgment of the fact he is a little man trying to play cop running around with his gun is pretty much set...

Then you are no better than a guy who looks at a black person and thinks "criminal".

as for what crimes he may or may not have committed....The courts will find...but had no one spoken up...there would not even be a court to review the case.

The Justice System should not make decicions based on public opinion -- if you asserting that without such opinion nothing would have occured -- then you are advocating for a judicial system that will throw impartiality out the window and be hijacked by public opinion -- that is a far greater tradegy than a 17 year losing his life.

Thats been one of the key issues...that when you shoot a unarmed 17 year old...maybe someone should take a pretty hard look at that. And now they are...and based on how hard they are going after him...I am guessing what we may find out may be even more against him then what we think there is right now....Unless its purely to give more room to plea out later.

Again -- we will see what is brought out in court -- My assumption is that neither of us know the facts -- I am not rushing to judgement -- yet you seem to be. I find that sad.

IF they drop it, most likely it will be due to Florida law basically being...kill anyone you want, if we can't prove that you in no way had some fear then its ok. I could walk into a ally, shoot someone...say I felt threatened...and you have to prove I did not. Its a license to murder if you can do it with no good witness.

Neither Zimmerman or the police write the law -- if you have an issue with it -- your beef is with the state legislature.