Who is electable?


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Hillary doesn't seem to think Barack is electable, at least, not according to her remarks during the debate. She may be right on that score.

The result was arguably one of Mr. Obama’s weakest debate performances. He at times appeared annoyed as he sought to answer questions about his former pastor, his reluctance to wear an American flag pin on his lapel and his association in Chicago with former members of the Weather Underground, a radical group that carried out bombings in the 1960s that were intended to incite the overthrow of the government.

She, on the other hand, seems unlikely to get the nomination at this point, or is she? There still is the "superdelegate" factor to consider:

But Mrs. Clinton’s audience in attacking Mr. Obama and his electability was not just voters here, but also the unaligned Democratic superdelegates — elected officials and party leaders — whose choices are going to determine who wins the nomination.

We can't count her out just yet.

Right now, I'd bet on Clinton as the more likely to be able to beat McCain in November, but a lot can still happen.

Meanwhile, John McCain seems to be sitting back and enjoying the fray, while continuing his practice of telling audiences what they want to hear.

None of the three is an ideal, or even a desirable candidate in my opinion, but I'm beginning to gain some respect for Hillary Clinton's ability to win a political fight.
Electoral and popular vote projections based on current polls

McCain-281.5 50.2%
Obama-256.5 49.8%

McCain-299.6 51%
Clinton-238.4 49%

She doesn't look so electable to me. Clinton's negatives are always at 50% or above and she is deemed dishonest and untrustworthy by the majority of respondents in virtually every poll, tough to win a GE that way. As to Obama's ability to win, last night Clinton said:

emphatically Wednesday night that Barack Obama can win the White House this fall, undercutting her efforts to deny him the Democratic presidential nomination by suggesting he would lead the party to defeat.

"Yes, yes, yes," she said when pressed about Obama's electability during a campaign debate six days before the Pennsylvania primary.

I do not see how either of them can win. The old Obama who preached hope and change and I have judgment, the old Obama who had women fainting at his rally's, He could win. But he has taken to many hits, tooo dang much of his skeletons have been dug out of his closet. The smartest thing the bosses of the dem party could do to win is to vote for neither of them to represent thier party and instead put Edwards or Gore out.

Edwars survived running with Kerry last time. If he has skeletons, they have already been dug out for the most part. Same with Gore. Obama may make a good leader (FOR THE DEMS) but he should sit out the next 4 years to clean up his image and try again.

I understand that most dems are not terribly upset with the news that came out about Obama, and Obama himself said today, this is not what the voters want to talk about. But he is wrong. The left wing liberal part of the democratic party does not want to talk about it but the rest of America does want to hear about it, get the explinations to thier satisfaction and make their choices. He just cant win with middle America, while Edwards or Gore probably could.