Why are Republicans so silent about Gas Prices?

we are made of star dust.
you must think! if the pipe line was constructed it may have created about 2000 jobs, that's good. now what happens when the oil gets to Houston? what is exxon going to do with it. are they going to sell it to US cheap or are they going to put on the market to highest bidder. THINK!
we are made of star dust.
you must think! if the pipe line was constructed it may have created about 2000 jobs, that's good. now what happens when the oil gets to Houston? what is exxon going to do with it. are they going to sell it to US cheap or are they going to put on the market to highest bidder. THINK!

A lot more jobs than 2000. Try at least 20,000. Also, the people that build the pipe lines have to live somewhere, eat somewhere, shop somewhere, pay taxes. THINK As far as the oil going to Texas....IT'S CALLED SUPPLY AND DEMAND. THINK

It also gives us a lot more leverage regarding the nut jobs in the east and in Venezuela. THINK
we are made of star dust.
you must think! if the pipe line was constructed it may have created about 2000 jobs, that's good.

Our own State Department did a study on it and estimated it would create between 5,000 and 6,000 jobs. The 20,000 figure came from the company wanting to build the pipeline.

That said -- what is wrong with 5,000 jobs? Aren't these "shovel ready" construction projects what the President has been pushing from day 1? Why is this any different?

now what happens when the oil gets to Houston? what is exxon going to do with it. are they going to sell it to US cheap or are they going to put on the market to highest bidder. THINK!

Oil is sold on the open market globally -- but the more supply available (assuming demand remains constant) means that prices will fall -- I think most of the oil from the Keystone expansion would go to Asia however.
OK I'll accept 5000 shovel ready jobs. eventually the pipe line will happen but don't hold your breath until the prices drop to like $2.50
OK I'll accept 5000 shovel ready jobs. eventually the pipe line will happen but don't hold your breath until the prices drop to like $2.50

The biggest hold up (even at current prices) seems to be an environmental debate -- and not a ton else.
the enviroment is marching to the forefront. not to worry tho, limbaugh called global warming a hoax...do you believe?

a little off subject,, rush never grad. college. this is a quote from his Mom. "he flunked everything"
I think he's jealous of what Obama and Michelle have accomplished. he thinks he is safe behind the micro, but it's exactly why he will self destruct.
the enviroment is marching to the forefront. not to worry tho, limbaugh called global warming a hoax...do you believe?

a little off subject,, rush never grad. college. this is a quote from his Mom. "he flunked everything"
I think he's jealous of what Obama and Michelle have accomplished. he thinks he is safe behind the micro, but it's exactly why he will self destruct.

Too funny.

Lets see now....Rush is going to self destruct. Do you have any idea when? Could it happen in his NEXT 25 years on radio....maybe?

And yes...AGW is a hoax...I sure hope you are not a warmer. You might check out this thread https://www.houseofpolitics.com/thr...irm-that-climate-change-is-real.14007/page-21

And welcome to the HOP.
And yes...AGW is a hoax...I sure hope you are not a warmer.

Of course this guy is a "warmer" .... He's a liberal. He has done nothing but parrot false liberal talking points in every post. Rush just signed the biggest contract with EIB in the history of radio but, he's a flunky right ... and this liberal is a really an "intell." academic type ;)
Two additional comments to fuel the fires:

Subject "Global Warming": This is an easy one! It's probable but still debatable that global warming is occuring. It is a FACT that global warming and cooling has ALWAYS occured throughout history! It is a FACT that there are many many reasons why the earths temperature changes over time, going both up and down! IF global warming is occuring now, it is a FACT that NOBODY knows WHY! A mathematical simulation model that's capable of analyzing all of the potential causes and their relationships does NOT exist. It is a FACT that those claiming that global warming is caused by humans and their use of fossil fuels are at best making wild-ass GUESSES! Ask one of those "geniuses" to tell you how many deegrees of warming are discetely caused by changes in solar behavior. They do NOT know! It is also a FACT that if humanity did everything possible to minimize the warming, the effect would be minimal and the cost would be beyond belief! Leave it to the left to spend multi-trillions of dollars on a problem that may or may not exist, that may or may not be caused in any way by human behavior, and which CANNOT be meaningfully controlled for ANY amount of money. Aren't they brilliant?

Subject "Fossil-Fuel use and Re-Newable-Energy Development": Those claiming that fossil fuels are non-renewable, and that their continued exploitation is dangerous and will take years, fail to use their heads! Surprise? Most anyone with a brain supports the development of renewable energies. Those of us with really useful brains understand that the development of alternative energies will be less of a financial burden on our country IF our industries are producing the maximum economic prosperity in our nation. Until alternative energies are fully developed and are economically viable, it is STUPID to starve our industries of coal, oil, and natural gas use! If we had a 1% true unemployment rate, reduced our national expenditures, and if we trashed unnecessary environmental regulations, our nation might have the monies to invest in future-energy development without breaking the bank!

After making the above comments, I'll just wait for some real smart lefty "scienist" to tell us, "It will take too long and only create 100,000 jobs". God forbid we should begin looking for the answer before the question is asked, huh? Let's wait till it's too late again??? As for only creating 100,000 jobs, this President should be happy to see ANY jobs created while he's in charge. Afterall, you can be sure he'd take personal credit for it!
glaciers all over the world are shrinking fast. greenlanders are witness to the birth of rivers flowing from the glacier. people in the mts. of Peru sho rely on glacial melt are out of water. antartic ice has shrunk by a third. ships can now sail over the top of Canada. polar bears depending on ice are in decline and can go extinct. pine bark beetles have moved 200 miles north devestating pine forests. the small pearl-bordered fritillary (a butter fly) does not fly south anymore which thsy have done for centuries.. the southern flying squirrel has moved 200 mi. north. the nAmerican gold finch has moved 300 mi. nth. the abundant black surfperch of southern Cal. are gone from the warmer water. the humming birds missed their breeding season because flowers bloomed a month early. every year in the last ten is warmer. 55% of the USA is in drought condition. corals around the world are in decline because of hot water. great white sharks are roaming further nth. fights in the west for water have begun.
I'm comfortable in my academia, you apparently envy it.
glaciers all over the world are shrinking fast. greenlanders are witness to the birth of rivers flowing from the glacier. people in the mts. of Peru sho rely on glacial melt are out of water. antartic ice has shrunk by a third. ships can now sail over the top of Canada. polar bears depending on ice are in decline and can go extinct. pine bark beetles have moved 200 miles north devestating pine forests. the small pearl-bordered fritillary (a butter fly) does not fly south anymore which thsy have done for centuries.. the southern flying squirrel has moved 200 mi. north. the nAmerican gold finch has moved 300 mi. nth. the abundant black surfperch of southern Cal. are gone from the warmer water. the humming birds missed their breeding season because flowers bloomed a month early. every year in the last ten is warmer. 55% of the USA is in drought condition. corals around the world are in decline because of hot water. great white sharks are roaming further nth. fights in the west for water have begun.
I'm comfortable in my academia, you apparently envy it.

And this is all caused by man?
Two additional comments to fuel the fires:

Subject "Global Warming": This is an easy one! It's probable but still debatable that global warming is occuring. It is a FACT that global warming and cooling has ALWAYS occured throughout history! It is a FACT that there are many many reasons why the earths temperature changes over time, going both up and down! IF global warming is occuring now, it is a FACT that NOBODY knows WHY! A mathematical simulation model that's capable of analyzing all of the potential causes and their relationships does NOT exist. It is a FACT that those claiming that global warming is caused by humans and their use of fossil fuels are at best making wild-ass GUESSES! Ask one of those "geniuses" to tell you how many deegrees of warming are discetely caused by changes in solar behavior. They do NOT know! It is also a FACT that if humanity did everything possible to minimize the warming, the effect would be minimal and the cost would be beyond belief! Leave it to the left to spend multi-trillions of dollars on a problem that may or may not exist, that may or may not be caused in any way by human behavior, and which CANNOT be meaningfully controlled for ANY amount of money. Aren't they brilliant?

Subject "Fossil-Fuel use and Re-Newable-Energy Development": Those claiming that fossil fuels are non-renewable, and that their continued exploitation is dangerous and will take years, fail to use their heads! Surprise? Most anyone with a brain supports the development of renewable energies. Those of us with really useful brains understand that the development of alternative energies will be less of a financial burden on our country IF our industries are producing the maximum economic prosperity in our nation. Until alternative energies are fully developed and are economically viable, it is STUPID to starve our industries of coal, oil, and natural gas use! If we had a 1% true unemployment rate, reduced our national expenditures, and if we trashed unnecessary environmental regulations, our nation might have the monies to invest in future-energy development without breaking the bank!

After making the above comments, I'll just wait for some real smart lefty "scienist" to tell us, "It will take too long and only create 100,000 jobs". God forbid we should begin looking for the answer before the question is asked, huh? Let's wait till it's too late again??? As for only creating 100,000 jobs, this President should be happy to see ANY jobs created while he's in charge. Afterall, you can be sure he'd take personal credit for it!
the earth does in fact go thru cycles, it's in a warming one now and humans are giving it a boost. you're right we cannot control the warming, it's already too late, but we can stop giving it a boost.
subject "fossil-fuel use and renewable-energy development" spoken like a true greedy consertive on this I'll just walk away speechless

4.4 mill jobs created under Obama even in this Bush depression.