Will lying dementia Joe debate lying trump ?

Trump is bad news for EVERYONE except a few people named Trump.
Trump is bad news for Marxists, for fascists, for thugs, for looters, for liars, for perverts, for baby killers, for wasteful pork spending, for cop killers, for radical atheists, for fake climate change mythology, and so forth. Do, yes, Trump is bad news for the Democrat party and their fascist globalist agenda.
Trump cares only about himself. The sumbitch has no close personal friends. He has screwed everyone and every institution that he could screw throughout his life.
Trump cares only about himself. The sumbitch has no close personal friends. He has screwed everyone and every institution that he could screw throughout his life.
Your twisted bias is showing. Trump just won the Republican primary for President, yet you stupidly claim nobody likes him or wants him.
Trump is a rapist, a cheat and a traitor. He is a hateful rich bastard that reads little and knows next to nothing.
His sorry diaper clad ass belongs in prison.
Baby killers, cop haters, American monument despisers, black supremacist racists, sex perverts, atheistic big government fascists, and more degenerates love Biden, not Trump.
The degenerates here like you seem to love Trump
And sex perverts like tat too
I really don't think he realized what he was agreeing to. They're scambling for a way to get out of it.