Andrew Breitbart,dead at age 43

its the video you suggested probably did not exist. and I did not say that this video was the cause.

umm thats not the video I was saying does not exist...if it is...well then then its 10 sec long and has nothing on it that I was talking about. I am talking about a tape of Obamas Wife saying Whitey...She is not in that video...also all I see in the video is Obama introduced someone...whoop de freaking do. It bas back when we where told about that, and idiots making claims that Obama gave a guy a BJ for Crack, and all kinds of Fictional right wing bull.

And that was tape idiots think Obama had him killed for..then man no one is safe as there is nothing at all on it. But I guess I will go back to fearing Obama being a thug with hard core ganstas like Common in the white house...

You would think Obama got up and was singing songs from P.E's Fear of a Black Planet or something....
Bell is a radical racist...and BO loves him still. But, nothing to see here. That damn Rush Limbaugh...he should be hung!!!o_O

Some info on Bell, whom BO loves and admires!

Wholly disgusted by the white race, Bell predicted that eventually America would witness the rise of charismatic new black leaders who, in the interests of retribution, would “urge that instead of [African Americans] killing each other, they should go out in gangs and kill a whole lot of white people.”[10] Presumably this was some of the lofty “scholarship” that so impressed Barack Obama.
Bell endorsed a journal called Race Traitor, whose stated aim is “to abolish the white race, which means no more and no less than abolishing the privileges of the white skin.” Moreover, the publication’s guiding principle is: “Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.” In 1999 Bell signed on to a Race Traitorarticle that stated: “If the task of the nineteenth century was to overthrow slavery, and the task of the twentieth century was to end legal segregation, the key to solving this country’s problems in the twenty-first century is to abolish the white race as a social category—in other words, eradicate white supremacy entirely.” Among Bell’s fellow signatories were Pete Seeger, Cornel West, and Howard Zinn.
saw he had been to the White House twice in 2011 I think it was.
and who the hell cares?

ps it was 2010...and the white house has reported that a Different Bell was the visitor ..different birthdays...Also they where for Tours...even if it was the same one..he had a up close and personal vist with "304 people and 282 people" ...You know I am regestered as being at the National Capital building and with Michelle Bachmann...guess what never met her...took a tour with a aid who was not even that political...I even know personal her former Chief of Staff...By this logic Bachmann is very liberal or I am very conservative

you know if people fact checked FOx More often we would cut down on so many issues....But feel free to just keep eating up what they spoon feed you.
and who the hell cares?

ps it was 2010...and the white house has reported that a Different Bell was the visitor ..different birthdays...Also they where for Tours...even if it was the same one..he had a up close and personal vist with "304 people and 282 people" ...You know I am regestered as being at the National Capital building and with Michelle Bachmann...guess what never met her...took a tour with a aid who was not even that political...I even know personal her former Chief of Staff...By this logic Bachmann is very liberal or I am very conservative

you know if people fact checked FOx More often we would cut down on so many issues....But feel free to just keep eating up what they spoon feed you. You know the same idiots who claimed this footage was hidden...who Hanity said a college professor hid the video.. ( of course if one used a brain and watched the can see sarcasm dripping off his words as he laughs (( with the crowd)) the clip was on ABC news...PBS...and on Youtube....Man it was so well hidden...Next Week..secret tape shows that The Challenger blew on Fox!
Apparently you do not. I guess you are fine with a radical racist leftist meeting with the POTUS.

Where your ancestors KKK members? Many lib Ds have that organization in their past. You?

again you would seem smarter if you did not talk.. there is no "meeting" with Radical Racist...Sorry to burst your bubble. If your talking about a Head of the college law review at Harvard knowing...the Head of the Harvard Law school...Well them damn you have a ton of white people who all are racist as they also whent to Harvard ( a bastion of KKK membership these days you know) or are you talking about the already shown to be false claim that that professor visited the white house twice...he did not..someone with same name but different birthday a TOUR with nearly 300 people.

Again your tired and sad rant of Dems where Racist before...has been shown for what it is many times, but your scull is to hard for anything logical to enter. Southern Democrats....the ones your talking about are now...wait for it ...wait for it....REPUBLICANS...( see my example of David Duke Grand Master of hte KKK...REPUBLICAN) Your ignorance in the face of facts is amazing.But I know you want to bring up a FORMER KKK member for reformed...and pretend that means all Dems are KKK..

This of course also suggests that I am actually a Dem...I am not a member of that Party...I am a Liberal. I have voted for parties for President who are not the Democrats about as often if not more often then I have voted for them. I have not voted for a Dem for State office ever...unless there was only 2 running ( rare as we have a 3 and at times 4 major party state)

as for me a member of the KKK? yes Yes I am. I am a liberal Obama voting supporter of a new trial for Mumia Abu Jamal KKK Member...Let me put on my hood. the idea of trying to say I am a KKK you realize how retarded that makes you sound..not that the rest of your rants don't do that just fine...And to do it while claiming that I suppose a racial black Racist....DO you try to be this dense? or is it natural.
again you would seem smarter if you did not talk.. there is no "meeting" with Radical Racist...Sorry to burst your bubble. If your talking about a Head of the college law review at Harvard knowing...the Head of the Harvard Law school...Well them damn you have a ton of white people who all are racist as they also whent to Harvard ( a bastion of KKK membership these days you know) or are you talking about the already shown to be false claim that that professor visited the white house twice...he did not..someone with same name but different birthday a TOUR with nearly 300 people.

Again your tired and sad rant of Dems where Racist before...has been shown for what it is many times, but your scull is to hard for anything logical to enter. Southern Democrats....the ones your talking about are now...wait for it ...wait for it....REPUBLICANS...( see my example of David Duke Grand Master of hte KKK...REPUBLICAN) Your ignorance in the face of facts is amazing.But I know you want to bring up a FORMER KKK member for reformed...and pretend that means all Dems are KKK..

This of course also suggests that I am actually a Dem...I am not a member of that Party...I am a Liberal. I have voted for parties for President who are not the Democrats about as often if not more often then I have voted for them. I have not voted for a Dem for State office ever...unless there was only 2 running ( rare as we have a 3 and at times 4 major party state)

as for me a member of the KKK? yes Yes I am. I am a liberal Obama voting supporter of a new trial for Mumia Abu Jamal KKK Member...Let me put on my hood. the idea of trying to say I am a KKK you realize how retarded that makes you sound..not that the rest of your rants don't do that just fine...And to do it while claiming that I suppose a racial black Racist....DO you try to be this dense? or is it natural.

Damn Pockets...that may be the longest post you have ever made here. I am so use to the two to three disjointed and misspelled sentences that I am completely taken aback!!! You really can put together a coherent post. Who knew???

But, you are much too serious. My comment on you being KKK was merely tongue and cheek...but you bought it literally. Hahahahaha....

I can't agree with you about the southern Dems now being KKK and Rs. This is more nonsense from you. The KKK is nearly a nonexistent organization and is frowned upon by Americans of all stripes. But, when it was a power several decades ago, it was run by Dems. And was run by Dems for many decades following the Civil War. And really, how do dead KKK Dems suddenly become living KKK Rs? That makes no sense at all.