Another B.S Media telling you how to save gas


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Gas Savings Tips That Don't Actually Work't-actually-work?mod=series-e-article

5 Things are the truth,,But the Bottom line part is BULL****!!!
Read the Bottom line in red.

The Bottom Line

There are a lot of myths out there when it comes to saving gas. So what does actually help improve your fuel economy? Instead of looking at your car to improve fuel economy, try changing the way you drive. Calm driving on the highway -- not zipping between lanes, tailgating or revving the engine so you quickly get up to speed -- can improve your fuel efficiency a whopping 33%. Remove any excess weight from your car to bump fuel economy another 2%, and drive sixty miles an hour (when the speed limit allows) on the highway for another 23% improvement in fuel efficiency. In the end, best fuel economy comes from a calm and safe driver, something that's a good thing regardless of the price we pay at the pump.

Heres the Truth about Gas mileage.


The Slower you drive the less Gas mileage you get. The higher you drive the less Gas mileage you get. If You Drive between 40MPH and 60 MPH the higher you save gas So if you disobey a sign says 35MPH You save gas.. The Reason why your local counties put up that sign is for REVINUE! How? Everytime you pump gas in your car you pay Gas Taxes. Local county governments dont use that money where its supposed to be going like Road repairs,New Bridges and highways..Theyre using it towards their School Budgets like paying for teachers unions! Ever see this sign?


Wonder why? Again county governments are robbing your wallets. So Go 40MPH theres not a damn thing the crossing guard can do about bout it but tell you slow down. Crossing guards are not cops they are volenteers.
Your absurd observations about school zones aside, yes, the way to save on fuel is to slow it down on the highway, not make jackrabbit starts, and keep a light foot on the gas pedal.

When I see California drivers doing that, then I'll believe that the cost of gas is really an issue. Having driven 300+ miles yesterday, I can attest that the mentality on the freeways is still more Indy 500 than it is saving gas, or public safety for that matter.
- not zipping between lanes, tailgating or revving the engine so you quickly get up to speed -- can improve your fuel efficiency a whopping 33%.

Meaning that if it cost you $99 dollars to make a trip you can cut your costs to $66? I don't think so.

More likely that is an example of creative statistics.
Your absurd observations about school zones aside, yes, the way to save on fuel is to slow it down on the highway, not make jackrabbit starts, and keep a light foot on the gas pedal.

When I see California drivers doing that, then I'll believe that the cost of gas is really an issue. Having driven 300+ miles yesterday, I can attest that the mentality on the freeways is still more Indy 500 than it is saving gas, or public safety for that matter.

And since people seem not to save energy willingly and voluntarily we will need to make laws to change their behavior.

Did I hear correctly that the infamous remote controlled thermostats have become reality?
And since people seem not to save energy willingly and voluntarily we will need to make laws to change their behavior.

Did I hear correctly that the infamous remote controlled thermostats have become reality?

If they have, I don't have one.

I think the power company was offering some kind of deal to people who would allow them to turn the thermostat up when there was danger of a brownout or something.
Well Old people drive to damn slow on the road. I want a law says 65 you cant drive!! When you turn 65 you must give up your license. Or raise license fees 20% higher when you turn 65. That money will be used to build more public transportation. And Insurance Companies should raise rates higher for 65 year olds because theyre high risk drivers. Just like Insurance are higher on teens than adults.
Well Old people drive to damn slow on the road. I want a law says 65 you cant drive!! When you turn 65 you must give up your license. Or raise license fees 20% higher when you turn 65. That money will be used to build more public transportation. And Insurance Companies should raise rates higher for 65 year olds because theyre high risk drivers. Just like Insurance are higher on teens than adults.

It's a good thing you don't make the laws.

Not all old people drive slow.

Some drive just fine.

We already have a system for determining who gives up their licenses - it involves a driving test and tickets.

Insurance companies have already determined who is high risk and they already do charge those people more.

If old people were high risk then raising fees on them would be the wrong solution as that would be allowing risky drivers to continue to drive.

It is inconsistent to want to disallow old people to drive on the one hand but on the other hand want to charge them more for driving.