Bias in the News Media

Sorry for the confusion. I was expanding on your post and of course, the leading HOP lib is my boy Pocketpool.

Pockets was referring to Olberbites termination as an excuse for MSLSDs ratings drop.

You know what's funny? I completely missed his Olbermann statement until now, I quoted that post 2 days ago and still didn't see the part about Olbermann. I guess I'm not fully recovered yet.:whistle:

Air America is another example of how Progressives can't connect with people. There was an Air America affiliate in a town near me, and I'm someone who is inclined to listen to it but I couldn't; the language used by almost all of the hosts was filthy and vile, and they painted their opposition in such an extreme way that anything they said after that was just unbelievable. Progs can ridicule Birthers all they want but before they do they should go back and re-listen to what they had to say about 9/11 and President Cheney (oops, I mean Vice-President Cheney..;))
I told you they hid the news from you. If this was 20 years ago, would you even know?

Media Have Become “Enemy of the American People”

......former Democratic pollster and analyst Pat Caddell said, “I think we’re at the most dangerous time in our political history in terms of the balance of power in the role that the media plays in whether or not we maintain a free democracy.” Caddell noted that while First Amendment protections were originally provided to the press so they would protect the liberty and freedom of the public from “organized governmental power,” they had clearly relinquished the role of impartial news providers."

“We’ve had nine days of lies over what happened because they can’t dare say it’s a terrorist attack, and the press won’t push this,” said Caddell. “Yesterday there was not a single piece in The New York Times over the question of Libya. Twenty American embassies (were) under attack. None of that is on the national news. None of it is being pressed in the papers.”
Why the Networks Cut Exit Polls

Of the nineteen states (including Washington, D.C.) exactly 4 are for Obama, with a total of 14 electoral votes. The fifteen Romney states add up to 135.
It is utter hogwash that the exit polls were cut from these states because they were in the bag for one of the candidates. If Texas is cut, how about New York and California?

The real reason the consortium has cut these states is that they know that if they report fifteen states coming in for Romney early, independent voters in other states will take notice and be swayed his way.
CNN host O'Brien defends Obama, as Giuliani suggests she's tied to campaign

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani was never known for being soft on journalists during his time in office. On Monday’s "Starting Point" on CNN, Giuliani pushed back at CNN morning anchor Soledad O’Brien, who started their interview typically by offering the Obama talking points for Giuliani’s reaction.

But when O’Brien started insisting that the word “cover-up” was going too far, and started asking her assistant Miguel for all the Obama transcripts, Giuliani asked, “Man, am I debating with the president's campaign? I mean, the defense of the president is overwhelming.”

The state owned MSM is just another agent of the regime! The MSM is clearly a part of the planned destruction of America!
I am betting that some of the questions at tonight's debate will favor Big Ears. CNN is much to slanted to play fair. Candy Crowley....oh please....a hard core leftist is the moderator. CRAZY!!!

The Rs are so stupid they agree to do a debate on CNN.

And really....who watches CNN anymore, but hard core leftists??? They are so last century....:cool: Are they trying to prop it up or what?
They have already written tomorrow's headlines....Obama will be the winner regardless of what happens at the debate.

I do not doubt you are right. Could be ALL the questions have been leaked to BO well in advance.

Its all a ridiculous shame and most Americans are clueless.
MSNBC's Matthew's claims it's unconstitutional for Romney to challenge Obama

This week, MSNBC “star” Chris Matthews made the following statement clearly speaking out of frustration as he watched President Obama wilt under the scrutiny of the second presidential debates where he was challenged repeatedly by Republican Mitt Romney.

“I don’t think he understands the Constitution of the United States…He’s the president of the United States. You don’t say, ‘you’ll get your chance.’”
Chris Matthews was angry with Romney challenging the president on his record during the course of an election to unseat him.

Imagine that.

Matthews should be angry about the president’s poor performance not with Romney’s tenaciousness in seeking the truth.


Aside from the obvious bias of this story I would like to point out that this is more of a Freudian slip of how the socialist democrats truly feel about the 1st Amendment.
MSNBC's Matthew's claims it's unconstitutional for Romney to challenge Obama

This week, MSNBC “star” Chris Matthews made the following statement clearly speaking out of frustration as he watched President Obama wilt under the scrutiny of the second presidential debates where he was challenged repeatedly by Republican Mitt Romney.

“I don’t think he understands the Constitution of the United States…He’s the president of the United States. You don’t say, ‘you’ll get your chance.’”
Chris Matthews was angry with Romney challenging the president on his record during the course of an election to unseat him.

Imagine that.

Matthews should be angry about the president’s poor performance not with Romney’s tenaciousness in seeking the truth.


Aside from the obvious bias of this story I would like to point out that this is more of a Freudian slip of how the socialist democrats truly feel about the 1st Amendment.

Chris needs to understand that BO is not a ruler. Of course it doesn't help when Valerie Jarrett says he is.