

Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Im All for guns.Liberals dont belive we should carry guns asnd depend on the police to protect you. Well heres a fact,, THE POLICE DONT REALLY PROTECT YOU!!! You have to carry guns to protect yourself.Remember that teen was Kidnapped and Murdered after leavingh the Target Store on June 10th buying a gift for her boyfriend? Well her Father is a Cop he sure didnt do a very good jobn protecting his daughter did he? Id like to walk up to him and say,,Well if you wernt so Busy writing up traffic tickets,Parking tickets and Trapping Prositution your daughter might been still alive today OR if she only had that gun in her purse she would been still alive right now. Look at States like Florida and texas have "" Make my Day"" Gun laws. Florida and Texas you can Carry Guns in your cars and in your purse and when you shoot a criminal in self defense Cops cant do nothing to you. But in Other states if you shoot a criminal trying to attack you The police will arrest that criminal but he will turn right around and arrest you for Illegal possesion of a firearm.Just like this girl in a NYC parking garage a guy was attempting to rape her. She got her pepper spray out and sprayed in his eyes and tempory blinded him. She got on the cell phone dialed 911. The Police came arrested the guy but the Officer turns right around and Cited the girl a ticket $175 on illegal use of pepper spray. He told her that pepper sprays are illegal in New York City. See Cops dont prorect her they cant protect anyone! Youre better off defending yourself than calling the cops.Like Bernard Goetz had the right idea shooting 4 black guys in a NYC subway who were trying to mug him with a screwdriver.Cops were no where near to protect him. Remember the Movie Death Wish? watch these clips

When we get more cops like this then crime will go way way way down
Whaddya know. Something that we agree on. It is absolutely true that the police have no duty to protect any citizen. That whole "protect and serve" you see on the cars is a load of bull.

Too bad you are voting for hillary because she is for literally coming to your door to collect your firearms and has been since she was a very young socialist protesting the vietnam war.
Whaddya know. Something that we agree on. It is absolutely true that the police have no duty to protect any citizen. That whole "protect and serve" you see on the cars is a load of bull.

Too bad you are voting for hillary because she is for literally coming to your door to collect your firearms and has been since she was a very young socialist protesting the vietnam war.

Something we agree on too. The police are there to react to crimes, very rarely do they prevent them unless it is to write tickets which bring in money. Shows you where the priorities are.
Well no Republican aint gonna sign that stem cell bill. I might as well vote for a democrat.

A perfect example why this country needs more independents who can look at an individual issue and make the logical decision without having to fall into rank along the party line. There is no reason we shouldnt be able to have stem cell research and accessible guns. This is the case of the priorities on high ranking political officials having thier priorities in the wrong place. I have said often times that the priorities in order of importance are:
1. Being re-elected
2. responding to campaign donors
3. Goose stepping to the party line
4. constituants wishes
5. what is good for the country
When in my eyes it should be;
1. What is best for thier constituents
2. What is best for the country
3. The right thing to do internationally
Then after that they should create thier own agenda
I am an avid hunter and gun owner, in Alaska there is no concealed carry law, anyone who is legal to own a gun can carry it on them concealed. I dont bother with it, but do carry in the woods as bear protection.
Well no Republican aint gonna sign that stem cell bill. I might as well vote for a democrat.

Embryonic stem cells are a dead end. The whole branch of study has been gloamed on, and funded by the pro choice movement in order to bolster their dwindling support.

Here is a bit of reading for you if you like about adult stem cells and diabetes.

If you need more reading, I can provide it. Don't bet your future on embryonic stem cells. It is a losing bet.
Lets get back to Gun Issues. The Police dont protect you.All they do is give you hype and make you pay fines or pay your taxes. Like if you dont pay your imcome taxes your are a tax evader.That means the goverment gets Feds n cops to remove you from your home. They dont protect you from muggers, Rapists,Auto theves,Car Jackers or armed robbers. They dont even protect intruders from your home.Cops are theves themselves when they issue you a parking or traffic violation ticket. Or even when you dont pay your tags or driving without insurance.Lets face it insurance companies even rob fromk you as well.Auto insurance is the biggest ripoff industry. So states like Florida and Texas have taken the powers away from the police and youre better off shooting the mugger,Rapists,Auto Theves and Car Jackers yourself then calling the cops for help.
Im All for guns.Liberals dont belive we should carry guns asnd depend on the police to protect you. Well heres a fact,, THE POLICE DONT REALLY PROTECT YOU!!! You have to carry guns to protect yourself.Remember that teen was Kidnapped and Murdered after leavingh the Target Store on June 10th buying a gift for her boyfriend? Well her Father is a Cop he sure didnt do a very good jobn protecting his daughter did he? Id like to walk up to him and say,,Well if you wernt so Busy writing up traffic tickets,Parking tickets and Trapping Prositution your daughter might been still alive today OR if she only had that gun in her purse she would been still alive right now. Look at States like Florida and texas have "" Make my Day"" Gun laws.

Florida and TexaI know full well the police cant protect you for the most part.
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