House Republicans to Boehner: "NO tax increases, remember?"

Well At Least OBAMA isnt a Bill Clinton or Reid isnt an Ted Kennedy who raised taxes on GAS,Tabbacco,Alcohol,Energy and on Communications that hurts the little guy.
You are approaching it from the wrong angle. It is a political commentary, that is consistently if he will truly work with us, we will find common ground with him. As for the election predictions, in November 2010, that commentary makes political sense at the time. Times obviously changed between 2010 and 2012, but that doesn't mean his comments were out of line at the time.

Yes they were. They were arrogant and seemed to assume that, because Republicans won ONE mid term elections (and not even the senate. . .which McConell should have remembered!), the President was now to bow to the tea party's will! And obviously that vow to "make President Obama a one term President," (and that was the "nicest way" he ever put it!) left a pretty nasty taste in many people's mouths!