How To Change Your Mind; Exterminating "conservative" Precepts

NFJPyEtS_400x400[1].jpeg Who among the baby boom generation does not remember famous unsaved Americans regularly partaking of the carnal pleasures of psychedelic drugs?
"Science now confirms what many sexy seekers have long suspected: Using psychedelics, such as psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, and others, enhances sexual function—even months after your trip."

"President Joe Biden’s youngest brother said the president has been “very open-minded” in their conversations about therapeutic psychedelics, AP reports. During a phone interview with The Michael Smerconish Program on SiriusXM Wednesday, Frank Biden opened up about his brother’s views.

The phone call with Frank Biden came shortly after the host, Smerconish interviewed a journalist for the Wall Street Journal who recently wrote a viral article about how
Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and workers, and the tech industry in general, use psychedelics without stigma not just because it’s fun but because it makes them better at their job and leads to breakthroughs."
Trump is NOT a conservative. He cares only about his own fame and fortune, but he will give the fatcats and Oil barons whatever they want in return for his plan to turn the White House into a compulsory reality show we all must watch so that he can continue to believe that he is the greatest creature that has ever lived.
More research is needed on how the brain works.
Leary had nothing whatever to do with Manson.

Michael Pollan is Jewish. Is that why antisemitic Mark Francis is badmouthing him?
Pollan is a famous Harvard Professor. He has written many books.

Mark Francis is not a good reader and only regurgitates White Christian Nationalist crap constantly.