Imus Hurts A Students Sensibilities!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
I was watching the news recently about the whole Imus issue. At one point I heard that one of the students was emotionally scarred for the rest of her life over the comments Imus made. I almost gagged on the soda I was drinking.

Not to sound insensitive (but I most likely will), but this is absurd. Maybe it's because I don't let other people's words get to me, but come on! I have had people on TV say something insulting about my heritage and culture, but it didn't "scar me for life". Annoyed, sure. Angry, sometimes. Scarred, not a chance.

I don't think Imus's comments were in good taste, but I do think he has a right to say what he wants. His listeners knew he was edgy and contoversial.

What do you think?
I was an Imus fan and was watching the morning of the 'unfortunate remark' and I am still stunned at what I consider a vast overreaction to it.

The number of people who leapt on the racial bandwagon was staggering ...including the coach at Rutgers, Vivian Stringer, who seemed to so love hearing herself talk that she couldn't stop.

Imus, IMO, was singled out for a very weak reason, and American let the Sharptons and Jacksons of the country declare a big win on a small incident. I'm still pissed!
You know, if you can claim being "emotionally scarred for life" you have a better chance of suing someone. It can't be proven, so you'll likely win the case.

I didn't personally hear what was said, but I can't imagine ANYTHING that anyone could say that would scar me for life. Give me a break! She probably is looking for what she thinks will be an easy buck!

Boy, did that sound cynical or what?!
Which of the ladies on the team claimed to be scarred for life? I've yet to hear those words come from any of the team members.

The closest to that I have heard came from an interview with Della Reese. Ms. Reese did make a comment that as a child she had heard one of her heroes referred to in a similarly unflattering manner and it had stayed with her for a long time. But I don't think even her remarks could be construed to mean "scarred for life".

Are you sure this wasn't just another newsperson milking the incident for all it was worth?
There was one woman on the team who made the claim early on, and it was what Sharpton and Jackson picked up on and ran with. If we let words scar us for life, then it doesn't say much about the education the woman was getting at Rutgers, does it? If education is empowerment, her grades must have been low.
That is plain ridiculous. I am with you all on this one. There is no way that this would scar me for life. I have more respect for myself then to believe just because some radio personality says this that it defines my life.
I think that whoever said is "scarred for life" is only after one thing: the smell of money. Suing someone like Imus because of his comments, could help pay for at least a new car! I don't like Imus, but I think the whole thing was really over blown.
I would agree..."scarred for life" seems a bit dramatic to me. I've been called some pretty horrible things in life, but have gotten over them fine. If you have a strong character, you won't give much creedence to what someone who has *never* met you says about you.
But this is the way that many of the people like Sharpton and Jackson ,et al treat the issue of racism. They react to things in such a way that the rest of America has a hard time relating to it. Does no good in the long run for racism.
I think that Sharpton and Jackson pick and choose what to react to. There are so many other instances where they could also react and you don't see them doing it. Rap music to me would have to be one of them. Not that I am againest it but if you feel the way that they do which is fine then they should be going after them also.
I think they react only in instances that would be the most spectacular and dramatic. It only suceeds in alienating many people, in my opinion.
I think they react only in instances that would be the most spectacular and dramatic. It only suceeds in alienating many people, in my opinion.
I guess that Jackson and Sharpton are unfortunately for most white people considered the big black leaders. I say unfortunate because I don't think they do one thing to promote non-racism.
I did some digging around and found the quotation. The comment was made by Matee Ajavon, a junior guard on the team.

"It kind of scars us. We grew up in a world where racism exists, and there's nothing we can do to change that I think that this has scarred me for life."

The context strikes me more as a normal reaction by a young person who had just been called something she knows she isn't. It would not surprise me to learn she wishes she had phrased it differently after all the media circus built up around this one sentence from her comment.
On a side note, one of the nation's Hip Hop stations has determined to NOT play any more music that is demeaning and derogatory toward women and the African American culture. My question is, WHAT are they going to play? I thought most Hip Hop was demeaning to women and African Americans. At least, all that I've heard has been.