Joe Biden claims he has cancer

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Odd how his doctors blame other factors for when he had minor skin cancer , like the oil was so bad in Delaware it covered his windows .
Dont worry joe is fine and just streaking the facts to make himself look good and be able to blame the oil company's for him being a beach bum and a lying sack of shat.
Must of been one hell of a oil slick on his windshield . Have others in Delaware reported this ? and isnt Delaware his district what did he do you change this to make it safe if its true?

Yes he blurted it out in a speech he was giving and blamed the oil company's for it .
Yeah ok. Trump said he was the chosen one also. He said he knew big words.
He said science was surprised what he knew about vaccines.
I think your silly slip of the tongue has now been cancelled out. Thank you for you input.
Yeah ok. Trump said he was the chosen one also. He said he knew big words.
He said science was surprised what he knew about vaccines.
I think your silly slip of the tongue has now been cancelled out. Thank you for you input.
What the hell are you talking about the chosen one ? Lol you have been watching predator movies to much.
Was joe saying he the chosen one ? Chosen for what a double dose of stupidity ?
Are you a chosen one also ?
What the hell are you talking about the chosen one ? Lol you have been watching predator movies to much.
Was joe saying he the chosen one ? Chosen for what a double dose of stupidity ?
Are you a chosen one also ?
You know he said it so cut your protecting him. Its on YouTube.