Obama Tax Increases

you can't believe how much people hated trump and voted for biden as a result?

well you are a moron trump cultist, so I believe you don't believe it. lol
No, statistically speaking Biden could not have amassed 80 million legal votes in 2020 and we know for a fact that tens of thousands of illegitimate votes were cast in various ways, including dead people voting, non-Americans voting, Ballot box stuffing, multiple precinct and multiple state voting and so forth.
no analysis produced any credble evidence, such as the arizona forensic audit. lol.

you morons look like morons for refusing to accept reality.
Maybe if the examiners in Arizona had asked Republicans for help in conducting proper examinations, we would not have so many Arizona Republican officials demanding the leftist officials comply with requests for proper investigations.
That was not the reason for his impeachment and you know it. Stop lying.

You're being a bit over dramatic with democrats supposedly killing people.

It's no conspiracy son. It's real and he is totally responsible and you voted for a fascist dictator. You should never be allowed to vote again.
Democrats did not mention CrowdStrike and the failed false Russian collusion conspiracy theory invented by Hillary's mob at the DNC, which was what Trump asked Zelensky to help American investigators look into. Instead, the lying leftists claimed Trump was asking Zelensky to invent dirt on Joe Biden which was a ridiculous lie. Joe and Hunter Biden's connection to crooked Ukrainian mobsters had been on official American radar since 2014 and Trump simply asked Zelensky to partner with him in the ongoing investigation.

Both Democrat impeachments of Trump were dirty, political, unprecedented, corrupt, abuses of power.
You hypocrite.
There is no evidence the democrats were involved.
You trawl the internet like a street whore searching for any opening to dig democrats. You hypocrite.
I suggest you are either willfully lying or extremely ignorant if you think the Biden crime family has not been implicated in multiple millions of dollars payments from corrupt foreigners into various family member bank accounts through multiple shady front businesses and shady bank transactions.
You said there Was no audits allowed and that is a blatant lie. You need to apologise as any good Christian would but you're just a lying deceitful devil dodging.
Perhaps you are right. There were audits that never involved examining the memory logs of voting machines, audits that never irrefutably verified tens of thousands of signatures, or audits that recovered missing chain-of-custody documents, but sloppy audits were conducted that had the erroneous appearance of being thorough.
Perhaps you are right. There were audits that never involved examining the memory logs of voting machines, audits that never irrefutably verified tens of thousands of signatures, or audits that recovered missing chain-of-custody documents, but sloppy audits were conducted that had the erroneous appearance of being thorough.
Not perhaps I'm right. I am right.
Give it up. You're banging on about something that never happened. Trump was beaten far and square and you cannot accept but you will.
I suggest you are either willfully lying or extremely ignorant if you think the Biden crime family has not been implicated in multiple millions of dollars payments from corrupt foreigners into various family member bank accounts through multiple shady front businesses and shady bank transactions.
I suggest you're a hate lying pos. You have no evidence of any bank accounts with any money that came from crime by the Biden's. You're a liar and a Christian one at that.
Democrats did not mention CrowdStrike and the failed false Russian collusion conspiracy theory invented by Hillary's mob at the DNC, which was what Trump asked Zelensky to help American investigators look into.
No he didn't. He asked zelensky to dig dirt on the Biden's and you know it. He is in tape saying you idiot.
He refused and that's why your dictator POTUS supported Russia in the war to get revenge on zelensky.
Instead, the lying leftists claimed Trump was asking Zelensky to invent dirt on Joe Biden which was a ridiculous lie.
No it's not. There's a tape of it you fruit loop.
Joe and Hunter Biden's connection to crooked Ukrainian mobsters had been on official American radar since 2014 and Trump simply asked Zelensky to partner with him in the ongoing investigation.
You're an idiot. 9 years of investigations and still nothing on the Biden's???
Do you think you might be Wrong?
Both Democrat impeachments of Trump were dirty, political, unprecedented, corrupt, abuses of power.
And the stacking of the sc with republican judges who we find now we're on the take from millionaires who donated to the gop but heaven forbid there's corruption in the democrats??
But let's not mention that.
How's your filthy Christian faith now?
I suggest you are either willfully lying or extremely ignorant if you think the Biden crime family has not been implicated in multiple millions of dollars payments from corrupt foreigners into various family member bank accounts through multiple shady front businesses and shady bank transactions.
Let me know when the Biden crime family lol is convicted
Maybe if the examiners in Arizona had asked Republicans for help in conducting proper examinations, we would not have so many Arizona Republican officials demanding the leftist officials comply with requests for proper investigations.
No, gop morons are morons the examiners were competent and needed no help
No, statistically speaking Biden could not have amassed 80 million legal votes in 2020 and we know for a fact that tens of thousands of illegitimate votes were cast in various ways, including dead people voting, non-Americans voting, Ballot box stuffing, multiple precinct and multiple state voting and so forth.
No statistics doesn't say that but feel free to prove it moron lol

And prove he got tens of thousands of illegalvotes
But you won't you lying moron lol
I suggest you're a hate lying pos. You have no evidence of any bank accounts with any money that came from crime by the Biden's. You're a liar and a Christian one at that.
You keep telling everyone you are ignorant of the facts that have already been made public about the transactions involving so many members of the Biden crime family.
You keep telling everyone you are ignorant of the facts that have already been made public about the transactions involving so many members of the Biden crime family.

If these facts are so public....why can't you find them??
No he didn't. He asked zelensky to dig dirt on the Biden's and you know it. He is in tape saying you idiot.
He refused and that's why your dictator POTUS supported Russia in the war to get revenge on zelensky.

No it's not. There's a tape of it you fruit loop.

You're an idiot. 9 years of investigations and still nothing on the Biden's???
Do you think you might be Wrong?

And the stacking of the sc with republican judges who we find now we're on the take from millionaires who donated to the gop but heaven forbid there's corruption in the democrats??
But let's not mention that.
How's your filthy Christian faith now?
Here is the favor Trump asked of Zelensky:

The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say CrowdStrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do,· it's very important that you do it if tha's possible.
President Trump asked Zelensky for a favor and that favor involved helping American investigators uncover the seditious crimes and criminals involved with concocting and perpetrating the fake Russian collusion conspiracy theory.

By contrast, Here is the Adam Schiff/ Fake Whistleblower Alexander Vindman fabricated lying version of the call:

‘We've been very good to your country. Very good. No other country has done as much as we have. But you know what? I don't see much reciprocity here. I hear what you want. I have a favor I want from you, though. And I'm going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of it. On this and on that. I’m going to put you in touch with people, not just any people. I’m going to put you in touch with the attorney general of the United States, my attorney general Bill Barr. He’s got the whole weight of the American law enforcement behind him. And I’m going to put you in touch with Rudy. You’re going to love him, trust me. You know what I’m asking and so I’m only going to say this a few more times, in a few more ways. And by the way, don’t call me again. I’ll call you when you’ve done what I asked.’

Vindman committed treason against his Commander in Chief, dishonestly claiming some responsibility for editing and judging the call he had no business discussing with anyone outside the scif. He first claimed he was not the whistleblower but later claimied he was the whistleblower. At any case both Vindman and Schiff lied about the call before Congress and before the American people and should have been sent to jail for their rebellious sedition against the government under the leadership of President Trump.
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