Well-Known Member
Palin was the mayor of Wasilla just 3 short years ago. Seems like she left the town a little present...a debt of $20 million. That works out, in a town of 5400, to approximately $3,700 per person.
A $20 million debt, the Steven's VECO scandal (Steven's offered his endorsement of her just yesterday), Troopergate, censorship of library books....this is all from Politico.com a site that generally leans to the right.
Palin may not have experience but she does carry baggage. McCain and the GOP are obviously trying to scramble the election by introducing a wild card, we'll see how it all works out.
Palin, who portrays herself as a fiscal conservative, racked up nearly $20 million in long-term debt as mayor of the tiny town of Wasilla — that amounts to $3,000 per resident. She argues that the debt was needed to fund improvements.
Stevens and Young, redux. Palin has distanced herself from the state’s two most popular politicians, but both appeared at Palin fundraisers during her 2006 gubernatorial bid.
And, maybe, censorship. According to the Frontiersman newspaper, Wasilla’s library director, Mary Ellen Emmons, said that Palin asked her outright if she "could live with censorship of library books.” Palin later dismissed the conversation as a “rhetorical” exercise.
A $20 million debt, the Steven's VECO scandal (Steven's offered his endorsement of her just yesterday), Troopergate, censorship of library books....this is all from Politico.com a site that generally leans to the right.
Palin may not have experience but she does carry baggage. McCain and the GOP are obviously trying to scramble the election by introducing a wild card, we'll see how it all works out.