Putin wants Biden to win in 2024, not Trump

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
of course, you think putin tells the truth?

omg that's so stupid.
of course, you think putin tells the truth?

omg that's so stupid.
Dummies believe Putin loves Trump for hurting Russia with his pro-American energy independence policies. Dummies are wrong.
That is 100% stupid. Trump's balls are in Putin's pocket and are firmly grabbed and squeezed whenever Vlad the Squeezer chooses to squeeze them. Biden has never said he wants to leave NATO, or refuse to uphold the NATO treaty, but Trump has done precisely that.
Dummies believe Putin loves Trump for hurting Russia with his pro-American energy independence policies. Dummies are wrong.

putin loves trump because trump would be less likely to support countries like the ukraine in resisting russia.
you know, "america first"..."feel free to invade nato countries"..etc.
see the current republican fight against aid to ukraine for an example. duh.
That is 100% stupid. Trump's balls are in Putin's pocket and are firmly grabbed and squeezed whenever Vlad the Squeezer chooses to squeeze them. Biden has never said he wants to leave NATO, or refuse to uphold the NATO treaty, but Trump has done precisely that.
You are parroting unproven leftist Trump-hating crap.
putin loves trump because trump would be less likely to support countries like the ukraine in resisting russia.
you know, "america first"..."feel free to invade nato countries"..etc.
see the current republican fight against aid to ukraine for an example. duh.
Putin says he loves Biden more and he also donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Clintons before the 2016 election, making liars out of Democrats who falsely claimed Putin was colluding with Trump to pervert the 2016 election.
The truth comes out. Putin does actually favor Marxist socialist candidates over free market capitalism candidates.

Putin Says Russia Wants Biden To Win the Election, Not Trump - The Political Insider 2-15-24

Putin Says Russia Wants Biden To Win the Election, Not Trump

John Hanson |

Of course it may have helped Biden's image in Putin's eyes when Biden clamped down on American domestic energy giving Russia a huge boost in oil revenues.
Of course he wants Biden. Who would want another four years of that other ratbag.
Putin says he loves Biden more and he also donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Clintons before the 2016 election, making liars out of Democrats who falsely claimed Putin was colluding with Trump to pervert the 2016 election.

again you are stupid enough to think putin doesn't lie?