NPR did an interesting piece on cloning and, right now, cloning appears to be the new frontier in ethics. There is little doubt that cloning will continue to be studied and improved upon, banning it will accomplish nothing but to drive it underground and anyway, I am reluctant to ban scientific endeavors. Science is neither moral nor immoral, it is ammoral. It's job is to find answers to questions. To explore. It is what we choose to do with it that adds or subtracts morality.
Perhaps I read to much science fiction but I can't help but feel a sense of dread if cloning ever became economicly feasible and if cloning of humans ever occurred.
I am reminded of Martin Luther King's quote:
"We have genuflected before the god of science only to find that it has given us the atomic bomb, producing fears and anxieties that science can never mitigate.”
The possible "pluses" to cloning are:
Potential medical treatments
Potential to have cloned tissues that can be used in lieu of animals in medical experiments
"Improved" livestock and livestock carrying traits they would never have in nature
The possible "negatives" that I see are:
Continued loss of genetic diversity
Unintended consequences we are unable to forsee - for example adding a trait to pigs for more "benificial" fat - what are the long term consequences of this? Or what if traits get into a wild population?
Severe ethical problems in creating animals to better fit say factory farm conditions
Ethical problems in "creating people" or....creating "back up" people for treatements later on....or .....on an on
The entire article is here: