The Truth About Islam

Many haters of religion believe all the world's religions are the same. They conclude that there is no difference between Christianity and Islam, or Hinduism and Judaism. This is amazingly ignorant and seems prevalent among many American leftists. They excuse the violent acts committed in the name of one religion by condemning all religion.

This childish belief is analogous to one believing ALL liberals want to destroy the Constitution, impose Marxism, murder the unborn, and gay marry everyone.
The Lie of Islamic Intellectual Achievement​
Contrary to popular myth, Islam was never the foundation of significant cultural or scientific development. Indeed, there was a time when Islamic culture was more advanced than that of Europe, but that superiority corresponded directly with the period when Muslims were able to learn from and copy the achievements of Byzantium and other conquered civilizations. For example, the architectural design of mosques, a source of pride among Muslims, was copied from the shape and structure of Byzantine churches. Another indication of Islam’s inability to advance culture and science is its prohibition of music and artistic renderings of the human form.

While there are countless examples of how and why Islam opposes human progress, the primary source of its backwardness is the Quran. Muslims consider it the perfect book and source of all truth and knowledge. As a result, the majority of Muslims concluded long ago they simply did not need knowledge originating in other sources, and certainly not that which came from infidels. Therefore, after they stole what they could from Byzantium and Persia, and after they forced sufficient numbers of Jews and Christians to convert to their religion, or accept its brutal oppression, Islam descended into intellectual stagnation, from which it has not yet emerged.
Christianity is at the forefront of scientific development.

What with imprisoning people for saying the earth orbits the sun and its oh so positive promotion of the fact of evolution.

Good job we have christians to counter those anti science muslims.
Christianity is at the forefront of scientific development.

What with imprisoning people for saying the earth orbits the sun and its oh so positive promotion of the fact of evolution.

Good job we have christians to counter those anti science muslims.

How does a pimply faced teenager get such distorted views?

Christianity got over the flat Earth thing centuries ago, Islam is still stuck in the 7th century, but nice comparison for someone lost in a dope infused rage.

Evolution is fact. Really? So, you believe a theory is fact. Some believed the Earth was flat as factual. How distorted...
Oh so if the church has to concede a scientific fact when it is impossible to oppose it any longer that gets the church offf the hook?

I guess that is exactly the way you have to think to believe in beardy.

Oh and BTW the fact of evolution is so compelling that even christians are now having to weave it into their bizarre world view and are calling it intelligent design. That is after a couple of hundred years screaming abuse at anyone who said that evolution is a beautiful and perfect explanation of the origin of species.

You are not very well informed are you?

BTW Your personal insults towards me just make you sound bereft of argument.

Funny that.
A New Breed, from Times Past
There's a certain breed of us that knows why we must keep fighting -- to save Western Christian Civilization. In this hopelessly confusing world, there are indeed very few of us. We don't look at life in normal terms, with their focus on materialism, the 'here and now' only, the futile quest for meaning in things purely human, and most of all, the realization of globalism, with its countless evil expressions (i.e., PC, Affirmative Action, identity politics, renegade internationalism, etc.). We know these things to be meaningless, ultimately, and incapable of delivering Mankind from its corruption and suffering. WE ARE MEDIEVAL CHRISTIANS, they who live exclusively for the defense of their faith, and its sociological creation -- WESTERN CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION. We are warriors for Christ, neither pacifists nor priests.
Apparently some have forgotten what happened to these buildings or have made up elaborate lies about what happen so as to denigrate our great nation...

Iran: The New Third Reich
"When someone tells you he's going to kill you, take him seriously." So said a survivor of Hitler's Holocaust. As Iran edges more closely to the acquisition of nuclear weapons, which it plans to use to bring about The End Times, for the realization of the myth of The Hidden Imam, Jews and Christians must follow that advice. We must take Iran's promise to destroy the non-Shiite world seriously, and destroy Iran before it destroys us. Remember Hitler, the evil he visited upon Mankind, and the colossal effort the Civilized World put forth to stop him. Stop Iran. Stop Iran now, by whatever means necessary.