Buh-BYE, Gitmo!!!!

It's funny how dictators need regime changing when they won't sell their oil on the cheap to the US but they don't need changing when they are just intent on genocide.
Then, you must surely want the US to regain its credibility as an advocate for human rights, don't you?

I do not see that we have lost it in the first place. I know there were some issues with a "few" really stupid guards who did some really stupid things.

but in general we are not as horrible as you seem to think.

only nuts and morons think we are abusive to all of our prisioners. and who really gives a flying fig what nuts think, I sure dont.

I will bet you a million dollars that we are better to our prisoners than any other nation out there.

Are we perfect? NO, has there been mistakes? YES do we try to fix those mistakes? YES

Jesus man, give your country a bit more credit.
ANNNNNNDDDDDDDD - libfarts never met a dictator they didn't like. Remember how endless Hollywierd libs and Jimmy Carter have made pilgrimages to havana to get photographed tongue-kissing Castro? :D Also down to nicaragua to kiss the butts of the sandanistas when they had a reign of terror in operation? And in the present day, Hugo Chavez. They refer to the UN, basically a conclave of dictators, as if it were the Holy See of their religion, which actually, it is, their religion being statism. And they DARE to lecture ANYONE about human rights???!!!

you are right, liberals have some kind of special love for dictators like Castor and socialism and or communism. I remember when Jimmy carter went to Cuba, he did not seem to care how the people were treated. the american left really bothers me. I dont understand them at all
Yeah......whatta shame we can't ask those dudes (he murdered) who ran (at-the-most; 3 feet) from their car.

His story doesn't hold-up.....but, he's White.....right?

Interesting how everyone else that was there has been cleared of anything. I suppose being exonerated in your world really means guilty. Nice to know that is not how the US Justice system operates.
The US is good at clearing Americans of wrongdoing.

Look at 9/11. The most benign interpretation of events = massive failure on the part of many involved in the protection of the US and in air traffic control.

But nobody got even a light ticking off and some were even promoted.

Everyone was cleared of wrong doing.

But the funny thing is, lots of wrong doing was done.

Maybe it was the elves like those in the story about the cobbler.

Yeah that makes sense, but only if the elves were foreigners. American elves would never do anything bad. In fact, some US elves were accused of beating up a black elf but all the white elves involved were cleared of all wrong doing by the US elf court.
The US is good at clearing Americans of wrongdoing.

Look at 9/11. The most benign interpretation of events = massive failure on the part of many involved in the protection of the US and in air traffic control.

But nobody got even a light ticking off and some were even promoted.

Everyone was cleared of wrong doing.

But the funny thing is, lots of wrong doing was done.

Maybe it was the elves like those in the story about the cobbler.

Yeah that makes sense, but only if the elves were foreigners. American elves would never do anything bad. In fact, some US elves were accused of beating up a black elf but all the white elves involved were cleared of all wrong doing by the US elf court.

Nothing you said has any relevance to the Haditha case.
Who knew??

Gitmo has a Day Care Center!!!

"The report correctly stated that, in addition to Omar Khadr and Mohamed Jawad, Mohamed El-Gharani, a Saudi resident born to parents from Chad, was still imprisoned. Just 14 years old when he was seized in October 2001, El-Gharani had traveled to Pakistan to study information technology, but had been rounded up in a random raid on a mosque, tortured in Pakistani custody and then held in U.S. detention, first in Afghanistan, and then in Guantanamo."

Yes let's focus on one small massacre and divert attention from the massive one where 600,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed by the bombings.

And why were these poor people burned to death?

Because the US cooked up a story about their leader having WMD even though they knew he didn't have WMD cos they keep tabs on all transactions of the required materials.

That sounds to me like a war crime.

I am sure that if I said BigRob is building a gun in his house that he will use to shoot me so I am going to break into his house and kill him, BigRob might think this an illegal act of violence.

But if I said but hey BigRob you are building a gun to shoot me with and BigRob said 'I don't have a gun' so I said 'Yeah, but I don't like the way you run your house so I am still going to break in and kill you' BigRob might be ever so slightly cheesed off.

Especially if I also went on to kill his family and six hundred thousand of his countrymen