Why Do You Hate Obama?

I have watched with mild amusement lately a number of threads including several duplicate threads about how horrible of a job Obama is doing.

So my question is quite simple, why do you hate Obama?

I know I could have made a poll, but wanted to keep it open ended and am encouraging more than just one liner rehashed talking points. Please put some individuality and thought into the response.

Thanks in advance for your time in responding.

Well, Bunz, I can honestly say, I do not hate Obama as a human being. As much as he tries to prove otherwise he was created by our GOD. Now ,I do hate his policies and his actions with every fiber of my GOD created mind and body.
For it is his fascist policies , his unconstitutional policies and radical programs that are killing the hopes and dreams of every freedom loving american.I hate his actions very strongly because I saw these fascist programs take root in Europe in the 1930,s and eventually caused the death of millions , and millions of people including thousands of Americans who were rushed into war to crush this same brutal movement that we see in Obama today.
How over fifty two million Americans were suckered in and voted for this guy no one really knows ,he has no worthwhile experience in national or worldly matters , can only speak like a parrot as he follows his 'PROMPTER ' and his election remains a mystery and must please only satan.
So, Please do not try and brush off the defenders of our Constitution as haters of Obama the person. Our Founding Fathers sacrificed their Lives and Fortunes to design a American , created in unision with GOD , and continues to this day to be a "City on a HILL" whose light is a beacon to the World expressing Hope , Love , and Charity, for All GOD'S Children. Yes, we are under attack again .This attack is most dangerous since it comes from within our "City on a HILL" rather than just from abroad! GOD SAVE AMERICA!
If it hadn't been for Teddy R. or someone else taking up the mantle, you'd most likely be working for the son of a robber baron who would have squeezed out any opportunity you might have had as their monopoly grew.

That's one.

You don't have to tell me how old you are, but I'm going to guess that unless you are a Highlander, you achieved your modicum of success in the post-War period. That's about the last place that people need to pretend that the opportunities available were simply of an individual's making. Taking them sure, but we're quickly seeing what happens as the U.S.'s competitive advantage is eroding.

Let's be clear, Teddy R. did a good thing breaking up monopolies, but the propaganda machine made it far more than it was. Most people in this country were employed in agriculture, not industry during this period and small business was the foothold of true class change as it always has been.

Which war are you referencing? WWII was very much a group of rugged individualists going to defend our freedoms. This is one reason we prevailed. Future wars were more ideological and in part this is why we struggled. Are we now talking about life and liberty or are talking economics? Economically, the worst thing that happened in WWII was FDR's support and financial relationship with GE, GM, Ford, etc...Their post war strength along with the power of the unions predetermined our fate down a path of oil dependency, centralized electric power, and control of water resources that is now haunting us. So much for the community taking care of us.

As far as the eroding U.S. advantage, we need to stop making corporations the new evil axis of power. We need to enforce SEC and IRS laws and regulations to stop the cheating. then we need to eliminate the corporate tax. That's right 0% corporate tax. That would allow companies to repatriot trillions of dollars which would make this country once again the leading manufacturing and R&D center of the world. One of the greatest fallacies in this country is that outsourcing is due to wage differential. The reality is that multi-national companies need to spend their profits and those profits are outside the U.S. If you can't bring it in then you send the expenses (jobs) over there. Bet you haven't heard that reality from this or the last administration, huh? I wonder why...lol
Let's be clear, Teddy R. did a good thing breaking up monopolies, but the propaganda machine made it far more than it was. Most people in this country were employed in agriculture, not industry during this period and small business was the foothold of true class change as it always has been.

Which war are you referencing? WWII was very much a group of rugged individualists going to defend our freedoms. This is one reason we prevailed. Future wars were more ideological and in part this is why we struggled. Are we now talking about life and liberty or are talking economics? Economically, the worst thing that happened in WWII was FDR's support and financial relationship with GE, GM, Ford, etc...Their post war strength along with the power of the unions predetermined our fate down a path of oil dependency, centralized electric power, and control of water resources that is now haunting us. So much for the community taking care of us.

As far as the eroding U.S. advantage, we need to stop making corporations the new evil axis of power. We need to enforce SEC and IRS laws and regulations to stop the cheating. then we need to eliminate the corporate tax. That's right 0% corporate tax. That would allow companies to repatriot trillions of dollars which would make this country once again the leading manufacturing and R&D center of the world. One of the greatest fallacies in this country is that outsourcing is due to wage differential. The reality is that multi-national companies need to spend their profits and those profits are outside the U.S. If you can't bring it in then you send the expenses (jobs) over there. Bet you haven't heard that reality from this or the last administration, huh? I wonder why...lol

Actually, I'm not opposed to a 0% corporate tax rate if corporations are penalized for hoarding cash. Either spend it to keep it circulating in the economy of give it back to the shareholders so it can be taxed. But your outsourcing theory sounds hollow. Employee wages fall under expenses. They wouldn't be taxed on those anyway.

Corporate interests are the enemy in this nation. They led to our latest collapse. Just look at the bankers. Oh, the poor bankers. It was those nasty ACORN people, helped by Clinton even though everything went down under Bush, that "forced" banks to make bad loans. Please. Nothing made bankers give out bad loans. Nothing made banks lower their standards. Nothing made banks take stated income loans. Nothing made our Wall Street Financiers buy bundled subprime mortgages and exotic derivatives. Except greed to make their paper profits so they could get their bonuses. Our government sold us out and backed paper they should not have. But hey, corporations are more important than the people.

And "Which war are you referencing? WWII was very much a group of rugged individualists going to defend our freedoms."

Let it go already. Do you even know anything about how our army works. And I'm glad we had a DRAFT or we wouldn't of had enough rugged individualists to fight. LOL
Bunz you did a good job bringing out the silliness of the haters argument.;)

I've watched in amusement as the old tired line of "do nothing for no American" is just again being regurgitated.

The fact is President Obama came into a mess both with The Bush Recession (worst economic downturn since the Great Depression) and 2 wars... one built up almost entirely on lies and misrepresentations.

A President from both Parties now has seen the need for saving the banking industry, stimulus and for saving the American manufacturing base in regard to American automobile industry. BOTH PARTIES!!!

And President Obama wants Health Insurance Reform which almost everyone says we need so that's just a matter of how we go about it. In the end I believe the compromise decision will be better than what is in place right now.

The economy has stabalized... is improving and will be much better by the last quarter of 2010. So that's good. There will be a Health Insurance Reform Bill passed. So that's good. The banks are already paying back HUGE chunks of money and with the downsizing and foreign car makers investment I think the US auto industry will now make it. So that's good.

If President Obama can find a way the extract us from both Iraq & Afghanistan that would be GREAT!

Hating a duly elected by a large margin President of the United States that's actually been very smart and steady while facing ENORMOUS challenges left him in his first year in office...



sour grapes
Bunz you did a good job bringing out the silliness of the haters argument.;)

I've watched in amusement as the old tired line of "do nothing for no American" is just again being regurgitated.

The fact is President Obama came into a mess both with The Bush Recession (worst economic downturn since the Great Depression) and 2 wars... one built up almost entirely on lies and misrepresentations.

A President from both Parties now has seen the need for saving the banking industry, stimulus and for saving the American manufacturing base in regard to American automobile industry. BOTH PARTIES!!!

And President Obama wants Health Insurance Reform which almost everyone says we need so that's just a matter of how we go about it. In the end I believe the compromise decision will be better than what is in place right now.

The economy has stabalized... is improving and will be much better by the last quarter of 2010. So that's good. There will be a Health Insurance Reform Bill passed. So that's good. The banks are already paying back HUGE chunks of money and with the downsizing and foreign car makers investment I think the US auto industry will now make it. So that's good.

If President Obama can find a way the extract us from both Iraq & Afghanistan that would be GREAT!

Hating a duly elected by a large margin President of the United States that's actually been very smart and steady while facing ENORMOUS challenges left him in his first year in office...



sour grapes

AC/DC is over rated !
When did he crush picket lines? I would think he wanted to protect unions since they vote for him.

In chicago and detroit. It was in the August edition of the International Socialist Review. He protected them when they were voting, but now they are nothing to him and he is looking for another special interest group to appeal to.
Hmm, the better question is does Obama hate America as it was?

All of his policies are destroying it.
Most people don't like unemployment he creates!
Most people don't like a president that bad mouths America!
Most people don't like a president that is lying through his teeth about the
healthcare plan and what it will cost.

Just like 1+1=2, this country already is sliding downward in world view.
Today America rates 13th best to live in? Under Bush it was rated higher, but who cares, right!

We can't get the Olympics, although Bush had it guaranteed in the bag,
then Obama loses it for us, nice! Now his supporters say the Olympics aren't that important.

Obama seems not to
be trying really. He can't even decide what to do in Afghanistan!

Yet we aren't supposed to complain and if we do we are called racists, uncle-toms, oreo cookies!
Yes race relations are going backward under Obama also.
Actually, I'm not opposed to a 0% corporate tax rate if corporations are penalized for hoarding cash. Either spend it to keep it circulating in the economy of give it back to the shareholders so it can be taxed.

Unless they are going to lock the physical cash up in a safe and forget about it (thereby suffering the ravages of inflation) they can't help but keep it circulating in the economy.

If they spend it it is circulating.
If they put it in a bank it is circulating.
If they pay their employees or sharholders it is circulating.
If they re-invest in the company it is circulating.
if the loose it it is circulating.
Unless they are going to lock the physical cash up in a safe and forget about it (thereby suffering the ravages of inflation) they can't help but keep it circulating in the economy.

If they spend it it is circulating.
If they put it in a bank it is circulating.
If they pay their employees or sharholders it is circulating.
If they re-invest in the company it is circulating.
if the loose it it is circulating.

I'm talking about liquid cash noted on the balance sheet. Companies will hold cash for a rainy day.
Hmm, the better question is does Obama hate America as it was?

All of his policies are destroying it.
Most people don't like unemployment he creates!
Most people don't like a president that bad mouths America!
Most people don't like a president that is lying through his teeth about the
healthcare plan and what it will cost.

Just like 1+1=2, this country already is sliding downward in world view.
Today America rates 13th best to live in? Under Bush it was rated higher, but who cares, right!

We can't get the Olympics, although Bush had it guaranteed in the bag,
then Obama loses it for us, nice! Now his supporters say the Olympics aren't that important.

Obama seems not to
be trying really. He can't even decide what to do in Afghanistan!

Yet we aren't supposed to complain and if we do we are called racists, uncle-toms, oreo cookies!
Yes race relations are going backward under Obama also.

You are correct about everything, except he does not badmouth america.