Ex-Hillary supporters ....


John McCain is against nearly everything women hold dear... and a McCain Supreme Court is something that would destroy women's rights for years.

The Democratic Party is a big family. Big families sometimes fight amongst themselves. But as anyone in a big family knows well... We may fight against each other from time to time but no one from outside had better try to hurt one of our brothers or sisters or it will be ON... and it's now ON with John McCain!

Hillary Clinton supporters are very smart. They've been around the block a few times. They'll listen to Hillary Clinton herself not some false profit that just wants to feed off of and exploit their disappointment just to then stab them and their daughters in the back.

And I assume you're in a position to tell us what it is women hold dear?

Well I have a wife, a mother, grandmothers, aunts & whole lot of other rather outspoken women in my family as well as two daughters of my own. :)

My sister-in-law is a former President of NOW (National Organization of Women)

There will always be some differing views... but I think I can form a fairly informed opinion from all I've been told by women. Let's face it Republicans are not well known for their support of women's rights.

Well I have a wife, a mother, grandmothers, aunts & whole lot of other rather outspoken women in my family as well as two daughters of my own. :)

My sister-in-law is a former President of NOW (National Organization of Women)

There will always be some differing views... but I think I can form a fairly informed opinion from all I've been told by women. Let's face it Republicans are not well known for their support of women's rights.


Why is it pro choice people know not how to finish a sentence. They are not pro choice for me to do with my body what is against my will when it comes to seat belts an helmets or life jackets. The are only pro choice for what I can do with my body if its killing my children so why cant they at least say pro abortion or pro choice to have an abortion, they make it sound so fuzzy and warm … pro choice… like its not really a monstrous act, killing your kids.

The day the idiots start fighting for my right not to wear a seat belt or helmet or life jacket is the day I will start listening to the idiots about me having a right to kill my children. Though I highly doubt I will agree with the idiots.

PS John McCain does not believe in abortion, but he has said to many times he would not interfere with women who are having them. Thus making him as useless as tits on a boar. He is no threat to women’s rights to kill their offspring.
[CO]Well I have a wife, a mother, grandmothers, aunts & whole lot of other rather outspoken women in my family as well as two daughters of my own. :)

My sister-in-law is a former President of NOW (National Organization of Women)

There will always be some differing views... but I think I can form a fairly informed opinion from all I've been told by women. Let's face it Republicans are not well known for their support of women's rights.

Do you know what the largest women's political activist group is? It's Concerned Women for America, a conservative group with 500,000 members. You haven't heard of it, because the lib media establishment cites or interviews the much smaller NOW a thousand times for every time it does the CWA.

The notion that all women are part of the liberal-left is the oldest fairy tale of the liberal media.
Republicans are not well known for their support of women's rights.

Boy am I glad that I don't need the government to allow me to do what I want as a woman. I have what it takes all by myself, thanks anyway.

What right were you denied by Republicans?
Boy am I glad that I don't need the government to allow me to do what I want as a woman. I have what it takes all by myself, thanks anyway.

What right were you denied by Republicans?

He thinks republicans will stop women from being able to legally kill their offspring and they will be reduced to coat hangers and back alleys to do it.

I think that is considered a scare tactic, but then again I think the rule is, its only a scare tactic if its something said truth or not by a republican. I can’t always keep up with the political rules.
He thinks republicans will stop women from being able to legally kill their offspring and they will be reduced to coat hangers and back alleys to do it.

I think that is considered a scare tactic, but then again I think the rule is, its only a scare tactic if its something said truth or not by a republican. I can’t always keep up with the political rules.

Were you alive before Roe v Wade? It was a time of coat hangers, the Coca Cola douche, and some women drinking or doing just about anything to induce a miscarriage. Many died as a result.

It was the dark ages, a time the Republican party wants to take us back too. You don't want an abortion don't have one, but don't you dare attempt to tell one of my female loved ones what she can do with her own body. It's none of your business.
Were you alive before Roe v Wade? It was a time of coat hangers, the Coca Cola douche, and some women drinking or doing just about anything to induce a miscarriage. Many died as a result.

It was the dark ages, a time the Republican party wants to take us back too. You don't want an abortion don't have one, but don't you dare attempt to tell one of my female loved ones what she can do with her own body. It's none of your business.

I think your female loved ones should be able to do what they want with their own bodies too. I think your male loved ones should be able to also. But I don’t think your female loved ones or male loved ones have a right to hurt another person in the process.

SO...... help me stop these stupid rules forcing us to wear seat belts when no one but our own selves could ever be hurt by not doing it, help stop the dumb helmet laws and the life jacket laws. Help me stop the government from forcing all of us to do with our own bodies what is against our will.

But kids are so sweet and innocent, we probably should be forced to protect them!

If you are going to say McCain is going to take away baby killing rights. That is scare tactics. Not to mention silly, the man doesn’t want to do that UNFORTUNATLY!
Were you alive before Roe v Wade? It was a time of coat hangers, the Coca Cola douche, and some women drinking or doing just about anything to induce a miscarriage. Many died as a result.

It was the dark ages, a time the Republican party wants to take us back too. You don't want an abortion don't have one, but don't you dare attempt to tell one of my female loved ones what she can do with her own body. It's none of your business.

The "coat hanger" thing is a myth, but if people get harmed breaking the law - that's obviously on them. And imagine the transcendental chutzpah of supporters of the Abortion Holocaust talking about "the dark ages".........
The "coat hanger" thing is a myth, but if people get harmed breaking the law - that's obviously on them. And imagine the transcendental chutzpah of supporters of the Abortion Holocaust talking about "the dark ages".........

BS, where did that "myth" crap come from some anti abortion site?

Here is a physician recalling the days before Roe v Wade:

Here The familiar symbol of illegal abortion is the infamous “coat hanger” — which may be the symbol, but is in no way a myth. In my years in New York, several women arrived with a hanger still in place. Whoever put it in — perhaps the patient herself — found it trapped in the cervix and could not remove it.

We did not have ultrasound, CT scans or any of the now accepted radiology techniques. The woman was placed under anesthesia, and as we removed the metal piece we held our breath, because we could not tell whether the hanger had gone through the uterus into the abdominal cavity. Fortunately, in the cases I saw, it had not.

However, not simply coat hangers were used.

Almost any implement you can imagine had been and was used to start an abortion — darning needles, crochet hooks, cut-glass salt shakers, soda bottles, sometimes intact, sometimes with the top broken off.

Another method that I did not encounter, but heard about from colleagues in other hospitals, was a soap solution forced through the cervical canal with a syringe. This could cause almost immediate death if a bubble in the solution entered a blood vessel and was transported to the heart.

The worst case I saw, and one I hope no one else will ever have to face, was that of a nurse who was admitted with what looked like a partly delivered umbilical cord. Yet as soon as we examined her, we realized that what we thought was the cord was in fact part of her intestine, which had been hooked and torn by whatever implement had been used in the abortion. It took six hours of surgery to remove the infected uterus and ovaries and repair the part of the bowel that was still functional.

Those that would oppose a woman's right to choose care more about an embryo than the living breathing woman herself. They look at women as nothing more than vessels carrying a political issue.

BS, where did that "myth" crap come from some anti abortion site?

Here is a physician recalling the days before Roe v Wade:

Those that would oppose a woman's right to choose care more about an embryo than the living breathing woman herself. They look at women as nothing more than vessels carrying a political issue.


"Several" women, eh? There's probably "several" women who killed themselves eating cherry pie.

Any woman who is stupid enough to stick a coat hanger in herself is usefully removed from the gene pool. :D
After reading the thread responses, I'm still kind of wondering what Hillary supporters supporting McCain has to do with abortion. Oh well, I guess my acreen name explains my lack of understanding.

Maybe living in Mississippi for over thirty years has given me a skewed perspective. As far as I'm concerned, the big issue in the campaign is the one all the talking heads avoid talking seriously about, race. Obama has as much chance of winning the election as a Sunni arab had of winning the presidency of post-Saddam Iraq.

I've been convinced for some time that in a democracy (ok, democratic republic), we get the leaders we deserve. If I'm right, that really should put the fear of God in us.
After reading the thread responses, I'm still kind of wondering what Hillary supporters supporting McCain has to do with abortion. Oh well, I guess my acreen name explains my lack of understanding.

Maybe living in Mississippi for over thirty years has given me a skewed perspective. As far as I'm concerned, the big issue in the campaign is the one all the talking heads avoid talking seriously about, race. Obama has as much chance of winning the election as a Sunni arab had of winning the presidency of post-Saddam Iraq.

I've been convinced for some time that in a democracy (ok, democratic republic), we get the leaders we deserve. If I'm right, that really should put the fear of God in us.

The first question the Hillary supporters who turned to McCain are being asked is “Aren’t you afraid Row vs. Wade will be over turned when McCain appoints conservative judges?”

That I guess is the connection.

I think most Hillary supporters are smart enough to see that McCain is about as conservative as Hillary herself so its a non issue, but its something people will try to dangle over the Hillary supporters heads trying to scare them out of supporting McCain.

I personally think they should just write in Hillary Rodham Clinton on their ballot. That would send a stronger message and you would know exactly how many of them there are. Where if they voted McCain you would not be sure how many of them were actually Hillary supporters.